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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. I want a nickel from her for every time she says “like” so I can buy something incredibly expensive. However, if she starts doing the vocal fry thing, I’m out. sorry/not sorry
  2. I’ll agree that she is desperate to keep this show, the lynchpin of her empire…it improves her BL, directly or indirectly. Except for controlling her parents and Buddy, if she’s successful in raking in the $$$ by keeping the show she can pay for the storybook relationship, attraction by young, handsome and or normal guys, validation of health and ability to control the greedy of the barnacles.
  3. Absolutely! Much like the Command Strips segment, this show is a soap opera style infomercial for Whitney’s business, her barnacles’ boosts on social media, the radio station she interned for, Annette’s Fat Girl Travel group and any other business who wants some advertising in exchange for a small storyline on her show. In the real world, obesity weakens your immune system. If she wanted to reduce her risk of severe complications from a COVID infection, she’d lose some weight and preach THAT, “BITCH!” instead of ditching her mask and social distancing protocols because she’s vaxxed.
  4. I lived in France, briefly. Immersion was part of the deal. There are many different accents and customs, depending on what region one is from. Much like the US, hearing a native Speaker from the tri-state area with an “Atlantic” American accent and a native speaker from Louisiana with a “Cajun” accent sounds quite different~but they are both speaking American English. Whitney’s French is appalling. Cat or Cats, in French is pronounced Shat. Not ShatS. Singular and Plural are one of the very first things you learn because it’s totally different than English. That being said, the whole “tutor” from an online language course as a potential love interest is obviously a mere plot written into the show for the fans & haters to go on about. It’s weak, there are Whitney-sized holes in it already, but my expectations from the writers of this drivel weren’t especially high to begin with. She’s had a love-interest story line since this shit show started; if not Chase or Avi or Lenny or the guy at the radio station she worked at, there’s always Buddy. Yawn.
  5. YES!!!! If John Travolta can embrace it, so can Kody!!!
  6. I’ll second that and also ask, why wouldn’t a responsible gun owner check to make sure it was loaded? And why would one creep downstairs with an ostensibly loaded gun TOWARDS the threat? I’d have retreated, with my firearm, extra ammo and a cell phone, into the nearest closet and dialed 911. But that’s just me. I grew up with a loaded shotgun propped behind the front door of the house, so it doesn’t squick me to have a loaded firearm in the house. I actually prefer it.
  7. I’m so glad Bishop left for the incredibly petty reason that her eyebrows are so black paired with her bleach blonde hair, it was hard to suspend my disbelief that she was indeed an intelligent, observant NCIS agent. I wouldn’t be able to spend 5 minutes within 50 yards of her without taking it upon myself to, albeit gently, suggest she either lighten those caterpillars or darken her hair because she sticks out like an infected sore thumb. Obviously, Gibbs had a secret way out of the basement. I like enoughcats’s rundown of the technicalities.
  8. This show has turned into a nauseating soap opera of wokeness. If anybody out there isn’t aware that there are serious flaws in our healthcare systems, please raise your hand. So let’s have some traumatized white self appointed savior run amuck in the hospital every week on a tear about everything wrong in America that he’s going to fix all by himself with radical mandates that make no sense. In the real world I’m pretty sure he’d be on Administrative leave already, pending a full psych work up for returning to work.
  9. I’m going to guess it’s because he’s got some fetish that has absolutely NOTHING to do with what mainstream society and media considers to be attractive and Janelle fits that fetish to a T, but Christine doesn’t. I myself am not attracted to what mainstream society and the media holds out as “attractive”, but I don’t care so it’s no secret fetish for me. I’ve heard tell of folk who keep up a dominant outward business/social persona that can’t be satisfied behind closed doors unless they take on a submissive role which they fiercely guard as private, lest they be seen outside the bedroom as weak or whatever. Also, I’ve heard tell of folk who profess to believe in a religion that requires marriage to more than one spouse...even if it is illegal. Strange, innit? LOL
  10. Think I could apply for a grant to study the effects of folk selling their soul and the souls of their family members to Reality TV? I could use the Browns as a case study-document the ongoing ridiculousness of each adult as well as the constant shit shows they force onto their offspring, who have no say in being participado, from the early days to the present. I could sell a documentary...pitch for interviews with long term reality show participants from Honey Boo Boo to Twitney Thore... What am I saying I don’t have the time for that shit.
  11. My bad, sorry, I should have said munching on sketti!!!
  12. My ex husband is 6’7”-I met him when we were 17 and his sisters told me that until he got through junior high school he was short and pudgy. I didn’t believe it until they showed me pictures!!! Fast forward to me having his kids-a boy and a girl and BOTH of them started getting pudgy in junior high...I got them into sports, cross country, basketball, that sort of thing and then when they hit high school age they sprouted. Our son is 6’5” and daughter is 6’. They have never had weight problems. Alana’s situation, I honestly believe it’s not just environmental, but genetic as well. As much as they over-did the Sugar Bear trying to warn Alana about the dangers of diabetes~it would have been an easy dovetail into the reality that for a lot of people, simply losing weight eliminates their diabetes. But no, let’s let that elephant just sit over there in the corner of the room, on an oversized bean-bag chair, munching on peanuts.
  13. The Lenape have a complex and interesting history. Of course, the show wouldn’t include that into the narrative...because skimming an issue apparently gets them virtue signaling credits. There actually is a program offered at three universities: https://www.ihs.gov/dhps/dhpsgrants/indiansmedicineprogram/ Here in California, several tribes have made significant financial strides for the betterment of their members. Their revenue from gaming has been distributed to the tribe as well as reinvested in other business ventures. For example, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians just purchased the Palms casino in Las Vegas for 650$ million cash. They also distribute profits to each member of the tribe. Estimates range between $25,000 - $40,000 per month, per member, so medical school would be well within their financial capability, without having any special program offered for financial assistance. Granted, not every tribe is blessed with federal recognition and/or gaming revenue so the let’s paint-everyone-with-the-same-brush technique of writing on this show is tiresome. Speaking of which...Saffy should get to choose what is right for her body just as any transgender person or pregnant female of her age would get to choose for their body. Depending on the procedure, parental consent is no longer required for those under the age of 18. For some reason, psychiatric consult is required for some, but not all. States having different statutes regarding the issues just cloud it, but this show isn’t going to delve into nuances.
  14. Alana has absolutely NO excuse for continuing with her eating habit other than being downright lazy about it. LOOK at your family, Alana-ok maybe nor Suga Bear, but look at the women in your family...and while you are at it, look in the mirror at something other than your makeup. That Big Fat Fabulous Life gig has already been spoken for.
  15. It always struck me as creepy-father/daughter date night or dances. I never saw mother/son date night or dances, but that would be just as creepy. Like purity-ring creepy... “...A common tradition is for a parent to buy a purity ring for a child. This exchange typically takes place in adolescence. In many cases, the parent of the opposite sex presents the ring to the child. The father gives his daughter a purity ring, or the mother gives her son a purity ring, for example...” https://mountzjewelers.com/blogs/mountz-jewelers/the-history-and-meaning-behind-the-purity-ring just ewwww.
  16. Tread lightly, right? I think because of this episode’s theme, there might be a little leeway. One can hope. A long time ago I spoke with therapists and counselors about my then-husband’s addiction issues and one of them said something that has stuck with me ever since. The most dangerous place to be is inflexible-the teetotaler is in the same mindset as the full blown alcoholic that refuses to put it down. Claire’s inflexibility might bite her in the ass later on...but Asher’s flexibility will serve him well, even if he voted for an unpopular and widely hated candidate in a Presidential election. Back in 2016 there were at least a handful of feminists that strongly opposed Hillary’s bid~her support of her husband and vilification of the women he abused made her a vile human being, according to them. Voting for Trump was the lesser of two evils-like Asher, they completely ignored the fact that there were more than two candidates on the ballot.
  17. I agree with the other posters that the specific protest issue was intentionally vague. For all we know, the kids were caught in the crossfire of a police shooting. I think this is possibly the first show I’ve seen in a long time (maybe ever) that addresses the fact that Trump was voted into office in 2016 ( instead of everyone pretending nobody except for extremist cults in the South voted for him) so conversation can’t even be had about the inherent damage that a two-party adversarial system has on a presidential election. Instead of voting for the person running that is best suited for the job, how many people voted for Elderly Male White Rich Contestant #1 because they hated Elderly Male White Rich Contestant #2 more, or, like Asher, identified with one issue/position to the exclusion of considering any other candidate? Children, going to a political protest rally, is unfortunately a dangerous place to take them these days. It ain’t the 60’s with the worst thing you could think of was some hippie passing them a joint. Nut cases, itchy trigger finger folks with overblown egos and something to prove come from both sides of the aisle-civilian as well as those on the job.
  18. Bingo!!! She was clearly outshined by Symone. Not everyone who is critical of GottMik’s participation is transphobic or identifies as cis and I think it does a disservice to critiques of Gottmik’s performance to suggest that. There are folks who, regardless of orientation or sociological level of acceptance, will read Ru as trying to make amends for past trans-gressions by handing a crown to someone who, arguably, presented the same makeup and costuming on every runway. Portraying Paris Hilton for Snatch Game was no stretch either, the vocal fry and mannerisms are already the same in every talking head interview. Gottmik can’t dance, either. Exactly. If they all had to show up with just toiletries and pajamas and everything else had to be sourced from the sponsors trunk of treasures...well now THAT would make for an interesting season!!! Not likely, but one can hope!!!
  19. Gender revealing in 2021 is awkward if not outright perverse. It’s a crude throwback to the past when observable genitalia determined one’s gender. Gender expression is a CHOICE. Parents being validated with congratulations when they expose the result of their child’s biological genitalia...as if it means anything once that offspring matures and decides for itself what gender specific social construct they identify with is something I don’t think this show, with all of the progressive themes they put forward did a good job with. They are not having a little girl. They are having a biological female who may or may not identify with the socially accepted female construct.
  20. Robyn is a buffoon. She couldn’t organize a pair of shoes, much less orchestrate the plots folks assume she’s behind.
  21. This has to be THE episode that has convinced me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that people give these morons WAY more credit than they deserve. I’m talking about the adults on the show-the kids get a pass because these imbeciles raised them so it’s not really their fault. I used to think that anyone who just blindly believes without any logic or proof is merely going on the faith of their religion. Not these freaks. No logic, no evidence, no intelligence permeates every decision, choice or thought that breezes through their mostly empty heads...religion not having anything to do with it. They are vapid, unimaginative dimwits.
  22. My oldest flat out REFUSED to read until 2nd grade. Why? I was a stay at home Mom that catered to her every whim (read:spoiled) which included no less than 3 books a day with “the voices”. I had to put my foot down at 2nd grade/8 yrs. old. She’s been a voracious reader since then and an A student.
  23. Not me. I do not agree that Robyn is his favorite and he should abandon the rest of his wives..that would be like saying one of his children is his favorite and he should just abandon the rest. Monogamy isn’t going to fix what’s wrong with Kody and his relationships. Selling your soul and the souls of your wives and children to The Reality TV Gods has consequences. In their chosen religion the husband is the leader of the family. If he’s unhappy with his situation he is merely reaping what he has sown...he has lead his family down the path they are on. If he had been more attentive to Meri, she might not have ever found “Sam”, for example.
  24. I think the writers were trying to be ironic. At least I hope they were, because it read that way to me. They had Carisi, St. Olivia and the rest treating the white perps poorly and not caring at all if they could be held accountable later and at the same time being overtly sensitive to the plight of persons of color, stumbling over themselves with apologies and promises for results and change. The icing on the cake was that both sisters were hiding their relationships with white people from each other and family members.
  25. Indeed! And she deserved the docked points. I’m just wondering why the judges didn’t even mention that Antonia used the equipment as a steamer while Jet smashed garlic with it AND made spaetzle rice noodles. To me, that would have put him at an advantage when it came to judging equipment usage.
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