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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. I thought it was because Joan was investigating on her own, and asked Marcus for help. Sherlock had to stay out because he was a person of interest, but Joan was completely free to investigate, with Marcus helping on the sly. Also, they couldn't see the files of the other detectives, but they were pursuing other leads and so didn't necessarily need to include the other detectives, either. After the suggestion that this would have been better as a two part episode, I really wish they had. The episode felt rushed at the end. Other than that, I really appreciate that the show treats us like adults who can understand that life is not black and white. That we are capable of understanding that an addict like Oscar is not going to go to rehab. And as simplistic as "Drugs are bad, mmmkay?" can sound, I'm grateful that it shows how long lasting and devastating the effects can be. Finally, kudos to JLM. I really am enjoying his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes.
  2. I think that was Frank. When he came back, he was much more mature and made a pretty incredible Soviet Propaganda poster make-up. But he was pretty embarrassed by how he had behaved.
  3. Let's move this back around to things that are annoying about the Duggars, please. Thanks!
  4. I have to, sadly, agree with this. And it ties into Ahsoka for me. She was so effing annoying at first, but she got a chance to grow and mature and it was great to watch. But, she wasn't a cheeky urchin meant to bring the kiddies in, even if she was their demographic. I should be patient and see if Ezra has that chance, and when he and Kanaan were in the old abandoned temple there were some glimpses. But otherwise, some of the antics just come across as childish. And Ahsoka, while the hook for kids, was surrounded by adults--Jedi and Clones--who didn't find indulge in a lot of silly antics. But, seriously, the thin lightsaber blades bug. Every.single.time. And for all the uproar over that lightsaber in the trailer, one that fires is another thing that really, really bugs me. Stop messing with it! It's cool the way it is!
  5. I may have actually cheered at that while watching.
  6. YAAAAY! Ahsoka! Now I can't wait to watch this episode! Morrigan2575, it may not be the best thing ever, but I found the Clone Wars highly enjoyable.
  7. Sorry, riley, it went right over my head. *sheepish* I get it now.
  8. Ok, folks, let's steer this back to the Duggars and mentions of them in the media. Thanks!
  9. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. When I saw this the other day, I thought of Mechelle.
  10. It's getting double rewards because you get them when you buy and then you get them when you pay your bill. Hubby travels a lot, racks up hotel points. He also has a credit card where he can earn hotel points, but he only earns them when he pays the bill. So, this new card, you're earning them twice because it's at purchase time and then again at bill paying time. So it makes more sense to pay it off more. The annual fee is probably exorbitant, though. And clearly the commercial did not get the message across very well, either.
  11. (((HUGS)))wanderwoman. You're a person who's dealing with a lot of emotions, and you're allowed to have joy and grief together. We are amazing beings and we feel lots of different, confusing things, and that just means you're human. There is one thing, though, it's never a failure. EVER. You're a mother who loves her daughter and she knows it. You're both learning the nursing thing, it's never a failure. It's learning. Also, thank goodness for formula, which has allowed so many babies to thrive. The outcome is a happy, healthy baby, and a happy, healthy mom and dad. We have plenty of options, we are not limited to only one choice. You're a great mom and Maisie knows it and feels it. And you're allowed to feel grief for your boy and love and be thankful for Maisie.
  12. Folks, there is a topic to talk about religion, and how it compares to what the Duggars practice. You can always post a simple, "Taking to the Religion thread". Thanks!
  13. Tarkin really upped the game, so I'm intrigued to see where this goes. The narrow lightsabers still irk me.
  14. I figured the wearer applies a barrier film to their lips first--wax or something--and then applies the dosed lipstick.
  15. Sherlock needs to investigate why Aidan's Quinn's hair keeps changing color. I loved that last episode, there was a hint that Sherlock wasn't sure that this was the best for Watson. And what Watson was saying was a bit out of character for her. Given what had happened, wasn't exactly out of left field, though. And it's addressed in this episode where Sherlock acts, quietly, in the background, to help Watson as much as she has helped him. And to see the two of them talking, albeit interrupted, about it was lovely. I love these two and how well they understand and "get" each other. And even the mystery was interesting, if a little creepy. Well, a lot creepy.
  16. Thank you, wanderwoman, for stopping in and giving us updates. You and your family are in my thoughts often. So glad to hear that she is in the care of such an amazing group of doctors and nurses. Such amazing progress!
  17. My husbands 92 year old grandmother had a pacemaker put in and was up and walking in two days. The worst was the allergic reaction to the antibiotic she was given rather than recovering from the actual surgery. So, surprisingly fast if there are no complications.
  18. Folks, let's get this back on the topic of the Duggars in the Media. Any further discussion of the family can be brought to the appropriate topic be it Jana or Annoying Duggars etc, Thanks!
  19. I don't think Mr. Toast even measured because at this point it doesn't matter. It took him 3 hours to clear the two roofs that were getting ice dams and today 3 hours to clear the driveway and plow pile because both tires on the snow blower are flat and fix a flat isn't work. And replacement tires (as he discovered this morning he should order the even if they would take a while to arrive) are $300 for both. Whaaaa?!! The kids still have February vacation, but I think they're looking at the April one as a chance to make up some snow days. There is definitely talk. But maybe Governor Baker will be able to get approval for less than 180 days for school? Either way, it's definitely been a memorable winter. Yeesh.
  20. Aww, great, great news! Virtual hugs to all of you!
  21. Luckily my mom was able to take two extra days and fly in yesterday instead of Sunday when we're supposed to get another effing blizzard. Mr. Toast is on the roof trying to get some snow off before the next round. It was going well since we had the house insulated but the two uninsulated areas had quite the pile. But, we've got food, movies and we don't have to go anywhere so it shouldn't be so bad. I hope it's clear enough for the kids to go to school on Monday.
  22. I was wondering the same thing and I remembered in snowed in the Northeast before Thanksgiving and am thinking it may have been filmed then. I was glad it was mentioned, and part of me wishes it was addressed more thoroughly. I'm hoping their relationship just needed time to adjust and give Marcus some time to process. Marcus has been a part of Sherlock trying to be a good and supportive friend to not only Watson, but also Kitty. I would say that even Sherlock is even handling himself better around Captain Gregson. Time heals and I like to think while the rapprochement was a little slow, but it never seemed like Marcus was against it. He just needed time. And if it gives me the scene where Sherlock isn't sure of doing a fist bump, I'm happy.
  23. Regina did not want to incorporate robotics even though the sound clearly dictated that. As much as Adam should have given her more leeway, I can understand why he'd push for something to represent the sound in order to fulfill the requirements of the challenge. Also, it should be noted that last season when the contestants mentioned that they hadn't done beauty make-ups (for the fairy challenge), the one that embraced it as a chance to do and learn something new won. There was another contestant a season or two back who announced at every talking head during a robot challenge that he doesn't do robots. That was Darrin, I think, and he lost. Regina was stuck in the mindset of, "Can't do fabrication, can't do robots" and failed to seize the challenge as a chance to expand as an artist. As sorry as I was to see her go,she did not really do what she needed to.
  24. I voted God I hope not. Because it is not fun anymore. Well, if I didn't have to work it might be fun other than the kids not ever getting out of school.
  25. Folks,let's pease keep this mostly to the topic, the shows, and not one particularly flipper. Also, please be careful of casual slut shaming language. Thanks, now onto tearing down some walls!
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