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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Yes, he must have spent a ton of time in that wild west gym. Every town had one...right between the saloon and general store.
  2. Is this the first season Ve's been giving them the "keep tryin' / have a nice life / c ya" speech? It's really kind of lame and feels like she should be passing out a Participation Ribbon to the loser on the way out the door.
  3. I'm more worried about MeTV being like TV Land and moving away from classic shows. They've already gone outside their core era with shows like Saved by the Bell and Matlock. Now they're replacing Quincy ME with Diagnosis Murder.
  4. According to the Exposition Twins, Alexis landed on top of Dex which broke her fall but killed him. I was upset Dominique was excluded from the reunion. Her plots to the end were already watered down, they could have at least brought her back for the reunion and given her back some of the fire she had in the beginning. On one hand I'd love to see a Dynasty revival but on the other given how bad, clueless and disrespectful as the Dallas reboot was...pass.
  5. It was very off putting to hear them go on about gluttony and decadence in order to raise money for hunger. It felt like a party Marie Antoinette would love...except she was a chick so the cavebros really wouldn't dig her being there. Was Neil Fraiser even at the dinner? It was weird having him introduce the challenge then be a non-entity. Yes, Chris, we know you walked 30 miles each way barefoot through the snow for your Quickfires. Why don't you and Blaise go in a corner and remind each other you've been through what the Cheftestants are going through. We already know....and don't care anymore. Probably the worst guest at the dinner was the guy who hosts that horrible Deception show. I couldn't even watch a full episode of that piece of shit, in no small part because of the host...and then I have to see his face on TC and be reminded of that crapfest.
  6. Good grief. Jennifer's time travelling too?
  7. Why is Vandal Savage hanging out with Dr. Evil? Is there a Mini Van we're going to be subjected to?
  8. True, but he had those things going and still did Worst Cooks and Academy. That's why I mentioned potentially phasing him out (as opposed to dropping him) Being a component on a competition (either as a participant or a judge) seems to hold more cache with the FN execs these days. I don't know that anything is going on, but it is interesting that last year he was in virtually everything and no he seems to be pulling back. I'll be curious to see if he's in the season's Food Network Star.
  9. This show is coming back, but Flay and Symon are out and Andrew Zimmern and Robert Irvine are in. Robert Irvine didn't bug me near as much as some until recently. The whole wannabe counselor/life coach schtik makes him intolerable. This buffoon really think he's qualified to tell people how to run their life. Don't know much about Zimmern, other that he's the latest in the line TV food personalities FN has poached. After bowing out Worst Cooks last year, now Bobby is out of this show. I wonder if he's reducing his workload because of his personal issues or if FN is try to phase him out. They seem to be doubling down on Guy (now we have to endure him hanging out with his son) and I'm wondering if this isn't a byproduct of the regime change at FN.
  10. OK, a) neither 'veteran' nor 'former Big Brother contestant' are an occupation b) what the hell is a 'cream entrepreneur'?
  11. So the Council is supposed to be part the ancient group that lead to Hydra, right? The symbol they showed outside the council room (and on the pins) looked like the a variation of the NASA ram symbol. tedious. I can't keep ll the comic plots straight, but I thought the Zero Matter acted more the gravitronium from AoS than the monolith. And on last season, Ray Wise's character was working with some sort of gravity matter too. The Thompson / New York plot is painfully dull. I''m also finding this unresolved tension schtick between Peggy and Sousa tedious. Otherwise, great show.
  12. Yeah, Wally's a total prick. And if he hates Joe so much, why did he show up for Christmas? I assumed everyone had awkward but pleasant conversation, but apparently he just sat around and glowered at everyone. And if he blames Joe for not finding him (even though he didn't even know he existed) what the bug up his butt about Iris? You can't have a conversation with your sister that was lied to same as you? I didn't understand why the Turtle had to be someone Cisco was aware of. He tells Barry add 5 seconds later the White Whale turns into a confirmed threat. Lame, even for a comic book show. Bye, Patty. I hope Professor Obvious teaches you a few things in advanced forensics...like how to recognize the guy you're sleeping with when he literally pressed up against you. The most interesting part of the episode was Cisco's scream in the previews. I hope its not the most interesting part of that episode too.
  13. I think it comes in second behind Jay Garrick.
  14. With Beast Mode Cowboy? Are you kidding? This is going to be the most epic season EVER! Bether stock up on your Red Lobster cheddar biscuit ix, pickles and bananas to munch on during each week's gripping episode.
  15. My favorite part was Tyler mocking that one woman with some chicken move....when minutes earlier he was bobbing like a prize hen during the Family Food game. He's always had that distracting tick when hosting on the Food Truck show, but last night he was dong it just asking some a question. The lost Family Food question: "what's the difference between a pot and a kettle, Tyler?"
  16. Since they are travelling to different cities every few days, I assume it's done at the end. I'm sure the schedule is tight enough with Tom (and some of the crew) goign back and forth to wherever the LCK is staged and the city they're currently filming in.
  17. Poopsie Daisy? POOPSIE Daisy? I don't know whether to be amused at how cheap and tacky this commercial was produced or to cringe at the product this apparently 5th grade production crew was trying to sell.
  18. So Redemption II was on the other day. The stupid was strong in this one. I was never a huge fan of Klingon stories, especially the whole discommendation arc, but at the least the others had some emotional weight to them. But that's the least of this episode's problems. First we have the epic fail that was Sela fully introduced. I could live with the notion that there were some survivors from the Enterprise C but the whole 'a Romulan took a liking to her and kept her" trope? Such a lame trope. But not nearly as lame as the trope that the daughter looks exactly like her (only with pointy ears). If they were hellbent on bringing Denise Crosby back on a recurring basis (although I don't know why) they should have found some less hokey way of doing it. Then you have Guinan ragging on Picard for causing this mess because he sent Tasha back in time. I mean great Guinan, you have this super dooper temporal sense (although really? then why did you sense the alteration of Tasha surviving and having a child?) but you think that gives you the right to dog a guy for something an alternate version of himself did? She really could have delivered the info and held the 'tude. And the most monumentally stupid thing in this episode: Picard creating a blockade. In space. Because it's not like the Romulans could go around you. Or over you. Or under you. Apparently Picard hauled this awesome plan out of Khan's Guide to 2 Dimensional Battle Strategies.
  19. See, black leather = evil. They don't call 'em tropes for nuthin! So is Deathstorm a merger of Ronnie and Stein, a merger of Ronnie and someone else or just Ronnie?
  20. I''d say they wouldn't go back to any pre-All Star seasons but Survivor surprised me by pulling in the likes of Gervase and Kelly. I just hope Kelly's bump on a log performance on Second Chances doesn't turn CBS off to bringing back people from earlier. The original All Stars was so bogged down with with season six that there should still be plenty to pull from even if they try to replicate Second Chances.
  21. I barely watch and then only if nothing else i on. Today was the mandatory new year's healthy food episode (Trisha and Damaris had them too). I caught the tail end of Jeff doing some kind of beet burgers that ended up looking like raw hamburgers. There was some annoying vegan woman on who had been on Cupcake Wards. She had vegan cookies can cream ice cream that had a secret ingredient: Kale. No wonder Katie was gushing over her.
  22. So I guess that's Earth-2 Firestorm? And he's evil (in alternate realities, beards and black leather always = evil).
  23. Thanks. Now I have "Miss Chrysanthemum Pageant" stuck in my head.
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