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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. This is a comic book show. Nothing is permanent. Even having your timeline wiped out doesn't stop someone from popping up.
  2. If this were Z Nation, they'd totally have the Ohio Players playing over this scene.
  3. I'm so glad they waited until dark out to take them on. Really gives them the advantage, what with walkers relying so heavily on sight and all.
  4. Who the hell are these people? Odds are two of them are named Nikki and Paulo.
  5. I think he's going to get those mutherfuckin' walkers out his mutherfuckin' town.
  6. Don't tell Carol you were helping him Denise.....she'll bust a cap in your ass too.
  7. How did it go to pitch dark and they're walking through town? I get that they're walking slow and all, but seriously? In the time it takes to go from broad daylight to night you can't get to the wall? How big is this town? Again, I need a park map. Who's dream was that? They didn't seriously kill three people--a whole family--90 seconds, right?
  8. Is the Wolf outside the church Glenn is in? And is that where FPP is heading? I need a map. With cute names for each area. Like the parking lots at Disneyland. But then I guess the areas containing about 90% of the cast would be labeled Dopey.
  9. These guys sound like rejects from the comedy club on route 9.
  10. Douche Bro-die first. Then Team Flood the Earth.
  11. Yes, it looks like there are several that are saying Trajectory. But it looks like Trajectory doesn't wear a mask (but Jesse Quick does). Weird. Exactly how many damn Speedsters are there in the DC universe? I think the only one with more counterparts is Green Lantern.
  12. After some googling, I think it's Jesse Quick.
  13. Geomancer makes int into Star Labs. Quelle surprise. Diggle! And Lyla! Without Arrow! That should be interesting. Who's the woman in the red mask? Thea? Has the time vault been stocked with MREs? Did Team Flash convert it a shelter in preparation for the next disaster they cause? So Barry's locked in the pipeline and presumably another speedsters is ruining his good name. Since Flash cosplay doesn't seem Zoom's style, I'm going to guess this is where Zolomon comes into play. Why do they keep showing King Shark in these promos? I thought he was supposed to be a one-off sight gag. Is he going to be revealed to be who Oliver was mourning for at that grave? Is he going to be unmasked as Zoom?
  14. I love the first third of "Brothers" where Data plays the crew like a fiddle and takes control of the ship. The other two thirds aren't bad, they just don't match with the beginning tonally. The real problem in the episode is the sick kid plot. Not only is it unnecessary (I think having one of your own crew members lock you out of your own ship and hijack it to parts unknown creates enough tension to get control back) but it's just such a heavy-handed analogy to the main plot. As for Soong, it was established a couple of times he was an arrogant prick, so yeah. His ancestor (as portrayed on Enterprise) was a bastard and created enhanced humans that tried to take over the world, so Soong was an....upgrade, I guess?
  15. The show started two weeks later than planned. I assume they're having to play catch up to complete the season before AoS returns in March.
  16. Could be Papa Snart. Or even Lisa. So Harry knows Caitlin is a supervillian on the other side and doesn't bother to give Barry a heads up? I get not mentioning Ronnie since he never met him, but he's be working with not!Killer Frost for months. I think the names on the phone were a
  17. If they're going to keep doing alternate universe stories, they're going to have to open up the multiverse because they've killed off most of the dopplegangers. I was disappointed we got nothing of Alt-Stein. They couldn't have VG pop over for an hour or so? Or least give him a long lunch to record a voice over? I actually felt sorry (and second-hand embarrassment) for Jay. I'm not quite sure why they're making him so pathetic. So Henry's been out of sight out of mind for weeks and he gets name checked right before Barry goes to E2. Yep, he's totally not Zoom.
  18. I vote Katie and GZ. This show has been on the air for two years. I think it's time to mix up the hosts a little.
  19. It's just a good thing they couldn't see Will's face during that bit...otherwise they never would have been able to finish it.
  20. As this is both a comic book and time travel show, I realize I have to suspend a lot of disbelief and have lowered expectations of plot sense. There are some things that are just so dumb--not matter what universe--that they annoy. Like for example, Rip not being able to kill Savage before he became immortal. He's from 4,000 years in the future. He could do anything from the mundane like a remote detonated bomb or poison in his water to some futuristic like vaporizing him with an energy weapon or injecting him with nanotechonology to kill him from the inside. I'm sure there's some fancy self-targeting sniper rifle from 2130 he could use to take him our from afar. Of he insisted on killing him up close he could of, you know, pulled out a gun and caped his ass. All I could think of was the scene from Austin Powers where Seth Greene is telling Dr. Evil to stop doing the Rube Goldberg death schtick and just shoot Powers already.
  21. I'm sure shell have recurring nightmares about Oliver's newly developed Robin Hood cosplay fetish.
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