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Everything posted by Goldmoon

  1. Mark p was in an ep of northern exposure 5th or 6th season. He was so YOUNG it took me a while to figure out who I was looking at. He used a German accent and fixed Maurice's grandfather clock. Must have been 20 years old or younger.
  2. Even though it was a tad unrealistic I thought the show was FINALLY back on track last night! There has been too much stupid over the last three episodes. Adored cujo! I bet we never see him again though. 😔
  3. I would be less concerned that Lief would suffocate than he was openly wallowing while getting paid to work. Zoey should have fought back with David. If he had talked to his wife in the first place Zoey would not have had to say anything. She was crying for chrissake! As a fan of Everybody Hurts I am going to go against the grain here and say I was thrilled to hear it. After all your comments about overuse I REALLY want to hear Achy Breaky Heart now! 😁
  4. For "Kahhhhnnnn!" I genuinely laughed like a demented person. These stories are too disjointed. For those who care Constantine, both the live action and the animated series, are on the free CW Seed app.
  5. Gonzogirl: I have it and posted the only thing in the article. More wayward visits and the new look at the telescope. Per Dabb:"the fans come away from the finale feeling like they've had a full, complete and satisfying journey with these characters." Well see.
  6. I have never seen so much stupid in one of these plots. Harold ps character, whatever his name, was an idiot. Shoot the fool in the kneecap, take his phone, trace the signal. Boom! And trying so hard to save caleb was stupid. And why was everyone out there without shovels? I agree with dbolt that we should just be done with psycho redhead. Hate seeing the dept empower her.
  7. I was confused by the masculine pronoun for Mo. Is No a male or female? Is Mo supposed to be trans Eta: answer in next week's description.
  8. In addition to the news in the new tv guide that the waywards are returning dabb says "we'll finally get an explanation about the vintage telescope!" I know we were all clamoring to learn more about it. What is this guy smoking anyway?
  9. The new tv guide has an article on spn's last 9. Dabb is quoted as " lots more fan favorites, including Jody mills (Kim Rhodes) and her wayward sisterhood of hunters, pop up too". Oh, yay.
  10. Much better than the previous two, which sucked. I'm so annoyed that Mick gets so little to do. As predicted two years ago, I think bringing Constanine in was a big mistake. The creators are more concerned with keeping him - and Nate - on the screen than telling a coherent story with their cast of gold. Beth reusgraf looks so different I didn't recognize her!
  11. I agree quilt fairy. I've never been that invested in this show but aside from Lisa Kudrow last week's ep was great sendoff. Tonight's ep was an unnecessary epilogue.
  12. Wow. Boo was just about the worst episode ever, except that Tom Welling dragged so much of the rest of the season down. Once Upon a Time was EXCRUCIATING. I understand it gets better in S4. I'm just now watching the show for the first time at the end of 2019 S2 was awesome!
  13. I've only watched two eps so far. In it for IS, however this is a BORING show. Where's the humor? So far there is nothing but a sympathetic pal being patient zero. This is too dark to watch more than one ep at a time. Hope it gets better.
  14. Just saw a few episodes for the first time. Dylan is a pompous twit! This show is horrible. Dylan's insistence in bringing back a system that failed 300 years ago reminds me of the commitment to saving coal mines in a solar powered world.
  15. Never liked logan so I didn't mind the end. I am extremely relieved that Keith is ok. What I DON'T want is season five without Keith and Wallace. If KB is the only returning actor as RT had originally planned for season 4, I'm out.
  16. I think this season and last represents the show that Rob Thomas REALLY wanted to sell. He took the long way around to get here. This show was so original in the first two seasons!
  17. Furious about losing Zari and keeping Nate and Mona. Show! What are you thinking? I hope they redeem themselves next year. I will say I hated VS as much as anyone and was delighted with his scene. Kudos to TPTB for not including CC in the guest list at the beginning.
  18. Just an fyi, as a D & D veteran, I have to remind you that metallic-colored dragons are GOOD.
  19. In either case, showing that Mona has zero respect for her shipmates was foolish. Last season was made of awesome sauce. This season - not so much.
  20. Tad Cooper. Yes! Everyone got hit with the stupid stick this week. If Nate had steeped up and stayed steeped up during the fight Ray might not have given in. Better to break a hand that can be healed than to let a demon in. And Ray's deal did not cover anyone else the ship. Mona is an irritating immature entitled bitch. She did not display any loyalty or common sense at the q and a. Her ignorance allowed Mick to take over from Charlie, but Mona needs to have her ass handed to her. Preferably while she is being expelled from the series. I felt so bad for Gary. I have been in that place of feeling that no one cared about me and it makes it seem as though nothing matters. If no one else loves you, then you have to love yourself. I hope he survives the season.
  21. I can't stand the Genki Girl trope wherein the naive adorkable miss who talks too much is AWKward but everyone loves her. Felicia Day ruined the last 1.5 seasons of Eureka with her Genki schtick as Holly Martin, and the character of Nell on NCIS:LA made me stop watching at the beginning of season two just after she joined the show because I couldn't bear to see her overly-energetic know-it-all-ness on my screen. Mona is this trope toned down a bit, but still super-annoying. I love how almost all the comments on this thread say things like 'too much Mona.' Considering that the powers just added her as a main, it's unfortunate they didn't do a better job of vetting her. I am not worried about the Zari/Nate ship yet. They teased Mick and Amaya before they swerved. Zari is the woman who found Jonah Hex attractive, and Nate, well, he ain't no Jonah Hex! Since last year will likely be the last of LoT, I would like to see Mick have a heroic moment, even a whole episode devoted to him. I would like to see Mona die, and Jonah Hex make at least one more appearance. If we can manage to get Victor Garber to guest for an ep, I want a time jump to Martin Stein's later life, just before the Legends caught up with him. And are we done with Captain Cold? The powers have created a number of awesome characters. I will try to celebrate THAT instead of Moaning about Mona and the Hawks.
  22. I just have to weigh in here. I found this so boring it was excruciating! I never liked Mona and don't care about her story. She was far too cavalier about the Kope getting carried away with violence, like a dog-owner who can't keep the beast under control. (I adore dogs - people, though ...) I don't feel this season's writing has been on par with the last two seasons.
  23. I didn't really appreciate the 15 minute denouement. What is up with Lucy's head pain?
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