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Everything posted by Goldmoon

  1. Wow, SleepDeprived, I'm glad I don't have any friends like you in my real life. Adults make their own decisions. It is none of anyone's business who Oliver sleeps with. Since it is already a topic, I agree with posters who have said that Oliver was distracting her and getting laid was a byproduct. There is nothing wrong with sex as a sport. Isabelle certainly didn't mind. On a better topic, I can never not love David Nykl. Have loved him since Stargate Atlantis. I hope we see Anatoli again.
  2. Can someone tell me when you think Lance realized Arrow was Oliver?
  3. I have NEVER seen this show other than one or two episodes that feature Barry Allen because my sister has a thing for him. I watched the first two seasons of Flash and the two seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, so I am not unfamiliar with the Arrowverse. I decided to finally try to watch Arrow, because as much as I enjoy LoT, it is really quite silly. I popped in here to say that I love Paul Blackthorne, especially when he had hair on his head. I could tell in episode one or two that he was very fond of his drink, and the actor sold that dissolute alcoholic image without slurring his words or drinking anything and here we finally see his daughter dragging him away from a bar. So well done, PB. Always wondered about the Laurel hate, and I think now that although the writing for her was not stellar, a better actress might have made it work better.
  4. Yes, condensing the "pain" to a few days instead of seven-ish months.
  5. Res, you asked if we are all watching this year. I dropped the show like a hot spud at the beginning of S7 when Cas died. I deleted unwatched SPN from my DVR and just happened to catch the special that preceded season 10. By then I knew that Cas was back. As a Dean Girl, I hated every episode in season 11 except for "Baby," and thought that "Regarding Dean" was the only vaguely watchable episode in season 12. I used to binge-watch on DVD but since I have binge-watched several shows on Hulu and Netflix, I have decided to sit out S13. I will wait for it to show up as a whole season somewhere next year and watch the season over a few days. My hope is that this will cause less anxiety about the general tenor of the show and what they have done to our beloved characters. Coming to these forums is the best part of SPN, so I hope I can go all year without checking in. We will see. Try to enjoy what you get everybody. I think it will be a bumpy ride.
  6. Which one? Luke, Lorelai and Rory all took hits!
  7. AsYouWish, I will be back later with more details on my impressions, but I was a Luke/Lorelai shipper. It was mostly because of Luke. Two of the most romantic scenes in the series were the Waltz at the wedding and the Dolly-song at karaoke night. Both times, SP's expression said LOVE in caps. Lorelai was so selfish, though, I rather think she isn't good enough for him. Luke spent too much time acting like a doormat to please her. I hated Jess and didn't like Logan. Dean was so ready to nest when he was in high school that he and Rory weren't on the same page. Since I don't really like any of the three for Rory, I might have to go with the Wookie. Inconceivable! Of course, I do not think that word means what you think it means (/PB).
  8. I have just spent about four weeks watching GG for the first time. I watched AYITL while I was watching S4 so I will have to watch it again. I had never seen Logan or the LDB when I saw the mini-series. My UO today is that I really liked S7. It was much better than S6 if only because the new writers toned down Lorelai's Tourettes. I was surprised that Rory was portrayed as a loser in the end. She didn't take a job she could have had because she thought she would be one of the four winners of an internship at the NYT, and ten years later we know she wishes she would have married Logan but she let that ship sail. I thought Logan walked away at the end pretty easily, even if she didn't feel the time was right.
  9. I seem to recall I have read some disapproval for Logan "cheating" on Rory during their break in Season 6. I have watched that section now and I think it may be an UO that I completely agree with Logan. He was not with Rory, so what was she fussing about? They might have been more clear in their communication, but I don't think that fidelity is called for in "taking a break."
  10. Caught maybe three episodes during the first run but never watched GG. Just discovered on Netflix a couple of weeks ago and I am about on the tenth ep of season six. I went ahead and watched the reunion to make sure LL ended up together. The first season is adorable. I do have issues. Why does everyone put on LAYERS of clothing to go to bed? Seriously, LAYERS. I read that Dean goes "dark." I never saw dark. Is this supposed to refer to the cheating on his wife thing? Who on God's Green Earth thought TJ / TJ's actor would be a good addition to the show? Other than his privilege, I don't understand what Rory sees in Logan. When Gil showed up I said, "Man! That guy looks so much like Sebastian Bach!" The found out it WAS SB. Any word on what motivated him to join GG?
  11. I was wondering what the "meta" thing was in the finale. I didn't see anything that could be described as meta. Thoughts?
  12. This. Is hilarious. If Bobby is in the empty, I want him to be released when Dean and company break out. I want him alive again. Killing him off was one of the worst mistakes the show did. IMO, of course YMMV. If Mark becomes the Doctor, he will face the same problems that the characters on SPN have faced the last several years: Writing that spirals further and further down the toilet instead of maintaining a decent level of writing. I wanted to like PC's doctor, but the writing was atrocious. I finally stopped watching after TPTB changed the way Cybermen were created and gave the Master a sex-change. I will say, though, that I would watch Mark in anything. I wonder if Mary will borrow a cup of sugar from Lucifer?
  13. Just dropped in to say that I always felt that Dean / JA is a redhead. The reddish bits are mostly overshadowed by the darker brown strands, however in sunlight he looks like a ginger to me, especially with the freckles and red whiskers. I think the animators are going for ginger not blonde. The SD episode sounds like garbage to me, but YMMV.
  14. Didn't look like him to me. I was looking for exactly that.
  15. I have a box of mac and cheese, plus a bag of "Mac and Cheese" flavored popcorn from my local popcorn shop. Bring it on!
  16. Then they should have 30 seconds here and there which is what, one eighth of their shooting days by your formula? It is too important to remember the relationship that drew us to the show in the first place. And if, by your reckoning, it would take half a day to do a two minute riff like the one I described above, it would be well worth it!
  17. Rue said the above. I haven't seen this in season 12, other than the info that Dean had gone swimming sans suit in the hotel pool. Not enough casual interaction that makes me smile. I just watched Hibbing 911 from season 10. After the boys interrogated the sheriff and his deputy, Sam cautioned Dean to not get so protective of his fake FBI job. Dean said, "This badge means something!" completely seriously and Sam said, "I made it at Kinko's" Then Dean says, "you should be proud of that" while walking away. This is one of my favorite dialog exchanges ever. Did we need the info that the badges were made at Kinko's? Not really, but it was a 20 second piece of banter that highlighted the boys' camaraderie and was very funny, too, especially with the actors' delivery. THIS is what I want to see more of. Throwaway moments that bring me into the personal orbit of the character's sense of humor. The show is so angst-ridden that these little touches remind me why I started watching in the first place.
  18. If it shakes up something fundamental to the series, what is the one thing that is sacred? The two leads being brothers. Maybe Mary reveals one or both boys are adopted. It doesn't change how they feel about one another and the many years of history, but it could be a new source for angst. I wouldn't put anything past TPTB.
  19. I forgot to add, when I said that Eileen could text S&D earlier, that even if her equipment was being watched, could she not have picked up a burner phone and stopped at a public library to activate it, then sent text? The letter just seems unnecessarily old school.
  20. I typed the snippet (in full) about the "meta" comment and posted it in the media thread. It's from Entertainment Weekly, May 19th issue. The author of the paragraph says, "Like some of the best episodes before it, this one will get a little heady." What does she mean by "heady"? Is part of this in someone's head, or is she merely referring to Dean going into Mom's consciousness?
  21. From Entertainment Weekly, date May 19, 2017, page 54 with photo of Sam, Cas, and Dean from Dean's side with odd height difference, as in Dean and Sam are the same height: In the final two episodes of the season, aired back-to-back tonight, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) face off against two major foes: The British Men of Letters and Lucifer. But pure plot isn't the only draw. Like some of the best episodes before it, this one will get a little heady. "Finales, by definition, can't go too crazy," executive producer Andrew Dabb concedes. "But I will say this: It's by far the most meta finale we've ever done. There are some twists coming that we've never done before." - Samantha Highfill, EW "Heady?" As in ... IN someone's head?
  22. Why didn't Eileen text Sam? I know she is deaf but didn't she text the boys before? Why write a letter that could be delayed? oh yeah, so it could be delayed!
  23. I know. I wonder what he did to piss Dabb off, and whether Dabb simply imagined whatever slight to his ego that he perceived. And I wonder if it is causing a rift in real life between the Js. They seem to truly be close in real life, but surely they have noticed the lack of balance in the writing. I would hope that Jared would object to their duo turning into a solo act.
  24. Now I won't be able to watch or read Harry Potter without seeing Dean as a badass Hufflepuff! But for the rest of the paragraph - and great post by the way - Your assumption is that a person with a "core of his own ... won't let himself be unduly swayed." The problem that I see here is that anyone's "core" can be eroded under the right circumstances and if it is under siege for a long period of time. (I have been there and it's not pretty.) Dean must be feeling like he's talking to himself now since no one seems to value his opinion. Given enough of that coupled with the betrayals and the apparent lack of respect from those he holds dear, he could well be sliding down that rabbithole of depression. In many ways, no matter our "core" selves, we are the reflection of how others see and treat us. If he is not already thinking about giving up on Mary and Sam, and maybe Cas, he will be considering it soon, as in, "They don't give a fuck, so why exactly should I care? Screw them!" I wouldn't be happy to see Dean like that, but if the writers are actually paying attention to what they have been writing for Dean, that is a logical conclusion of his character arc.
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