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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Well, you know, when the female inmate you've been smashing with back at the inmate camp gets killed, there's just too many bad memories to stay in camp all day. So let's all traipse over to the fire station where's there's more women around.
  2. That was so patently absurd, it was worth a laugh. Investigators don't give up their info. At all. She's playing like she's Hercule Poirot in 'Arson in the Edgewood FD'. "How many people who live in Edgewood have Arizona plates?" Oh, maybe anyone who doesn't want to pay the California registration costs. Always a good idea to put a PTSD patient in a claustrophobic mask and leave him in the room by himself in a life threatening emergency. By the way, unless the bullets are chambered in a weapon, they're really not that dangerous. The powder explodes, forcing the bullet down the chamber and out of the weapon, wherever it's pointed. If there is no resistance, both the cartridge and the bullet travel in opposite directions to a (usually) short distance of ~3'. The noise is loud and scary, but you get over it. Unless the rifle is a semi-automatic style with a loaded magazine, only one bullet will cook off. Which brings the question of why this camping lodge has a cabinet full of loaded rifles within easy access of any guest.
  3. A word about the underlying story on cell service/911 calls. When a 911 call center fields an incoming call from a landline, the address or location is printed on the screen, assuming the municipality has what's called an enhanced 911 system (not universal). Easy enough. If a cell call is received, however, the data is provided by direction and distance from cell towers. I think it takes a minimum of three towers to get a good pinpoint. In an area the size of Alaska, you will need literally hundreds, if not thousands, of cell towers scattered around to get the same coverage as populated areas of the continental US. That's all well and good too, until you figure out how much it's going to cost to build and maintain that system. I'll wager that a good many people outside the metro areas of Alaska moved there specifically to get away from tech and taxes, under the theme of "I can take care of myself", so they're not going to support increases in their bills. So there you are.
  4. They're on open display with chains at the local hardware (Ace) store here. However, they're attached to the display shelf and don't have any gasoline in them.
  5. I was thinking along the lines of, streams flow to creeks, which flow to rivers, which flow to civilization, eventually. That said, it's quite possibly a long and dangerous hike to get there.
  6. As soon as I saw Carver exit that blood bank building carrying Chekov's Slammigan, I knew it was going to be pivotal in some part of the episode. Sure enough, the boys traded it off. Good deal. However, Gallo left the compartment door open after its retrieval. Wrong, wrong, wrong. 1000 point deduction! If the apparatus responded to a call and ripped the door off, management would not be happy. I was thinking the Chief's dad would be at the house when Mouch got there, and his first comment would be something like "That's great, except for the deck gun. Ours kept malfunctioning so we finally got permission to remove it." Mouch picks his face up off the ground... It would be cool if the story line did cross over, and PD found out that the guy actually had a specific target in mind, and spiked several containers to drag the attention off the one person he intended to kill. Maybe CFD actually assigns personnel the way the show does it, but, more likely, company officers don't get to boot someone off the apparatus simply because 'they don't fit in', even at Station 51, the busiest, most excellent house in Chicago. As Boden said, Cruz would have to hang paper on the guy for specific work performance failures. Otherwise the union would get involved. Obviously, the idiot needs some serious attitude adjustment, and that falls to Cruz and, if necessary, Boden. So, TPTB said to themselves, "Oh shit, Taylor Kinney is leaving. What'll we do? I know, let's bring back Casey!"
  7. Considering that FBI International is bouncing all through Europe and running roughshod over national sovereignty, I'll give the TV-CIA a pass.
  8. Speaking of dimwits, did no one on the investigation into the Judge's death think about the possibility of sexual activity, and look for DNA? And Ms. Dockery, upon finding a suspect necklace in the drawer, doesn't just run out the door, but goes to the office to confirm the necklace in her files, and gets dressed at the same time. Herbie did say the glow was caused by interaction with human remains, so I guess Vesco's cat is still at large. Best line of the night: (Wujing) "Reddington is working with a top secret FBI task force...."
  9. Someone didn't do their clearance research, perhaps. It happens, though. George Clooney made a movie called 'Up In The Air', in which he played a character named Ryan Bingham, which happened to be the name of an up and coming country music singer.
  10. There was a show on PBS here for awhile, a British import called New Tricks. It concerned a group of retired detectives hired back to work on cold cases. Not only did they look their ages, rumpled and ordinary, but they acted like the grouchy old farts they were. It was great.
  11. I wonder if the producers are considering that the series may get cancelled and they're writing in exit strategies for the main cast.
  12. It was the western style saddle that gave her away, heh. Wrong style for dressage.
  13. That would be really interesting, especially since the nerves are still raw in some parts of Spain, even after all this time.
  14. 9 hours ago I love evil sister hiring a criminal and expecting him to not kill people including her sister. And she probably didn't even stop to think that he would kill her too as soon as he had the crypto code parts together.
  15. Is KIllian really that obtuse? Don't answer that.
  16. I was on team Reddington/Vesco all the way, although the clues seemed to come very simply. I guess that's the penalty you pay for a one hour drama. That third sister was a piece of work, eh? One question, though. Vesco took only 1/3. Did he give the innocent sister ~17%, or did he convince Reddington to take 1/3 so the splits would be equal? Poor Cooper. His home security is as bad as Ressler perimeter security.
  17. Reminded me of an old commercial for the Palm Pilot PDA (I think) which involved a contestant in a game show that was cheating with the PDA, and came up against the question "Which US President resigned?" He was holding the PDA upside down and answered "NOXIN". And yes, the Mud Hens (Toledo) are a real team. Somehow, minor leagues have it all over the majors when it comes to humor. The Albuquerque Isotopes, Missoula Paddleheads, Amarillo Sod Poodles, Rocket City Trash Pandas... I got a kick out of Lexi's dad getting outed on the remote. And then he got fired.
  18. Franklin acting on angry impulse there was the absolute worst thing he could do. He has to know that Teddy is capable of anything, and has the resources to get it done.
  19. Eileen is shocked, SHOCKED!, that the police paraded Toby in front of the media in jailhouse orange. Apparently she didn't watch much TV in her time in the lower 48. It looks like the show is painting the public defender as incompetent, because a real PD would be working overtime to get that confession recanted/disallowed, and the plea reversed, based on the situation. Key words for anyone who's ever taken in for questioning: "I want to speak to an attorney." The paper is also upset that Conrad is attempting to have the Senator change legislation that would favor mining interests. Has no one been paying attention to how legislation is created in the US? How is that a surprise? That's what lobbyists do.
  20. The show has always leaned toward (if not falling forward and landing on its face) character exposition and tie ins to the other shows, rather than logical plotlines. As others have pointed out, the move probably has more to do with getting the 4 Sixes ranch series up and running than actual working cow/calf operations. Maybe they're betting that Yellowstone is going to crater and this is the backup plan.
  21. Vesco's back! Will the dogs follow? Oh, and add one more crook who knows all about the Task Force now.
  22. How is it that Sharon was on a hospital bed last week but chomping at the bit this week? The rest of the plots weren't any better. Cut that line, boys! You have to save that gigantic rock face from the wildland fire. And once again, too much talking, not to mention trash talking, and not enough work. Manny is the worst crew captain. Take your crew away from the jackwagon Crew Supe. There's plenty to be done elsewhere. And walking away from the fire is approved. There's a long list of fatalities in the wildland fire service as a direct result of doing otherwise. By the way, Sharon, if Prevention/Investigation is looking into arson fires, you don't get a say on where they look. And they don't have to tell you, and really shouldn't, anything at all about the investigation. Yes, I know; makes for a good lead in to the punch at the end. Vince goes all Gary Cooper, or maybe it was Jack Pearson, in the SHU, because a Leone can talk his way past gangland killers and have them patting each other's shoulders on the way out.
  23. The first part of the season ended with "Concerned Citizen" taking her hostage in the newsroom, so I'm pretty sure there was nothing in between that one and this one.
  24. I'm not so sure. Daphne is smart enough to recognize it, and piece together where it came from. The horse scam was mildly interesting, but the writers aren't giving the actors good enough lines to sell the scam. They seem really clunky and anyone with a brain would notice that. From what I could figure out, the rich lady put her money into to Nicoletti's account, and smarmy conman did the same, thereby losing all of it, but she got hers back. Didn't he realize it wasn't going into his account? I didn't follow it that well. Too bad the horse didn't win and take the track to the bank for all the betting.
  25. She could always go for the 'truth is stranger than fiction' move: "Mom, I work for the CIA". "Don't lie to me. You've been working all this time as a lingerie model, haven't you?" Case closed.
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