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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I just couldn't watch Sandy's appeal to the Albanian guy without groaning in laughter. "Yes, I set you up to be robbed. Yes, you almost got killed. But I still love you. (Bats her eyes). We could go off to somewhere nice and live honestly, mmmm? You believe me, don't you?" (Albanian guy) "You're a dead woman."
  2. I didn't even think about that. The show doesn't often give references to the time period.
  3. But he needed the bullet to signal Bernadette and the Sheriff. I would have walked to the top of that hill and then yanked him down that slope good and hard.
  4. I thought all that talk from Blondie on the trek out of the canyon was just him trying to get under Leaphorn's skin. He was looking for an opening that he could exploit and put Leaphorn off balance so he could overpower him, which almost happened.
  5. I can't figure out why Joe suddenly went off the rails when he finds out that Blondie killed his son. Yes, that's serious, but Joe suddenly becomes all kinds of stupid in his obsessiveness. Approach the trailer with just the two of them? The guy's a crazed killer; wait for backup, no matter how long it takes. And, by the way, Reservation Council - buy a goddam repeater system for your radios. Then, he jumps off a cliff in the darkness because, why? He just has to catch they guy? Look where that got him. (And was I wrong for looking at that puff of dust at the bottom of the canyon and thinking of Wile E. Coyote?) And I wonder how far they had tracked him on foot such that Bernadette couldn't get right back out there in daylight with the Sheriff. That reporter was cringeworthy clueless. "You're too young to have a baby." "Is your husband in there?" Where did Joe get the rope with which to tie the guy up?
  6. I think they used the flashing lights as a means of disguising the killer while he was in the hospital. Although I'll give them credit for having him make up a fake name tag, as opposed to just putting on a white lab coat just like any other show, it still would be unlikely that he could walk through a small hospital and not be recognized as an outsider, even with the tag. Plus, the gun. But the lights and noise effectively masked his presence. Out of all the clothes that Jim Chee finds after his hospital stay, he picks up another leisure suit.
  7. Despite the historical and geographical incongruities, I thought they ended the series quite well. It's a horse opera, so to speak, and, as Bugs Bunny so eloquently said, "Whattaya expect from an opera, a happy ending?" I hope those two cowboys got back out to the prairie, rounded up what cattle they could find from the pilgrims' herd, and sold them in Cheyenne before heading south. They deserved some reward. I was thinking at the time that Sam had also died sometime after the wagons had moved on, by whatever means, and the meeting with Elsa was both of them going into the afterlife.
  8. Well, the Clan of the People Too Stupid to Live sure got thinned out rather substantially. And they left all the cattle behind, too. Not that it really matters, as the cook is now in the process of feeding the next generation of cattle to come through. Elsa might have stood a better chance if she had had the sense to turn around immediately after witnessing the cook's killing, but instead she sets her horse to a quick trot rather than a full gallop when the Lakota see her. They got that wagon train up at the crack o' noon to get to the fort, didn't they? And Elsa is going to bounce her grievously wounded liver all day long on horseback instead of bunking up in a wagon. Because the parents want her to enjoy her last days. Okay, the shootout with the killers. Don't any of those three know anything about rifles? Dismount, take aim, and pop them off at a distance. But no, they evidently took their cue from Rooster Cogburn and relied on pistols that probably weren't accurate past 100' while on a horse. By the way, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association is factual. It was a vigilante association headquartered in Cheyenne, and they made it their business to run out of town or murder anyone who interfered with the business of large scale cattle operations. Movies like Tom Horn, Cheyenne Social Club, and Gates of Heaven all touched on this dark side of Wyoming and US history.
  9. The good thing about Jim Chee getting shot is that he can get out of that 70s suit. And get rid of that Anton Chigurch haircut (No Country For Old Men). Joe Leaphorn gets a good joke in - "You're gonna melt in the sun." So it looks like once again we have a wide net full of plots, some important, some peripheral. I think this is going to be an interesting season again. You would think the USAF would be interested in their missing space capsule.
  10. I am still boggled, as it were, on the party's decision to try and make for Oregon. I get that they don't have a clear idea of how big the western mountains are, but you would think anyone around would have some idea of the local geography. For instance, Fort Casper. It had already been closed, according to Wiki, and the town itself wasn't settled until ~1887. Yet, their plan is to bypass both Denver and Cheyenne, both established towns, to make Casper by winter. Forget about free land; find shelter before it's too late.
  11. "Grave danger?" "Is there any other kind?" (A Few Good Men reference...)
  12. And Charles Goodnight made a career out of chasing them down and killing them, so I have to wonder if that would be him riding around out there by himself in their area. I too wondered why they didn't pick up the horses for the migrants, at least. And definitely any firearms and ammunition for the rest of the trip. Whatever profanity they have been uttering has just been floating over me, so I'll have to pay more attention, but I thought Shea had been a lot freer with his vocabulary than Elsa's mother would have allowed. Yet the cook caught all the flak.
  13. As long as we're pondering that possibility, maybe the sinkholes in La Brea will malfunction once again and drop Natalie Zea into the mix for a cameo.
  14. I find it interesting and humorous that, since I record this on a DVR, I can essentially put everyone in the show on a time loop and watch until I understand the plot. Just my thoughts...
  15. With the amount of gunfire going on, I would guess that the PD would have received multiple reports, but got there after the action. I thought he was going to kill her because the camera focused on his gun before she started stabbing him. It could be that she just thought he was going to kill her and struck first, or she knew that Jess was dead and just wanted revenge. Quien sabe? One of the more 'humorous' parts of this series is that this group of hardened outlaws and murderers have a set of bylaws, and agree to be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, and it's all very democratic. Except for killing the President, of course. My guess, again, is that the cabal that took EZ down wanted a clean sweep and gave that job to Goggles, so that he's a made man now. Oddly, he might be the only one left alive now.
  16. Well, that's that, I guess. On to the next blood-soaked saga of drug thugs, corrupt police, stupid women, and evil cartels. I doubt if I'll remember any of this in a month. I'm surprised the club accepted the glasses wearing prospect. Although he did prove that he's a stone cold killer, it would be expected that he would get into a brawl at some point. Glasses don't help. I was right. Emily set that up perfectly with the camera angles and she knew that her bodyguard was guilty. Woman's got a future. Now, if the police were so interested, a little investigation would show that the bodyguard had no gunshot residue on his arm, and she did, but, hey, who's going to put that much effort into a tied up with a bow murder of two gangsters? EZ's death was brutal. I did not see that coming. I'm surprised they let Angel go, revenge and all that, but he got out of there just in time. If those biker girls are so paranoid that they draw down on anyone showing up at the ranch, wouldn't a gate with CCTV be a better alternative?
  17. That's a possibility but I can't see why at this point in the series. But, the Brits are good at concealing the twists.
  18. Especially since Wichita would be a lot closer, and was an established city already, with rail connections, so it would have plenty of provisions available.
  19. Another alternate ending: Ressler runs up on Red's body, assumes he's dead, and runs back to the helicopter. The bull, having been in Red's employ the entire time and so faked the attack, charges Ressler instead. He hops into the helicopter which lifts off, only to return and find the bull in an empty pasture and Reddington long gone. Fade to black.
  20. I picked human smuggling as soon as I saw the container.
  21. She is definitely planning something. The way she looked at the bodyguard when he said that he cleaned up Miguel's problems led me to believe that she thinks (or knows, I forget) that he killed her sister.
  22. I thought the last scene would have been better if Ressler ran up to find two dogs sniffing around Red's body. 😏
  23. Reddington had hair in that newspaper photo! Bad hair, but hair nonetheless. "Reddington has always been one step ahead of us." They read the forums! Weechi has great taste in getaway trucks.
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