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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I would too! I love their family and co-parenting dynamic.
  2. I don't know the name of the new girl, but I was not a fan from the moment she said, "Tell that bitch to get me a damn drink," in reference to the server and I definitely wasn't a fan when she was all, "everybody knows who I am" and whatever other bullshit she was yelling. Girl, this is NOT your moment. I know everything I need to know about her from her boyfriend/husband's reaction during that moment, cause she probably does that shit all the damn time and thinks it's cute. A Boobs and Bourbon party with no bourbon? How dreadful! I love Cynthia's and Leon's relationship. And I love that he keeps checking her and Noelle on stuff so that Noelle can have a normal college experience. I'm still dying at Leon's "you want her practice drinking with a cocktail at noon?!?" LMAO! (And also yay for one of these Reality Show kids choosing to go to college and pursue a normal career.)
  3. I had to do a double take during that scene, cause I was like, "Don't Shine have 5 baby momma's?!?" Lol! Maybe 6 now with White Tracy? Kai is a little self-righteous. He needs to bounce. Andre better not be the one in the casket. He's the only brother that ever does anything interesting.
  4. Is it wrong that I'm really hoping that Remi kicks Weller's ass! Also, I need to know what type of conditioner the CIA Black Sites are stocking up on because Shephard's curls were popping, even after months of torture! I'm just going to imagine that Remi's and Roman's decompression time from plotting terrorist acts involved watching episodes of Drag Race together.
  5. As I was traveling back home from China today, I happened to stop into one of those skincare/makeup duty-free shops and found Guerlain's Abeille Royale Night Cream for more than $100 off than it costs here in the states. I've been eyeing this cream for about 3 years now, ever since I got a sample (which I use a very tiny amount of every few months!). And every year, I put it in my Sephora cart, but then remove it because I couldn't justify spending close to $200 on a face cream. But I converted $500 US to Yuan for my vacation and barely spent a 200 yuan my entire trip, so I had so much money left over and I couldn't resist the price! I'll be hoarding that jar like a mofo for the next few years.....
  6. Wait...did Phaedra get a 137th job as a party planner? Definitely sounds like the type of soiree she would plan. We're there also little people? Oh she definitely said it like it was an undeniable truth. Sounds like something she must of picked up on one of those websites that questions diagnoses and "unnecessary" treatments. Because if we all have cancer cells always roaming in our blood streams, then it's not a big deal to test positive for it and you dont need to do harsh treatments like chemo to fix it. I don't know what Kandi is doing, but when both Todd and Don Juan make a face at you when you bring up Portia's hotdog king during a business discussion, you need to stop. And Nene's so full of shit proclaiming that it's no one's business, yet she was the first one to run and say something to Portia. Especially when she knows Portia can't keep a damn secret.
  7. Exactly. And do any of us really need to see the Ultimate Douche Face-Off between Paulie and Kyle? The American Challenge contingent already got that covered (Devin and Johnny, we know neither of you will actually DO anything....).
  8. This had be laughing my ass off, too! Followed by Thirsty asking Andre if it was Casual Friday and that he needed to be in suit. But Thirsty should know better than poking crazy folk.....
  9. So Ashley didn't get enough sympathy from pulling the woman empowerment/slut shaming card, so she decided to go the racism route. Get the fuck outta here Ashley. I don't believe for one second that what she was true because if it was, she would have been shouting it from the rooftops to prove how awful her partner is. She is such fucking smug trash. I'm so done with her. And again, how it is it okay that everyone acknowledges that Sylvia DID headbutt Marie, but there were no consequences?!?!? Also, Paulie:
  10. I'll pull up a chair. I like that Cynthia's a big ole dork. It makes her seem super approachable and that she doesn't take her self too seriously.
  11. Forgot to add: Cynthia, I don't mind you, but if you insist on dissing Publix, we gonna have a falling out. Publix is the shit! (Publix cake, Publix chicken, Publix sandwiches.....man I miss Publix.)
  12. Didn't see an episode thread. Please merge if I missed it. So were the questions in the bowl for Pass the Peach all written by the producers? According to Nene even though her new friend is a "nerd", it's okay cause she's also into fashion. <insert eyeroll> Some of us women nowadays can be fashionable AND smart. And Marlo would't know what to do if she walked into a store and it didn't have labels. I've never even seen her in just a t-shirt. But labels aren't important to her..... I don't understand why these women think that because someone gives them an apology, that means they are now back to being friends. People can let shit go and still not want to kick it with you.
  13. Well that was the most boring/easiest final ever! Jeez, they are in Africa; they couldn't find a mountain or some actual tough terrain anywhere on the entire continent to include??? There wasn't even a water challenge (swimming, diving, kayaking) or a puzzle. What the hell! They need to take back the money they've been pouring into redemption houses and reinvest in making the finale actually a challenge. This! She was so full of shit. Hunter is trash, but Ashley is not better, and in many cases worse. Yup! She was worse. They conveniently left out all the clips of her being a complete dick to Hunter and other people all season or showing what Hunter was reacting to in many of his statements (like her throwing tantrums because someone tossed a penalty her way or because the game was harder than she expected. The reason he fell was because she was stomping on his hands on her way down. (I'm totally shocked he walked away from that fall without a serious injury, because it looked awful.) And I totally call bullshit on her winning. Sylvia definitely had karma slap her in the face for how she treated Marie. And I did not feel bad for her at all. Especially since she actually made it to the final after headbutting someone. She needs to take her fucking tears somewhere else and remind herself what she told Marie, "it's not personal." Also, how foolish of them to try to cut a deal while 2 other teams were still in play during the standing challenge. Idiots! There's the asshole Paulie that we came to know during the first couple episodes! I was dumbstruck that he not only left his partner behind, but then blamed her completely for getting lost. Yes, she's a dumbass for missing the sign, but Paulie should have been checking up on his partner. You won't win unless both of you finish.
  14. Margaret was doing entirely too much this episode. Did we really need to see her and Joe waking up naked in bed with the results of her full smokey-eye and lashes makeup tutorial and them in the shower? Or hear her make bad innuendos about "needing coffee with cream, but not that cream <wink, wink>"? Ugh! Was she that annoying last season? I really don't remember her being that awful, but then again, she could have been overshadowed by Soggy who was an absolute narcissistic nightmare. Jesus! Who let's a 12 year old apply nails like that, that aren't Lee press-ons that fall off after a couple of hours. Melania has clearly been watching too much Claws. She can't possibly write or type or wipe her ass properly with those things. Damn, reading the comments about Melissa's party, I didn't even realize I fell asleep before the end of the episode! And thank you guys for clarifying what was wrong with Tre's face. I couldn't quite figure out what was different in the first couple scenes other than she didn't have on as much make-up as usual. She really needs to stop. And I'm hoping Margaret doesn't start. I think her face looks great for her age. No need to start messing with it. Also, Delores can miss me with her, "nothing was stolen" with regards to her husband getting disbarred. Is stealing his clients' money for personal use not the general definition of the reason he got disbarred?
  15. I didn't get that sense at all. Just that he was just as sociopathic as Joe and helped Joe grow his sociopath tendencies. But who knows. He stopped looking at her texts and other spying after Peach's death, once he and Beck and gotten into a groove in their "Everythingship", before she had even told him about seeing a therapist.
  16. Looks like they're moving forward with another kid anyway:
  17. Apparently they're planning a prequel: https://www.essence.com/entertainment/50-cent-kanan-power-prequel/
  18. Just realized that the ex-fiance in the new show Manifest, is sexy Julio!
  19. He swam in Lake Bailey. That's the name she dubbed the lake on her property that can be seen from her backyard patio. It's also apparently what she calls her other "water feature". :-D I think Cynthia is adorkable. I like that even as a big time, gorgeous model, she's still awkward around guys. It just shows that we don't all have to be super confident sexy vixens all the time. I'm also happy that she didn't let that other guy swim in Lake Bailey, cause he was a douche (couldn't help myself). The new guy seems nice and has his own thing going on, so he doesn't need her for a come up.
  20. I liked everything about this except for Sabrina. I just found her to be so judgey and self-righteous the entire season. So unlikeable. The best part was when Ambrose railed into her about why she expected the rules to apply to everyone but her.
  21. So true. She's such an idiot. man, I thought for sure her throat was getting slit during the scene where he confronted her about cheating. That shit was scary. And despite all that, I'm still rooting for Joe's crazy ass because Beck is unbearable.
  22. Looks like Porsha gave up veganism for her Hot Dog King? She looks happy though. But wow, were those rings ridiculous. I don't know if I could have someone spend the cost of a medium sized house on a ring (not that I've ever dated someone with the opportunity to drop that kind of cash). It just seems excessive to me, but he can spend his money however he likes. Did Porsha's sister do something to her face? It looked a little pinchy. And is she no longer Porsha's assistant since that new guy is there to hand Porsha her purse? That's because they were actually genuine. Nene hasn't been genuine on this show for quite a few seasons. I don't see anything wrong with that. One of the main reasons people waited until after marriage to have a baby was to prove paternity/establish heirs. There's no need to do that now, especially since we've harnessed the power of DNA and marriage isn't necessary to make women or their children legitimate. I keep forgetting that Riley is so young. She's only 15-16. She comes across as so grown and mature, plus she's so tall. I'm happy that she's been so successful in her weight loss journey. She looks great.
  23. I like this little actress and kudos to her for scoring a role on a top show like this, but why are they adding a Cousin Oliver when they've just recently added a baby?!?!
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