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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. What this show needs is more Leon! That little 20 second clip was not enough. And wow has Noelle blossomed in the last year! Also, what happened to her little boyfriend. That poem certainly didn't sound like it was about him. The look on Cynthia's and Leon's faces was priceless!
  2. What's even more interesting to me is that Tasha is a twin, if I'm remembering correctly. So there's 3 of them out there! I love Tasha's role as Cookie's sister. Hopefully they'll have her character move to the city so that she has more onscreen time.
  3. Does anyone else find Kenya's "Three Brown Girls" slightly reminiscent to "The White Sistas" from Hollywood Divas? They should make a crossover.
  4. Of course not, because Porsha doesn't have any damn sense. She thinks Nene has taken her under her wings to help "groom" her, but she doesn't realize that the only reason Nene is keeping her close is because Nene knows Porsha will never step to her and that Porsha's head is so empty that Nene can use her as an attack dog and make Porsha think it was her own idea.
  5. I see Porsha has jumped on to Nene's "no negativity" bandwagon, which I find funny because Nene is one of the most negative women on the show.
  6. Just finished the first 7 episodes, and I was reminded of how much I can't stand Johanna. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly about her that I don't like, but she annoys the fuck out of me and has since her RW season. As much as I want to respect Susie for her intelligence and managing to complete a PhD after all this, I just can't with her. Especially when she mentions in her op-ed piece that there was lots of bullying on this season - she was there and participating in most of it. She's another one that I've never liked. Although I can't stand any of the Champion girls, it was nice to see Veronica not able to manipulate her way through the game. However, watching her try to use sex to control Evan was interesting. Funny that the Ruins battle in episode 6 was the same scoot across the log one that we just saw on the Battle of the Exes this week.
  7. That's why she looks so familiar, as I definitely didn't watch her RW season, but I did see Endurance way back when and they showed some reruns with the past 2 years, I think on The Hub. I thought the bet was for $7 also. The Grantland post from a couple days ago quotes $7 as well.
  8. Thanks for taking one for the team!
  9. That's what I thought it was in reference to, as well, Jade Fox. He said, "she make that thang go drip drop". I just assumed *thang* was his...thang. Or maybe it's her thang? Shit, I don't know.
  10. The only reason I even know what the term means is because a frakking teenager told me. We can all be old together!
  11. Forgot to add to my previous post that Lucious is way too damn old to use the term "THOT". Not to mention that it's such a disgusting term and I've already heard two times too many on this show.
  12. Love that the response is to blow things up first and ask questions later.
  13. It was nice to learn that Anikka also has a musical background. I wanted to hear more about her time at Julliard, what she went there for, and how she ended up at a record label. We just haven't learned as much about her, besides being a debutante, as we have about the other characters.
  14. I would be inclined to believe that if Viacom's hadn't publicly released the following statement: Simply stating, "it's a lie and we have the evidence/witnesses to back that up" would have gone over better, but they came out swinging. That statement made it seem like they were trying to find a reason to make whatever may have happened happened all her fault.
  15. Nothing beats the Johnny Bananas Backpack! I've said this before and I'll say it again, greatest 2 minutes of reality TV EVER!
  16. So much truth in this statement. Every time I see Suzie smirking each time they manipulate someone or change the agreements to favor themselves, I want to reach through the screen to punch her.
  17. Bananas takes it so damn serious all the time because this is his job. I hope he managed to save some of his $500k; I can't even believe he's been able to earn that much on these stupid shows. Wes made me chuckle with his "get a job" tirade; it made me think of the Asian wife on Avenue Q who would constantly yell it to her husband, sometime during song.
  18. This! And you couple that with the fact that Wes wasn't even swimming in his normal form (compare how he swam with his head above the water the whole time to how Sara swam with the "proper" competitive swimmer technique) and he STILL beat all of them. Once it known that it was a swimming competition, there essentially was no competition. Even if Wes had been placed in the first slot, he would have still beat them all because he would have turned up the speed. Johnny's an idiot and a sore loser.
  19. Cookie beating Hakeem upside the head with a broom.
  20. As others have said, that was such satisfying elimination. Bananas is such a fucking hypocrite. If people don't do what he wants then they are in the wrong. He feels fuck ed over despite the countless others he's fuck ed over to secure his visits to the final and wins. Glad that it was the hands of Leroy. The only thing that would have made it better is if it was a physical challenge and Bananas got knocked around a bit by Leroy. Definitely not going to miss Nany. I didn't have a problem with Nia taking the dare to drink the sweat, but once she saw color and cloudiness, she should have said hell no! There are no words for how disgusting that was.
  21. Just discovered that The Ruins is available on Amazon Prime and realized that I never watched this season. I'm only 4 episodes in, and I find just about everyone on the Champions team, save for 2 or 3, to be complete assholes. The way they treat everyone is just so despicable. I think if I had actually watched this season in real time, it would have made me wanted to completely stop watching the challenge. I did, however, enjoy watching Tonya slapped the shit out of Veronica, though. Speaking of Tonya, I didn't realize this was the challenge during which the toothbrush assault occurred. Equally as deplorable as the two guys involved was Viacom's response to the suit that it wasn't their fault it happened, even though they filmed it, and that basically she was asking for it because of her behavior. I hope some people over there got fired to cover the settlement fees.
  22. Any episode without Cami is great episode! Couldn't get away from her damn commercials, though.
  23. This episode felt like a completely different show, like they were trying for a hip version of Law and Order or some other procedural. How convenient for them that the serial killer took a couple days off to allow the time to focus on a completely unrelated case.
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