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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. After seeing this week's episode, it kinda makes sense why Wes would be okay with John doing this to Sarah.
  2. I'm not sure why she's so awful. As an ex-cheerleader, which she's claimed, she should be reasonably athletic. I love how she just sits there and rolls her eyes at her partner whenever he opens his mouth.
  3. SHUT UP, SARAH!!!! UGH! The entire episode she was spouting shit. Was she serious with the nonsense she was talking to Wes? "You keep trying to validate yourself by other people." Ummm, she needs to take a look in the mirror. So glad Wes called her on her shit, and of course she didn't have a response because she knows it's true. Kinda looking forward to Shut ups also get handed out to dumb ass Dario and Nicole. If she is this awful to her family after dating a guy for 5 days, I can imagine what kind of shitty friend she is in real life when she is in a relationship. And does she seriously sleep with those 10 layers of makeup caked onto her face? Yay Wes for owning that elimination! But he really needed to win the challenge and every other one coming up. I was hoping the challenge would be one of those "swing on the bag as far as you can and swim to the end" challenges, cause Wes would have definitely smoked everyone on that. I swear, because Devyne and Cheyenne have been in the elimination round so many times, they are the only ones who have realized that the black skull is smaller. I know Devyne is probably an asshole in real life. But I loved him going after Dario and Vince. Especially Vince, cause you just know he's used to being able to intimidate people, and this lanky, loud ass motherfucker wasn't having it! Lastly, why is it always the self-professed trainers who have absolutely no stamina???? Both Vince and Corey get winded and cramped immediately. Who is paying for their services, cause I wouldn't hire them to train me.
  4. You are probably spot on with this. She needs some fricken self-esteem injected into her. It's so sad to be at her age and still get upset when someone, who treats you like shit, doesn't want to be your friend. She should be rejoicing.
  5. This is exactly my issue with them and their take on what happened. Thank you for stating it more eloquently than I ever could.
  6. Wooooow! If that's true, the Challenge gamemakers are really stepping it up, cause that is quite the twist. And so much for all of John's protestations that he would never do what Sarah did to him to a "friend". A hypocrite till the end! The more I think about this, it's extra fucked up when you consider how good a teammate Sarah has been to him, despite all his bitching and the nasty way he treated her during the first half of the season. I've already said, if I was his partner and he spoke to me/about me the way he did to Sarah the first couple days of the trip, I would have thrown every damn challenge just to piss him off.
  7. I totally fell into a 10-15 minute nap about half-way through this mess, and the only reason I even considered rewinding (which I didn't end up doing cause I wanted it to be over!) was because Harry said "what about Charo", and my response was, "Shit I missed Charo? I love me some Charo!" Saw those long slender abs on Kate's new boo and knew instantly that it was shoeguy. But what happened with the fetish? He popped that out, partially, on Joss, during the first date. And did he get married after Joss left him at the alter? Kate said he was separated. I see April's daughter had reclaimed her brattiness and April is still not disciplining her for that smart-ass mouth. If only Karen was this smart. But she's not. Since they're bringing all these past people back, hopefully she'll get Savi's sexy lawyer partner as her attorney. Also, those black heels she had on in the opening scene were fire!
  8. Yeah, except he said that she was "dreamy" and forgot about the Y.
  9. Thank you all for making this show enjoyable. I just can't with Stevie. He seems so dumb and is an awful, awful kisser. Both would have sent me running for the hills. He's also not as cute as he thinks he is. I was so annoyed with how he told the final girls whether or not they were one. After professing all these "I love you"s and "we have a deep connection"s, followed by "but it's not you" without any reason is stupid. Give them something concrete. I thought for sure he would tell Kimmie that both of them Co stably needing to travel wouldn't work or tell Roxie that she needs to eat more sandwiches so she doesn't look like she's gonna collapse under the weight of her own shoulders all the time. I don't know just some reasons besides the awful script that some intern wrote for him to recite. Christine looked like she was thinking, "so I wonder how long I have put up with this for before I get to jump start my career," especially after he showed her that ugly ring and said he needed to meet her father. Good luck with that. Also, the producers of this show have absolutely no sense of drama and suspense. I mean, have they never watched Flavor of Love?
  10. This. I would always chuckle to myself when they would say that Gabriella was too young to understand what was going on, cause I always got the sense that she knew exactly what was happening. And Gia essentially confirmed that during the 3-episode special they did. I just know that Gabriella is working really hard on a soccer/academic scholarship to take her as far as way as possible. Oh wow! Who pay that much for something that fugly??? I hope she has some reasonably priced, decent looking stuff in that boutique or it will go under real quick.
  11. Thanks for posting. That's really great info. I personally take everything Sarah and Susie say with a grain of salt because, as many people have said above, the former is a people pleaser with a really irrational devotion to people who have treated like her dirt for the sake of laughs and the latter I find to be a despicable person based on what she has presented to the world (edited or not).
  12. I wonder how long Towanda will last in this acting school. She doesn't seem to be taking it too seriously despite her claims of worry over getting kicked out. Toni steady trying to prove she can cook....and not succeeding. Oh Trina. Sometimes people just can't let go. I'm really hoping her intention for speaking with Gabe is about her boys and not her. Forgot to mention this last week: Which sister do we think signed Trina up for Weight Watchers without telling her? First of all - so rude!! My money's on Toni.
  13. I'm surprised they got rid of Elise. Or maybe Elise got rid of herself? So I guess Da White Sistas is no more. And what about the resolution to the black witch series/movie??? Still can't stand Golden. She did not look good in that black lacey dress. Funny enough, the lead on Young and Hungry wore that same dress in this week's episode and looked absolutely amazing in it. And she's so rude bringing up Lisa's business like that just out of the blue. I bet if Lisa had responded, "so why doesn't D.B. Woodside ever talk about you?" she would have lost her shit. Paula needs to be in a psych ward. Countess looks great. Guess her surgeries paid off. Had to laugh at Malika's response to Khloe's questions about what they [the Hollywood Divas] do: "Um, we just kind of hang out." Yeah, y'all are taking great strides to reboot your acting careers....
  14. They still had TTucker productions listed on the Season 3 website.
  15. This was a case study on why you don't let dumdums know about alliances or involve them in the strategy. Their pea brains are too small to comprehend all the moving parts. And as both Dario and Nicole demonstrated, they can only focus (or rather fixate) on one particular (usually unimportant) factor - getting back at Cory for going behind his back or saving her cuddle buddy, respectively. I don't even understand how Dario successfully breathes everyday. He's a complete idiot. I was watching for this too! He actually did get it correct and wrote brown. And because people are short sighted, John once again skates by. And I wanted to smack him when he had the nerve to be upset that Cory had another alliance, especially after John made it clear that he was planning on screwing Cory over anyway. But why am I surprised; John is allowed to backstab people because it's all a part of the game but other people aren't allowed to do the same to him because it's underhanded and not fair. </eyeroll>. Also, John is the "hottest" guy there???? Blech! Lol at Vince being surprised that Jenna thinks he's the sleaziest! He's definitely one of those guys who interprets women looking at him with disgust and hatred in their eyes as lust.
  16. When is season 3 starting?? Paula had a pretty large recurring role on Family Channel/Freeform's Recovery Road. Unfortunately, the show wasn't renewed. Also, Paula was horrible on it - she had this awful Jamaican accent. Despite that, I do see her on a lot of stuff. She stays busy working; but I guess when you have a bum of a husband who doesn't do shit and is steady spending your money everywhere, it doesn't help.
  17. Lol! I love the AKA season titles. Inferno 3 should also be up for a rewatch!
  18. All of this was greatness!!
  19. Didn't realize this aired last night. Off to watch now to be whelmed, as usual.
  20. It's such a short series and short episodes so I knocked it over on the weekend, after watching 'intense' shows the last few months and having to actually think I needed a brainless show to decompress! Although Zoo is much more fun, dumb and fun is better :) I can forgive the kids being dumb because they are only kids and I don't expect them to know much but what IS weird is they don't seem traumatised in any way! All of their parents died, they have barely any food, some of them are close to turning 22 but nobody seems scared or upset? They seem much too together after having gone through all that. Which episode are you up to? I just finished it last night.
  21. I'm watching. Unfortunately. I really want to like this show, but all the characters, every last one, are so damn dumb. I haven't figured out if it's a "kids are dumb and shouldn't be left to make adult decisions" thing or just plain, awful writing and character development.
  22. I'm really hoping we don't see much of that kid cause the character was annoying and the actress is awful.
  23. She's 14. I believe she started high school this year (or starting this fall).
  24. He moved away for some job offer. There hasn't been a back story to explain why she is crazy or why she is so stupid. Didn't he also turn her in for being unprofessional and having unethical relationships with her patients? Or was that someone else?
  25. Me every episode: "Who in the hell is that? Oh, it's just Nicole's other face." When Camilla got her team DQ'd and they had to go into the elimination, I believe the AYTO female (who's name I just can't even be bothered to remember) who picked first pulled the black skull. Or I could just be misremembering because they all start to run together for me after a while!
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