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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. One of the great mysteries of the universe. Aw, don't cry over that or other assholes! Sending hugs! How has her uterus not escaped from pushing out all those, what I assume to be, large ass lumberjack babies??
  2. I can't believe John called the producers to complain and whine about Sarah being invited back to do the show. What a baby!
  3. But he tried to apologize without the cameras....so his girlfriend wouldn't see him apologizing to someone he was possibly unfaithful with?
  4. My face when John told Sarah he was happy to see her and Sarah almost pissed herself: My face when Jenna said I love you to Zach after he talked to her like she was a piece of shit: Same here. Once Cheyenne said, "that's not my name, don't call me that," it should have been the end of it. But Vince and John always have to take things too far. And in true John fashion, he continued to instigate and as soon as Cheyenne started crying he retreated to the back to allow Vince to carry on like an idiot while he pretended like he wasn't involved at all. Calling someone the incorrect name more than once is disrespectful. And often times when it is done to people of color, there are racial undertones to it, whether the perpetrator realizes it or not. And Cheyenne correctly called it in talking head. Yes, it started as a joke; but as I mentioned above, once it was clear that Cheyenne did not find it funny, whether she verbalized her reasons or not, it should have been over.
  5. Looks like this episode is a backdoor pilot. If it gets picked up, I hope the focus is more on Sofia than it is on Logan. And also, that they don't lose the interactions that happen between Sofia and Gaby, because that's one of the best parts of this show.
  6. I can appreciate this. I hate when good shows carry on past their prime and/or a logical stopping point. Although, I was kinda hoping for a Treasure Island movie out of it.
  7. Please don't ever take so long to record another show! I felt like druggie David, constantly refreshing the podcast page, to see if the new epi posted. I never really understood what Lucinda saw in Brandon. He's okay looking, but he's short with a big head (I sound like Mama Joyce complaining about short, big headed people!) and has no money.
  8. Good for her. If she moves to NYC and helps Noelle navigate the modelling world, I would consider watching that...especially if Leon is there.
  9. Ugh, I hate NOLA David. He's the one with the awful, "C'mon be my baby tonight", original piece of crap song, right? Such a royal dick.
  10. They killed the puppy and left fucking Holly alive?!?!? This fucking show. SMDH. Her teeth/mouth look so gross to me, especially since she never closes her mouth. Couple that with how awful her character is, I need her off my screen. I wouldn't be surprised if she killed the dog. Angela will never not be dumb. All she had to do was keep her mouth shut about Lobos and she couldn't even keep that quiet for a full 24 hours. And why is she still expecting people to do her favors after she royally screwed the last dude to do her one? I'm glad the IT dude politely told her to kiss his ass. How did she get so far in life? Anyone else hoping the camera would drop a couple inches during that last scene when Jamie was sitting on the bed making the phone call or was that just me?
  11. A year later and nothing has changed. These chicks stay ridiculous. Malaysia looks great, as usual. But the white dress she wore at the end was dangerously close to a vag flash. Her body looked amazing though! This episode was really boring, but I see they plan to amp up the drama to a 87 for the rest of the season. Shaunie, Tami, and Jackie can go somewhere with the "Brandi needs to apologize to Shaunie" nonsense. What is she apologizing for? For standing up for herself and not letting Shaunie belittle her just because she's "Shaunie O'Neal"? <inset eyeroll> Also, "I wanna be swelt" will never be forgotten! Lol!
  12. I think Mike was just the first person it happened to run into, you know, besides dude killed in the elevator at the facility. They said he was a good hider. And since he wasn't bleeding, the monster probably couldn't track him as well. That's my hypothesis anyway. They were listening in on all the phone calls. I think they showed that in the 2nd episode, when the mom was trying to call call the dad. And I don't think the dummy had a birthmark, which is why the mom freaked the fuck out, and said something along the lines of, "I don't know what that thing is, but it is not my son!". She only believed he was dead after everyone convinced her that she was in denial. Definitely to help spy on the Russians, as everything the government did in the 80s was to defeat the Russians (or so I've learned from TV!). And eventually as an assassin.
  13. Thank you for that description as "Cobra Kai Villainy"! Will definitely have to integrate that term into my vocab. I chuckled that the one kid thought forcing Mike to jump was a bad idea, but not the fact that his friend pulled a pretty hefty switchblade on a classmate. Damn delinquents!
  14. That part was great! Especially Dustin guilting him into giving the information in the middle of his date. But why did he know the exact parameters for building one....without google! Lol! I also loved that even though it was a strange request, for Mr. Clarke, it was par for the course with this group of kids.
  15. I really enjoyed this. Even though, there were elements of ET, It, X-files, etc., it was great. I laughed, I was scared and sometimes disgusted, I cried. I liked all the characters, which in itself was strange. Even the middle and high school bullies, Mike's dumb ass parents, and the "evil" military dudes. My one gripe was learning that 8 people had disappeared over the course of the week, but everyone else in the town, including the families of the other disappeared, were not freaking the fuck out.
  16. Lots of eye candy on this episode! Malika''s friend with the afro was hot. Where can I get one of those?? Her other friend, who she got manicures with, was cute too, but I couldn't figure out if he was gay or not.
  17. How could I forget about Birdman? The way she was posing up on him was so absolutely ridiculous. She is Toni THE-motherfucking Braxton, as Tamar says. She can do bettwr than fucking Birdman.
  18. The actress who plays Sophia is the voice of the newest, latina Disney princess!
  19. Gabe is a piece of work. Trina just needs to stay far, far away from that turd.
  20. I just watched this mess. I'm sitting here trying to figure out who is still going into business with them, since they are all so damn unprofessional. It's not even like they do this shit amongst themselves. They do it at industry events...with absolutely no shame. As my grandmother likes to say, "dem shame box mash up!" The one who owns the 5-minute weaves, how has she not informed any of her investors that she's closing stores?
  21. I root for Wes when he's on the challenge. Is he an asshole? Yes! But I appreciate that he is upfront about all of his assholery and that he never seems to take any of it too seriously. I also love his Wile E. Coyote failures, because he always acknowledges when he's completely fucked it up or his plan has backfired, and it's hilarious and further endears him to me. I can't help but to give him the slow, "Aw, Wes..." head shake while chuckling. I try to like Jenna, but she makes bad choices. If she had more self-esteem, and didn't bog herself down with assholes, she could be a real powerhouse. Like a likeable Laurel.
  22. And before that, their statement was along the lines of, first, "What happened occurred in another country so you can't sue us here in America"; and when that nonsense didn't fly, it was, "she failed to avoid what happened because she was always intoxicated, starting fights, and flirtatious." This is what pisses me off the most about the entire situation, because what the fuck? And as you said KerleyQ, if it wasn't true, they would have just come out and said so, regardless if they made the footage available or not. Exactly.
  23. This is the absolutely greatest moment in Challenge history and I loved that they showed it in all its glory! I have said this before, and I'll say it again, I wish the producers would have that clip handy to play every time John starts acting like Challenge king. But in order for that to happen, the producers would have to finally stop hyping him as the main attraction.
  24. Oh damn, that was good! I am someone who loves scary books/movies/etc., and I typically don't get scared and am rarely surprised. The last 3 minutes of that clip had my heart jumping out of my chest. This is the first I've heard of this show, but I will be watching every episode on my day off tomorrow.
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