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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Oh my gawd, that ass! How could I forget about that beautifulness! The camera certainly did not linger on it long enough for my tastes.
  2. Again, Towanda is the mastermind here. She knows just exactly what to say, and how to say it, to push the right buttons in Tamar to get her defenses up, while simultaneously raising alarms in the other sisters. And Tamar knows this, but she's too emotional and not savvy enough to sidestep it and ends up falling for it everytime, while Towanda then gets to play the "what did I say? I was just asking a question? I can't ask a question?" card. But you know what, if they don't want the opportunity, which they would be dumb to pass up, especially I want to be an actress Towanda, then more power to Tamar
  3. Bye bitch! Can't say she hasn't been asking for that shit since season 1. Can the security team take out Angela next?? Oh Tommy. Him sitting in the middle of the apartment with his arms wrapped around his legs was priceless. Lobos and his crazy ass had me rolling. That motherfucker is insane. When he grabbed the dude's hand and pulled it on his crotch, then started talking to dude''s crotch.....I almost fell off the couch. Hoping he gets to stuck around a bit longer despite the new plan to kill him. Loved that Ruiz also called Angela a bruja, just like Nomar did all the time. I was very confused, though, why all these prosecuters had so much access to constantly speak to Ruiz without his lawyer present. The hell? Oh yeah, and Angela, be a bit more humble and discrete when your very illegal meddling pays off. Ugh!
  4. She sent him $20 for gas! BWAHAHA!!! Now she knows very well most people in Atlanta live 45 minutes to an hour from the airport, so she should have at least spotted him $40. Man, messy people stay messy posting all their petty ass shit on the internet. But damn if it's not entertaining.
  5. So glad that Brandi's "sister", who's name I can't remember right now, called out Shaunie on being rude and disrespectful and more focused on putting down Brandi then helping to resolve the issue. Also, the faces made by the other ladies when she stated this was gold, especially since you know they were all thinking it but none of them had the balls to say so or agree. So much for Shaunie being more mature than the other ladies as she and Tammi tried to claim last season. I also get the sense that who ever is really in charge of hiring and firing but her in her place, because she changed her tune real quick with the "I wasn't suggesting you were fired" bit.
  6. Wow, Joss was a completely asshole to Harry this episode. So because he chose to focus on the career he wants, without her awful PR/party planning skills to help him fail, she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore? She's so ridiculous. It was also really bitchy how she approached the sister-in-law to tell her about shoe guy. It was really unnecessary for her to be that rude in that situation.
  7. She was also a filmmaker and I vaguely remember something about her making a sex tape when she was having a manic episode. I think; I only watched these episodes once (unlike the 100s of times I watched the OG episodes), so the story lines are a bit fuzzy.
  8. I remember David also learning he was or am I remembering that wrong? Erica was Dylan's sister (according to her scam artist mother) who became a hooker that Brandon and Kelly try to save. Erin AKA Silver is Jackie and Mel's daughter. Weren't the Walsh's friends or cousins of the parents of the new set of twins? I really have trouble remembering much about that show besides how awesomely villainous Adriana was and how awful Annie was.
  9. I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with it. And this guy is a pretty huge Prince fan, so I'm sure that was part of his inspiration. I just couldn't stop thinking of Apollo when he said, so I was trying real hard not to laugh during his "this was how I found myself" story.
  10. Thought y'all might appreciate this: On Sunday, I went on a date with someone I met through OK Cupid. He's a really cool dude and we had a really nice time/discussion. At one point he said, "I gave my birthday to my dog, since I don't celebrate mine anymore," then went on to talk about something else. I was like, wait a second, rewind, and asked him why he didn't celebrate his birthday, thinking that he was going to say he's a Jehovah's Witness or 7th Day Adventist or something. So he said that when he was in his 20s, he decided not to be "constrained by the binds of time" and didn't want to be locked into having to think or act or achieving anything by a certain age. And after that point, he told everyone family, friends, wife (at the time) not to ever celebrate his birthday. Of course, all I could think of was Apollo and his views on not "living by a sector of the time scale" and I had to restrain myself from busting out with a loud laugh in his face, cause he's was totally being serious! Then I remembered this little gem: and I was sent into a fit of giggles!
  11. But, During the Wince/Camilla segment, you should definitely watch Camilla trying to be rude to Nessa and Nessa totally shutting her down without hesitation.
  12. I just can't with Courtney. She can take care of her kid all by herself but Brandon is paying all of her bills, Brandon is babysitting her bad-ass kid so she can go to work, she never cleans up her apartment after her kid destroys it, and she doesn't understand what the word discipline means. And while what she said about the Moms and Brandon to Mike has a hint of truth to it, she only pulled that out of her back pocket because she's tired of people pointing out that she's a fucking user. She's so full of shit. Yes, you never asked Brandon for his money, but you also didn't turn him down either when you knew it was wrong. Can't stand people like her. In regards to the rest of the storyline....more shirtless, smiling AJ please!
  13. Finally! (And that's partly because he's the only eye candy on the show and can't wait to see him shirtless....off to check if he's over 18! :-D ) And I don't want to hear any of Brandon's shit!
  14. I feel the same way. They are just doing waaaaaay too much. A couple of them are doing it for TV, like Mushiya and Beautii. But the rest, I think that's just how they are - nasty and demented people. At least with Mushiya, Beautii, and the other one who keeps following behind Maja like a dog that doesn't know any better after being repeatedly kicked, they actually seem like decent, if not a bit dim (Mushiya excluded) people. The rest of those fuckers (Maja, Diedra, Pam/Pat?, Diedra's new desperate male friend) can go kick rocks.
  15. I don't know if anyone watches the segment that comes on after the show each week, but the show creator/head writer said that Holly is her favorite character. So unfortunately, she ain't going nowhere. Everybody was having sex this week except for Ghost and Angela....the beginning of the end for them? Speaking of, Tommy and Holly have what looks to be like this marathon sex session, then as soon as they finish they just pull on their clothes from the floor and head out the house. They must stink so badly....sex funk quickly goes from smelling good to holy hell. So true. They're the real love story. Now if only Tommy wasn't so insane and damaged and Ghost wasn't so damn big/hard headed, they could work their shit out. I don't really understand Nurse Sizzurp. Sometimes she acts like she's so frightened of Jukebox, other times its like she can't wait to throw something in Jukebox's face just to piss her off.
  16. Nah, still don't feel sorry for her. Once they announced the twist, deep down in her gut, Sarah knew Johnny was gonna screw her. But she's such a kiss ass, she decided to crawl further up his ass, so much so that she helped him finish his challenges. But she knew. That's why she was so nervous and why she kept questioning him. I noticed that all the other partners worked together; everyone helped each other except for Johnny. Anytime he finished first, he never went back to help Sarah. When they were carrying those metal tubes, Johnny was the only one who ran ahead with his leaving Sarah behind. Vince stayed relatively at the same pace as Jenna and Devyn carried both his and Cheyenne's. And Sarah still finished the puzzle before him, then helped him finish his....twice, because it was backwards the first time. She knew, but she's so damn stuck in middle school that she would rather get kicked around just to be accepted by the "cool kids". If she was smart, once he started evading her question after the first challenge, she should have started working to secure third place. Also, the twist should have been instituted from the beginning of the season, like someone else suggested. They should have been asked on the first night, their answers recorded, and then those clips should have been revealed once the final was over.
  17. It's bullshit that they never explained what Tucker's job offer was. And wow that alternate ending sounds dumb.
  18. I had no idea about this. What were they fighting about?
  19. That Sarcophagus is a fantastic color! I want it in an eyeshadow.
  20. I love Nikki Baby. Don't ask me why; I just do. I think it's because unlike the other ladies on the show, she kinda knows she's ridiculous, but it's okay, cause she actually has a real job. So are Nikki and Dreaux over already? And who's this idiot on the crotch rocket? All these reality people out here getting their teeth fixed and this motherfucka still walking around with that jacked-ass grill? Stop flaunting your money if you aren't gonna put it into good use. What did Teairra do now? And how is Moniece not in a mental institution?
  21. I noticed this as well, and was impressed. She didn't even complain once. Quite a difference from her past finals. The past few challenges, she's kinda been flying under the radar because people think she's too dumb to figure shit out. But, now that she's been to 3 (4?) finals in a row, they'll be gunning for her. If she practices her puzzles and her politics game, she could be a real force to reckon with in future challenges. I was waiting for that and just realized after seeing your post that it never happened. Also, why were there only 6 teams at the reunion? Where was everyone else??
  22. Yes, Nessa with the clapback on Camilla! She's so much better than that other chick.
  23. When Joss cussed out Jonathon and Reza was the only time I enjoyed her PTSD storyline.
  24. I'll be in NYC during the last week of August for a conference.
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