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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I'm wondering how Safaree managed to make it out of that room without a brush in his ear and a stiletto up his ass after "demanding" to have both women. And RayJ knows he was wrong for convincing that Dummy that's what a real man would do. See how quickly Ray told Safaree not to mention his name. Even the other men were like, "yo, that's bad advice!" Lol! Willie is full of shit. Did he really think Shonda, and us, didn't know he was lying about fucking that girl? What an idiot. I'm glad Shonda is sticking to her guns. She's absolutely right....she shouldn't have to fight for a man that's already hers and he shouldn't be putting her in those kinds of situations. Cause you know he didn't cheat with that chick just once, or that she was the only one. Fuck him girl! Go get your life and make your Jhene Aiko-sounding music. Oh Brandi. She's a hot, miscombobulated, mess. If she says there's no session, there will be no session? Oh really??? Cause I don't think her badly named store with the awful clothes (what was that outfit the person going on "tour" picked out?) is bringing in even a $1000 a day. She sounds like a fucking liability for Snaggletooth's business, especially if everyone knows they might pay for a session that will get upended by his loud ass wife. Also, what is the issue these people have with banks. There is no reason for them to always be walking around with that kind of cash. If they're serious about saving, but it in a fucking account! I don't know if Masika tried to "smash the homie" for a track, but all I can think of is how she was all over that Tiny Troll, Berg....for some tracks. And when someone told her congrats on their baby, you know they really meant, congrats on locking down all that child support.
  2. As soon as Rhonda hit that car, I yelled out, "Shit! Her ghost better appear throughout the rest of this season!" And there she was, haunting Andre in that awesome dress. So I'm hoping this is not a one time thing. But I'd also settle for a long lost twin or some stranger who has a strong resemblance to her. And poor Andre already talking about himself in the third person. How does Jamal not have a 2nd bedroom in that big ass condo? And if he doesn't he could have at least given the grieving Andre his bed. Just saying. Teenage Lucious is hot. I'm surprised by how much I miss Menage a Trois. Not Laura, or her whack ass story line, but I really enjoyed their music. Anika better not touch any of Dwight's cake....Grandma Leah will fuck her ass up!
  3. Forgot to mention Jackie's fear that she would wake up in the middle of the night with moss growing out of her skin after making the terrarium! Does she think she's a chia pet or something. She got me "miscombobulated" (TM Lil Brandi on Love & Hip Hop)!
  4. Lol! We're all still watching with you. But, there were about 4 episodes of FUPA-related drama last season. How'd you miss that? Lol! Tami is too damn old to be getting into fights. And I don't know what she thought was going to happen when she shoved Duffy to get out. Soon, she'll be whacking people with a walker to instigate her bullshit. I'm so tired of them bullying people every season. In classic bully behavior, they go after people they don't think will fight back. Jackie would NEVER raise her voice at Tami or Brandi, even if they poked her in her FUPA like she was the Pillsbury Dough Boy. She talked shit about Malaysia, but never to her face, cause she saw Malaysia go full Compton on the other Govan sister in the first season. And Tami thinks she's can talk shit to or physically intimidate people every season and they're just supposed to swallow it without daring to defend themselves. I'm looking forward to seeing her continue pushing with Duffy.
  5. Phi Phi seems to think that if she's not yelling or getting in someone's face, that she's not being a bitch. Naw girl; that shit is oozing out of your pores. I also don't understand why she's coming so hard about Alyssa supposedly changing her mind about how to select the person to go home. Alyssa never agreed to use the same metrics as everyone else. Although I am not a fan of letting the queens decide who should go, I definitely think they each should be allowed to choose whoever they want if they win. And shame on Alaska for crying without nary a tear!
  6. Gina Torres is gone? There goes my reason for watching. Because despite Rachel trying her darndest to be Jessica-lite, she ain't no Jessica Pearson. And the actress can't fill Gina Torres' (always fabulous) shoes (and clothes).
  7. She's already locked down a boyfriend from a very rich family, so they're good. As I've always said, Kim needs to write a book!
  8. Brielle had enhanced lips and new teeth rivaling those worn by Nene and Mr. Ed. She could barely close her mouth! She's way too young for all that shit. Her lipstick was awesome though.
  9. Who in their right mind would give Peter money?!?!
  10. Was Floyd, I mean A1, serious with wearing sweat pants to his wedding? Who does that? Also, did anyone else catch his pearls in the talking heads? Are pearls the new hip hop trend? Safaree sounds like a real fool with all his, I want kids and a family. Y'all been dating for 3 days! Slow your roll, dude. Also, is he for real upset that he and Nikki went 1 whole day without speaking. God forbid. And shut up Gumby. Nikki didn't play you. She told you from the start that she was dating around and was interested in settling down right then. You chose not to listen. And I can't with Nia talking about Safaree puts all his business on Instagram. Really Nia? You won't stop posting about that Garbage Pail Kid and the shit he does to you....and you're still with him. Messy recognizes messy!
  11. I firmly believe the reason Jackie and her daughter don't get along is because the are exactly the same.....both fucking psychotic. The only reason they're playing nice now is so the daughter can get her 5 minutes on the show. And Tammy's daughter's music does suck! I'm not sure why they chose to air that particular clip or her band practicing, but it was not good.
  12. Duffy may not be good at organizing things, but Tammi calling someone else unprofessional is laughable. Nice to see that Jackie's revisionist history game is still strong. However, if she's looking for a job, she should consider joining the female football league as a linebacker, because she charged through about 8 people, including security guards, trying to get at Angel Love. I'm surprised the event planner who got trampled was up and walking the next day!
  13. Thank you, TV Gods! So glad I don't have to waste brain cells trying to figure out this cap anymore.
  14. Not sure I understand why Princess Di was included in that line up of women. It was very strange. Otherwise, I did enjoy the musical. I always enjoy them despite them being so silly. Nice to see Alyssa crush my favorite Taylor Dane song!
  15. Silly me was all like, "I didn't know they have their own song!" LMAO!
  16. No words.......except to say this was beyond their normal level of awfulness.
  17. Exactly, up until 2 episodes ago, she only had ONE client!
  18. Shoeguy's Wife: Are you the woman sleeping with a married man? Everything was fine in my marriage until he told me a week ago that he was in love with someone else. Kate: Oh my god! Shoeguy is still in love me! We still have a chance! Uhm....did you not hear the part about him still being married when he told you he was divorced???? Dumbass!
  19. I love you Nikki Baby, but girl, you got a rhombus masquerading as a left breast implant. You need to get that checked out! Nikki's girlfriend is gorgeous. I'm straight and I wanted to crawl into that bed with her. And it was so nice of her fix Nikki's lipstick afterwards....men n't think about that. Safaree sounds like a complete and utter idiot. I always want to support my fellow island people, but he's so dumb. And if he doesn't want people to bring up his ex, he should stop talking about her so much.
  20. They did say in the first season that Tasha was a quite a few years younger than Ghost when they first met.
  21. I just think this is waaaaay too soon. Unless there is a family member or other insider contributing info to this, there won't be many reveals that we don't already know. I, personally, have been biding my time for Britney's tell all, which I hope will come a year or 2 after the end of her Vegas residency, just around the time she'll need to make more money, as well as Justin's book (the one he'll release in 15-20 years, lol!) detailing the end of their relationship - cause you know he has a ton to say, but is just too damn polite!
  22. This! Even if his parents hadn't warned him about the evils of "the streets", Tariq should have at the very least been getting pedophile vibes from Kanaan. Met him once at the basketball court, then dude shows up at your school (that you didn't tell him about), gives you some medicine-tasting drink to slurp on, and takes you to a random apartment on some "I knew your dad shit" that could have just as easily been made up. Dumb ass kid. I really left that episode feeling like he should have been shot, but I guess that might be coming soon. Who did Angela think she was kidding with "I'm so cold!" bullshit. She really is a piece of work. Nice to know that she's boiled all her schooling and experience on her job down to "well let me just sleep with them to get what I want." Ugh! Way too set us back, girl. Also, stop showing up at people's houses! Especially the houses of known or suspected criminals who are also being investigated for the same crime. It doesn't help your case!! I was so confused when Greg gave in so easily, cause I would have been like, "Sucks for you, bitch. Now get the hell outta my house!" But I'm glad to see he was playing her ass as well. He's already fell for and been burned by her coochie-treachery. Tasha was doing so well this season! But this shit with [Lala] reminded me why I couldn't stand her ass in the first 2 seasons. However, [Lala] had to know something was up when fucking Holly was involved, so she should have asked more questions. Also, why don't these people lock the front door to their business while they're closing up and counting up the day's till??? Seems really dumb to me, especially in a big city like New York. And Jamie needs to stop acting all butt-hurt that people no longer trust him when he's constantly lying to the people who are on his side. Speaking of....who told that dude to start talking shit about Tommy's dog. I knew that wouldn't end well.
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