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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Sexy ass Julio! Who knew he was hiding all that for that past 3 seasons. More nekkid Juilo please! (but with less growly face.)
  2. You all have already captured everything I was going to say in regards to Sarah's pathetic attempt to justify her non-actions. So I'll just add this: Fuck you, Sarah. And I actually liked her, and eye-rolled away all her ass kissing in previous seasons as someone with low self-esteem who didn't know better. But she fucking knows better. Also, it bugs me to no end that she keeps calling the other cast members morons (which, yeah, they are), yet she's always so busy tripping all over herself to be part of their crew. So what the fuck does she think that makes her???
  3. I was fully ready to believe Keisha, except that Lisa never said one word about her beyond that she and Ed both met Keisha at the same time. When Lisa spoke about it on Hollywood Diva's her gripe was that she and Ed were rebuilding their friendship, speaking regularly, and co-parenting, but then she found out about his marriage to Keisha via social media. Her main issue was that her child would now be living in the same house as another women and Ed hadn't said shit about it to her. It was actually all the other messy ass chicks on the show who kept bringing it up to see if they could get Lisa to start shit (and I'm sure it was at the prodding of the producers/Carlos King, especially since his ass is also messy as hell). Now "thirsty to be on reality TV?" Lisa should have left that part out because hello pot!
  4. This is brilliant! I would love to see the eliminated cast members vote on the final 3 teams and which teams get a head start. John would shit himself.
  5. He was also the only one to not apologize, instead giving that half-assed rationalization for him and his cousin's behavior.
  6. I think I vaguely remember that she was supposed to be on Starting Over! (I absolutely loved the first year of that show.)
  7. It was completely bullshit that all the teams didn't have to compete in the last elimination round. The only team that should have been guaranteed in the final is the team that won the last competition. At first, I thought the same thing, but there must have been a rule that the barrel had to be carried. I was surprised, rather shocked, that Dario and Nicole did as well as they did on the word puzzles. So glad Devin called Sarah out, especially when she said, "Everything is fine. She [Cheyenne] knows its fine and you [Vince] know its fine." What about any of the altercation indicated to her that they were fine. Oh, I know, because Sarah wasn't the one being picked on, so it was all fine. POS. From Johnny's reaction, or lack there of rather, to the "twist", I think he either knew about it beforehand, has already made up his mind to screw Sarah over, or both. I think it's shitty to do that to your partner, yet slightly gratifying because Sarah has been so awful this season. From her head being buried up Johnny's ass, even as he continued to treat her like shit, to the sanctimonious way she's spoken to other people on the show, to the fact that she'd rather have shitty people like her than check them for being dipshits to others.... She knows, which is why she's now terrified. And you know what, if Johnny screws her out of the money, I'll only feel 60-70% bad about it.
  8. I didn't realize it was starting so soon. I wonder if they will over Omarion breaking up with Apryl?
  9. How in the hell did she when she sat him down and told him she was unhappy?!?! Every time Kenya has been asked about her house, she has mentioned that she's been having some trouble with some of the people working on the house. Now if that trouble has been a project manager not taking care of things in the right way, I can see where payments to certain vendors can get overlooked or mismanaged. But, Kenya tends to be not very good at owing up to things, so I'm sure whether it's her fault or not, she'll find some way to blame someone else.
  10. From the Hollywood Diva's thread (refer back to there for more discussion!):
  11. We've been discussing it in the Hollywood Diva's thread, as Ed and Keisha's rushed marriage is a part of Lisa's storyline this season.
  12. Kim is definitely the other one I need to learn from. She got Big Poppa to buy her actual property, in full with no mortgage, AND put it in her name!!!! And not to mention constant furniture "updates" to the point where she needed a storage unit to house all the shit that couldn't fit and was unused, just waiting for to placed in the next house. She needs to teach me that shit, cause that is beyond amazing. It can be a series of master classes for a come up.
  13. Lol! Don't make Bob put that bad eye on ya, now!
  14. I heard about this on the radio earlier today and was so confused cause I remembered seeing an Instagram post from her about being preggers. Now he's filing for divorce and demanding a paternity test?!
  15. Not only that, but taking the test still within his own neighborhood. Like really, dumbass?!? All the 70s outfits were great! And HELLO Gabe's chest and, uhm, package! I typically don't like Stef's hair, as I don't think the cut flatters her face. However, the way it was styled tonight looked amazing on her.
  16. This is great to do, especially for MAC lipsticks.
  17. I was so confused about the fish story. I thought they were supposed to be telling stories about the birthday girl?
  18. Eh, so not interested in rich people pretending they're "struggling". I can't stand Shaunie. However, if she did a show that discussed strategies for how to snag a big time baller with marriage and popping out big headed kids, then have an affair with your trainer all while squirreling away your husband's cash in a separate bank account with only your name on it, I could be here for that because at least it would be real. I can't with Shaunie acting like she's better than all the other ladies when she's just as ratchet at the rest of them.
  19. Fellow lipstick junkie here! I'm also a fan of Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, especially once I learned to apply them correctly (although, it must be much easier now that they switched to a wand applicator from the tube). My other favorite is Coloured Raine - their matte lip paints are phenomenal and last all day. I apply at 6:45 in the morning and still have decent coverage, without reapplying, when I get home at 8:00 pm. Plus, many of the colors are designed to work well with the skin tones of people of color.
  20. Her issue is that Duffy has known Brandi longer; she's jealous. I used to enjoy Malaysia, but the way she acted at the party, as well as how she treated Angel during the sit down she called for, is making her extremely unlikable. Also, what in the hell was Angel talking about during her conversation with Malaysia? Something like, "you know gangstas have to do stuff in secret," or some shit like that. So how long do we think it will take before Other Angel runs away from Jackie screaming? I saw on VH1's website that Shaunie has her own show, so why is she still on this one?
  21. I love Mushiya's plan for rolling out her weave line by not only finding people to sell the hair, but also first ensuring that they all know how to use and apply the hair properly. I also thought Lakenya looked good with her new hair. Too bad she got bullied for it by that vile Maja and her lapdog Beautii. Speaking of vile....Diedra and her new friends are horrendous. I can't imagine being around them. They must exude some really awful vibes/auras everywhere they go.
  22. And she should know what that shit feels like, because when Katie was railing into her ass on whatever Challenge that was (The Ruins maybe?), no one said anything and just watched as Katie shouted at her till she was a huddled mass of tears then kicked her out of the room. If anyone should know better, it should be Sarah. She needs to grow the fuck up!
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