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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Whoopi sent me to the edge today. First she says no need to even think about the elections until perhaps feb/mar/ or apr. She totally forgot about those pesky primaries in states starting as early as Feb 1. And STFU and stop lecturing - "look at me, look at me, follow me" to Paula. Outrageously condescending. Then WG's "ching chong" moment. Raven said of the baseball thing "it was a scorpion" according to "my people." HER PEOPLE? I've heard it called several terms this morning - one being "take out slide." But not by "my people." I guess I should pause now and take time to pout about it.......... Ok, I'm back. Then Michelle says "all the girls in congress have photos of Paul Ryan on their desks." Really - all.....girls....?
  2. Agreed - ABC likes to deny the gossip all the while regrouping and then dumping them later on. Over, and over, and over......
  3. Am I crazy or did Ree really add SUGAR to her stew? Is this done anywhere? And why?
  4. I did get a couple of WTF's with today's show - Sherry criticizing Trump for being over-familiar with the Latino woman - like she has never been over-familiar? And SE Cupp saying Rubio is young and fresh.....I never knew those were traits in a POTUS to consider.
  5. In the article above it says Briana is as concerned about Vicki's relationships as is Vicki about hers. Yet Brianna runs away to get married without her mother's knowledge. Yet Brianna and Ryan move in after saying she says and Ryan say no Brooks...yet they are in no position to tell her mother what to do and who to date. And here we are into Ryan installing security measures including cameras....to keep Brooks out and check he wasn't. I think V won't do anything to damage B and R - yet they are constantly picking on her and Brooks. On the other hand - probably all scripted anyway.
  6. Tunia - what an amusing article! WG - nobody has got any money in reply to the writer trying to fund it. There is a effect that there is a spiritual being has entered a room when WG enters? WG - "I can do (movies) but it has to be done in a specific way." Then she laments how difficult it is to get good roles after age 12 (?) She has no intention to get married again....unless it is to her cat. I thought she rescued a kitty thrown from a car (or something) and 2 dogs, plus the sweetheart one that couldn't hear or see. I just can't......stand her.
  7. Or one's ammo kept away from the gun in a gun safe - and hence more burglaries for the ammo.
  8. I think "good job" (but about a new horse?) over Ree's HIGH FIVE. But that's me.....heh - you walked in the door HIGH FIVE, you washed your hands HIGH FIVE! You drew a picture HIGH FIVE! JMO.
  9. I have no problem with that. We all evolve, hopefully, and can change our opinions. Either way on this particular issue or others. Either party or independent can. But I wish he would state, like you did, how this changed him and why. Much more effective than ignoring it and seeming inconsistent. It took him nearly a week to explain his stance on not supporting a Muslim for POTUS until he arrived at something like - well, not if they were a Sharia supporting Muslim. Realistically if one did they would not win in any event. Not well thought out in Dr Carson's case, imo. Like continuing to say Hitler could happen here....
  10. I just posted a long comment pointing out conflicting articles about Carson on abortion over the last few years - and lost it!. Nevertheless, very disturbing considering he served as a trustee to a foundation that gave several hundred thousand dollars to PP, would refer women for abortions, study fetus', said it was the biggest killer of black PEOPLE (can men have abortions? Evidently heart disease is the biggest killer of black women) and on and on. Even his handlers can't explain his comments. Or refuse to. All I did is google Ben Carson on abortion and up popped tons of articles - anyone's choice of which one to choose - all disturbing and word salad.
  11. In most cases yes Roger. Just has a mammo today - and it was at a different facility that my doctor's office.
  12. GW came into office with a surplus of money. And then started unpaid wars. That Obama inherited and been able to plug some of the flow. The GOP wants to cut benefits - for children, the elderly, and even food stamps for vets and families living on base. And lower taxes. and on and on....
  13. I just looked at the video on QVC - almost didn't finish from the beginning - stupid cover sitting in a wing back upholstered chair in front of a corn field, Everything black and white checked and then her saying "yummy yummy for your tummy tummy!". Like black and white means fresh and homemade. She proceeds to add a chocolate sauce to a cheese cake on 1/3 of it and a raspberry sauce on the other 1/3 (fine)....what about the other 1/3 that had none. I suppose that could have been the point though. And frozen stew is great! in the spring or summer. And of course Venable's stupid expressions and happy dance. OTOH he is very involved in selling the product....Nancy not so much.
  14. GH - couldn't agree more....all these years later I remember scenes Keisha was in and not those Raven was in.
  15. That explains the guest line-ups this week.
  16. Someone should have asked Candace - well, what if the star was bi-sexual? I really can't wait to see CCB's head explode one day.
  17. breezy - I think Vicki helped with the house because Briana was not working and I doubt Ryan could afford it on his own.....
  18. So Briana has been financially independent since 21 except Vicki helping with the house, and some of the car?
  19. OMG Cosmo - I'm in your area and sometimes wake early - I just zip off to CNN or Matlock, lol. But at 7a I go to CBS. They welcome the west coasters. Chris Mathews had to explain what time it was here by subtracting 3 hours the other day on our coast. I think because Roseburg was the topic.
  20. I simply can't stand EH's smile - especially on F&F - the other day they mowed down the 14 year old boy that took his homemade digital clock to school for a science class. The other blond bimbo did the story but I know EH knew what was coming. Evidently this is a bad kid - "he is not as innocent as he seems." And "has a history of trouble." "He is a weird little kid." Evidently F&F thinks this kid should be locked up - his mistakes? He was caught blowing bubbles in the school bathroom in the 6th grade. Oh - and he pranked another kid with a homemade remote control that stopped a projectionist the other kid was using in school. "It's unknown if President Obama is aware of his past disciplinary problems in school." And when then when the segment ended Elisabeth had her awful smirk. Like - yeah - this kid is a real loser. Source - Huffpo. ETA - Plus he was suspended for the bubbles.....
  21. EH does not respect books - whether children's book or adult books. And this covering up books is old. Not new. I'd love to see her crafts made on that tiny, perfect desk. Not a carft supply in sight other than her "gun."
  22. I rarely comment on someone's appearance but I was perplexed today - I'm not sure if Raven was trying to look like a rooster or Woody Woodpecker.
  23. Tasteless on today, for sure. But I think it was about the glue gun as well - and the gold she makes and uses and the books with no names but most likely with pages torn out.
  24. Actually I can't understand Sheryl - she talks so fast, usually a joke, or about her sex life - although she does have some good points to make sometimes. But overall - it's a pretty fluffly show and I'm not really into celebrity gossip. So I don't watch it very often. OTOH - I can't even justify watching this show and think tomorrow might just be pure torture, :).
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