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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I don't know....I installed a towel rack without molly screws or in the studs....didn't work so well. And who glues back a door handle? I have installed those when changing from brass to chrome....with success. I don't know....I installed a towel rack without molly screws or in the studs....didn't work so well. And who glues back a door handle? I have installed those when changing from brass to chrome....with success.
  2. I watch all the time but wonder.....is this the first time Raven has mentioned Black Lives Matter today? And then tries to interject it in several instances...... JMO - but she always seems to be so far behind current events, doesn't understand them, and tries to interject them to show us......something.
  3. MedicineCrow - It is Fox Business News....I think if you type something like that/channelsearch you might find it or you could turn to regular FOX and perhaps they will say it again.....
  4. Really....and the clip they showed on TV was Whoopi counting down from 10 to leave. Hilarious! Except for being a snooze fest part.
  5. I saw that too.....it was look at my site, it's on the site, that will explain it. I won't explain it here, in person. Kinda like Trump saying he can't tell us his plans about foreign affairs because he doesn't want our enemies to know.
  6. I am a senior now and did have a very few leg cramps in my 30's. I would put a little baking soda in water and drink it - it worked immediately. OTOH....what works for one does not mean all. Google leg cramps and lots of remedies come up.
  7. I'm just surprised Raven didn't ask Carly if she played Candy Crush.
  8. I don't know if Hillary has had some work done. Matters not to me because her face moves and shows her wrinkles. I'm not against it if not overdone and unnatural. Hey - I'm her age and never had any. Most likely would if affordable. Carly has just overdone it, imo.
  9. Oh good grief - now it looks like she has inspired Moms to send waffle irons, electric tea kettles, George Foreman grills, etc to their dorm kids for unhealthy snacking. That requires shopping, storing, a panty, electric appliances, baggies, preparing, cleaning up.
  10. I doubt Raven didn't have the question prepared. She likely would have asked - do you play Candy Crush?
  11. Could be the worst of the lot chessiegal. If one is poor in college they are eating just top raman or pb&js and the like....not adding 10 more additions. If they are studying they are not going to take the time out to shop for them or let alone take the time out of studying to make these "recipes." If they are wealthy, as her daughter is - they are going to call for a pizza or something or go out. I think it is also most annoying because it seems like her daughters never were interested in cooking to begin with - which is fine - but for Ree to assume this daughter now is just rediculous. She is much too busy acclaimating to college, new friends, studying etc.
  12. I agree, unfortunately Joy asked her 3 questions to answer at once - I think overall about women: PP, equal pay, and something else. It was Carly's plan to talk about PP yet again rather than answer the other questions first and hopefully run out of time for the PP part. Except PP was HER agenda.
  13. For me this show has turned into the endless game shows the network aires. In this case it how many ways can Ree guild the lily recipe with 10 extra ingredients added.
  14. The thing is....her daughter is in a soroity rather than a dorm. I went to a college that did not have them but my brother and sister and some of my friends attended a university that did. And they all had kitchens and cook/s. The kids could use the kitchen for off meal snacks. The dorm rooms I lived in for the first 2 rooms did not have room for a refrig, waffle iron etc - let alone a pantry(!). Even those refrigs like in a hotel room would not hold all the frickin items Ree used in each ingredient. My roommates and I would go to the HUB for meals or grab coffee or whatnot in the morning and to study or in my case more likely to hang out....or to one of the many inexpensive restaurants that are so prevalent around colleges. I guess even the last 2 years when I lived off campus we were never big snack-ers. The occasional popcorn is all I remember.....that we could do in the little room at the dorm meant for that or in our apartments. I was fortunate that my parents paid for my college but there is no way I had much money to make these little snacks all the time althouh I worked at Christmas and during the summer. Top Ramen and a ton of veggies and sirracha etc, coffeecup cake, caesar or fruit salad - WTH? Let go Ree....I'm sure your daughter is fine at college and no need micromanage her snacks. Just send her a box of cookies sometimes as a little thinking of you....
  15. It is fun.....and very informative about these candidates!
  16. I watched! But didn't notice her. It was a great forum!
  17. She also did that Lifetime movie about a daughter missing or something that was a drama.
  18. Great article merriebreeze - thanks for linking!
  19. I just watched Joy's new show - it was On Demand. I think I am going to like it and will watch - except- when SS is on. Good grief - Sherri is such a revisionist. She never really liked Sal and she sure fooled me. And yes she said on the show - she was celibate. She failed to mention they weren't until they decided to get married. Oh - and now that Sherri is single and babysits Jeffrey she can go out with friends.....like that ever stopped her before.
  20. That is good to know! I bought some today and will try it tonight. Plus a bogo so I hope it helps.
  21. I'll raise you a migraine headache from Raven and Michelle......
  22. Could not agree more Cyber.....and I am 68! Raven is certainly not a good representative of millennials.
  23. I agree....I don't know how to link but if one googles - fiorina disses barbara boxer's hair - up pops articles and a 38 second youtube video. I just finally heard this mentioned on Hardball....hope this show does their homework.
  24. OMG - Raven was so outraged and indignant - huffily saying she went to work at 3. Paula was talking about the ipad her 6 year old helps pay for. By doing little chores and birthday and Christmas money. So funny!
  25. I watched it and am so happy I will never tune into again RHOC. Hate watching 2 of them in sausage dresses and all of them saying they love each other yet attacking each other so viciously. Absolutely no support or compassion by anyone of them tonight. Or any time it is on.
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