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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Who takes their child to 133 floors of apts and then takes the candy away? Or teach them to space it out....or share with the homeless, or food banks or women's shelters with kids? Why amp the kid up and take it away? How about a party and dunking for apples, playing games, watching an appropriate age movie and a little trick or treating. Or going for a hay ride or to a "haunted house?" IMO she can really be mean to Jeffrey. And teaches him nothing.
  2. Could not agree more....and the original guest hosts were great (well, not Debbie and later Star for her bridezilla crap.... Personally, I think that is when BW lost control of the show and gave it all to Geddes. So we end up with Hasselbeck, Shepherd, McCarthy, Perez (we never hear about these days that I am aware of) and now get Symone, Collins.....and Wallace fired. Whoopi targeted her threats - RO and now Faris.....probably CCB soon. Wallace was definitely brown-nosing WG. As she (Wallace) does on Morning Joe yet got shredded after the last GOP debate later on MSNBC.
  3. I've been noticing since Joy has been back that the guests (well known) do give Joy, rather than Whoopi, their attention.
  4. ABC often dismisses gossip about their hosts on this show......until it actually happens.
  5. Especially on Raven's facebook.
  6. And then, since they have told us there is one bathroom the co-hosts use by their dressing rooms located on another floor, WG is gone for 90 seconds and then for 30 seconds. Then Raven has to say something about Whoopi's explosion. So crude.
  7. Sherri always chooses to tweet while an event is happening......like the elderly, confused man got into the backseat of her car parked by Rumba. That was twofer.....me exercising and scared out of my wits. Yet her photo showed there were not any cars in the lot except hers....not even for Rumba clients. Or when she is pulled over for violations. like...oh, no....here is a cop. See my instagram.
  8. I sincerely doubt it will be acknowledged (any of the 3 petitions) on the show or by ABC. But it is a wake up call to Raven to grow up and be informed....especially at 30 and her salary. If she is mature enough to find sources of info with pictures and studies up on current events other than off the wall subculture thoughts....at her age.
  9. BW no longer has any power, but agree, ABC will notice. So will Raven since she says she googles herself daily. Plus there is another petition out of the UK with just about 70,000 signatures posted on her own facebook. And one other but her fb is an ugly site to go to. So I didn't stay long.
  10. They will also cut it up for free in the grocery store.
  11. Over 53,000 now and I voted!
  12. Goes to show there is so much more to learn from all this gossip and so few actual facts - other than the violence of the cop we saw on video.
  13. I think the violence was horrendous and most assuredly uncalled for. If I had been the teacher I would have asked her to put the phone away. If she didn't then I would have gone to her desk and asked her for it and said she could collect it when class was dismissed. And then called the school administrator if she indicated she wouldn't. This has to be a very awful year for her....loosing her mother in Jan, and her grandmother this summer. Too much for a teen to handle. And now in foster care. This is so disturbing....the uncalled for violence!, ignoring the first 2 authority figures, how blase the class was while this was happening (except for the friend that was outraged and then arrested!) What an awful thing for teachers as well....once you allow cell phone use in the classroom for one then a lot of kids will follow - and they are there to learn. So glad the deputy was fired and I hope he is sued as well. And I hope the victim gets some therapy, in just 2 years she will be 18.
  14. Really Jpx - and it is nonsense and then she makes a stupid joke right in the middle of her irrelevant comment.
  15. JUST IN - the SC deputy has been fired.
  16. And purses and shoes. These women do not wear burkas in their homes.
  17. That is a truly disturbing photo.....and Ava does not look happy.....rather OMG.
  18. OMG MC - and of course Sanders will now be referred to as WG's friend. Because she has met him. Two new great friends in 1 week - Sanders and Carson! She is so full of herself.
  19. Really....maybe the people in Oklahoma don't want their kids around Ryan....let alone any gathering where he might erupt and have Brianna defending him.
  20. OMG - Paula. I was on a trip to Savannah with 2 friends the year she was to get her show and her restaurant was rated very well so we went for luch. She was there and looked terrific, actually elegant - with a page boy-ish hair cut with gray in her hair. My 2 friends bought her cookbook and graciously she autographed them. I didn't because I didn't really think the food outstanding (we had the buffet). Anyway, I enjoyed the first season or two of her show (in Elliott's house) and then she changed! Fame got to her and she became awful, imo. So full of herself. Then.....the lawsuit. I read the depositions. All settled out of court. I thought it was all so crude, and especially her antics at that very popular South Beach Wine and Food Fest when her pants fell off. Thankfully she was wearing granny panties but, imo it was all planned since that was practically the first thing she talked about. Plus her constant chatter about (meat)BALLS and beating the meat. UGH!
  21. Clinton was under fire the whole time and the rest had their time outs - and melted. Loved her laughing at Roby's question. And they are not going to stop investigating this. BTW - what about the 13 embassies attacked under GW - 60 dead? Not a word. And very easy to google for sources and facts. Sooooo.....Joe has the right questions to ask after years of this investigation and 8 hearings? Sigh....now there is going to be one on Planned Parenthood.
  22. Hopefully Mon. will be an exception. Remember when they told Sherri to stay home when McCain was on and she wandered the streets whining?
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