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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Yes, willfully ignorant. ^^^^^
  2. Good grief...Raven supported her family from age 3, is worth around $55M, denies her mother a telescope for a mattress because "she doesn't need it." Hope for RS's B-day party Bounty gives her a few years of paper towels. Poor little bird.
  3. There is a bacon seasoning salt (J&D's) sold on Amazon....great reviews. It's been around for a while although I have tried it. Much more appropriate than real bacon in her nuts.
  4. Agree Debbie. IMO Raven is willfully ignorant. Going to college after being a childhood star is not unheard of. Or watching informative tv shows or newspapers. Somehow broadening their knowledge with new challenges. Good grief, Raven says she is a vegetarian and chows down on chicken. Sigh. Agree Debbie. IMO Raven is willfully ignorant. Going to college after being a childhood star is not unheard of. Or watching informative tv shows or newspapers. Somehow broadening their knowledge with new challenges. Good grief, Raven says she is a vegetarian and chows down on chicken. Sigh.
  5. I love Paula "twisting" her ears on gesture! Like, I'm ready to to hear ya!
  6. Good grief - who is saying stop praying Elisabeth? People are saying prayers are not enough, we need action. BTW - don't all religions pray? And as far as I can see EH is a radical Christian. Just saying, as I am also a Christian. But a radical Muslim is not the only form of radicalism.
  7. Good grief - who is saying stop praying Elisabeth? People are saying prayers are not enough, we need action. BTW - don't all religions pray? And as far as I can see EH is a radical Christian. Just saying, as I am also a Christian. But a radical Muslim is not the only form of radicalism.
  8. ^^^ OMG post Sigh. I was trying to say I think RO has done a lot more for the troops, vets, and their families than run around Central Park in shorts carrying a uggge flag like EH. Sigh. I was trying to say I think RO has done a lot more for the troops, vets, and their families than run around Central Park in shorts carrying a uggge flag like EH.
  9. I LOVE Takei....why did he agree with this? And I am so tired of that scarf!
  10. Really Debbie - she is like a 6 year old so proud of herself, and no reason why. Her smiles are what grate on me most as the are above and beyond.
  11. I've made and had tons of SAD like Alton makes, or similar, but NEVER one like Ree's. I don't get it.
  12. Sherri has also said her friend said don't marry him. But I remember an interview with Sal and Sherri before they were married and they were dying to have a baby....Sal insisted on a boy baby.
  13. Sigh....when I think I have a great recipe and get a lot of compliments I don't try to tweek it. Actually, my sister does....and it is never so good as the original. I don't get that. Sigh....when I think I have a great recipe and get a lot of compliments I don't try to tweek it. Actually, my sister does....and it is never so good as the original. I don't get that.
  14. And then she started the appeal. I have a hard time with women (or men) in their late 40's not understanding life. And making positive decisions. Sherri chooses to pray and spew spiritual sayings and not paying attention to the messages there. Like back in the day potty training Jeffrey....desperate, but would not follow any advice for more than a day. I'm all for Moms having fun with their friends, trips and all.....but Sherri overdoes this, imo. And then comes home and loves on Jeffrey with complaints - never acknowledging a Nanny. I always loved, back in the day when the show has guest celebrities....and they would say they they were so fortunate to have help having a career and family. And yeah....with her ex she left him all the time to party and for him to take care of Jeffrey....who does that?
  15. I'm not....why would Carla do this and ignore her own family. She never looked thrilled cooking with Jeffrey. Who is going to do this and take a 5am flight home- where ever it was for the holiday. But then, Sherri's antics cooking with Clinton Kelly scarred me for life. If I was a celebrity Chef SS would never be a friend of mine. Remember when Rocko Despiroto (?) sent them meals to loose weight and SS and GW lost weight? Now all regained. No offense MC.....I just have a thing about SS and why Carla would do this.
  16. Just saw today's show...On Demand - preempted for college football earlier here. The Estefan's segments were terrific. Raven, salt has nothing to do with diabetes. And enough with the whipped cream. Just STOP with the taking of things Whoopi.....not cute at all. So generous TWO viewers can enter to win the toys.
  17. One thing I love about Joy is that she is so comfortable in these situations. What is the point getting mad at the person that "did" it....or not understand this may be a solvable problem....no matter how inconvient. Good grief, I've been going through a plumbing problem in my one bathroom for over 3 months, with an $11,000 payout from insurance. Not easy or quick....but what can one do except deal with the process? Especially when the b-room is the size of a postage stamp. And part of the hallway carpet. BTW.....toilets last about 20 years......google it. And be prepared for expensive trouble if you don't know. I didn't. ETA - and the new ones are great!
  18. Just go to LE's site....the photo with TR and "family" is there.....
  19. I'm so lucky.....At 68 and living alone I hate to cook....but when I do it usually a BC recipe. This year I am going with my sister to our "other" sister of over 40 plus years. We have been through divorces, deaths, traveled to exotic places etc So much in common history for decades. Lots of fun. She is doing the apps, turkey, gravy....and us the sides. Well, my sister....I just bought them. So happy camper with an empty to-go container for leftovers. Let's all be thankful for those guests that appreciate the dinner and contribute in small ways along with the more special reasons for T-Day.
  20. Man, Elisabeth could have given Walters a slight nod in her 3 minute sob farewell.
  21. Good grief - I always think back to when she was on the View and was asked to campaign for Palin on the road and wore one of her cheap Jackie-O jackets in green she was hawking on QVC. And then - brought up wardrobegate that the GOP had decided to squash about Palin. And was common knowledge. Good times! Elisabeth loved Palin and Sherri too, because evidently Palin knew how to shuffle chairs around at a PTA meeting.
  22. Let's see here.....cereal - check oj - check fruit - check Or Nigii bars, hard boiled egg, scrambled eggs, egg burrito along with fruit and juice and milk. MUCH too complicated for Tim or Nanny. Good grief, when my Dad needed to go on a low carb diet for diabetes (not weight) I would make stratas, cut them in servings and they froze beautifully and all he had to do is microwave them for 45 seconds. Something is wrong in Bitsyland - but I think it is being fired. What boss spends hours with you assisting in this decision of hers to be CBO. He does have Meghan and Gretchen in his stable along with other women. Much more capable than EH.
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