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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I remember how awkward it was when EH's friend from HS or college came on during Friends Week and it was like they barely knew each other, lol. And remember when she has Elthridge (?) the singer over once because she hated to be perceived anti-gay. And yep, the fake gay marine or something. Oh - and not allowing Tim to see the SI calendar issue......even in the locker room of the Giants. And then she poses in a tiny bikini on the cover of Shape or what ever the mag is.
  2. Yes, we are bombing oil facilities but have been dropping notifications to innocent workers to evacaulate first........according to one report. Evidently this would not work for many hawks. Of course Raven would get angry and demand bank statements immediately if it was her marble. Joy might look into talking to the marble and installers prior to her insurance. Did CCB actully say Obama was too calm and telling people to step into the boats and stay calm while the Titantic is sinking - rather than say wildly saying everyman for himself!
  3. Good grief.....if Raven would get less excitable and slow down while not deciding on what attitude to adopt her word problems would not be so messed up.
  4. Was she trying to say majority? Fortunately I missed that part.
  5. I've never heard of the beet eggs.....but it reminds me of a recipe my mother had as a child (she was born in '21)....long before fresh produce was available year around. Let alone frozen. It had hard boiled eggs, black olives, canned diced beets and green onions/mayo. Actually it was good although I only had it once. A similar one was cheddar cheese, carrots, green onions/mayo. LOL
  6. I'm not a fan of the green bean casserole either - I think because of the canned mushroom soup and the canned gb's. But one year I was put in charge of them and made Alton's best green bean casserole ever! And it was....homemade white sauce, fresh green beans, mushrooms......I didn't do the onions though because reviewers had a problem with them so I bought a can of them - at Trader Joes. Excellent recipe!
  7. Such melodramatics on her part. Indeed, Chief Breakfast Officer? With Tim and the nanny there.....who is she kidding. Then the kids are off at full time school. Like she didn't have time off before their arrival home and evenings with them all along. Plenty of time for kids activities.
  8. Dumb and Dumber sure didn't look very sad during Dumbness' speech this morning, lol.
  9. I personally think she is in the news way too much for stupid comments - and Ailes is not happy about it.
  10. Yikers MC - 72 and just now? You lucky girl! Try 2 or 3.....
  11. She really is hilarious is a very odd way, imo. Someone remain calm during an Ebola outbreak - outrageous!!! Death of an officer by a lit cigarette? Worse than a bullet!!! A test to vote? But wasn't that already done? Good grief - I am 68 and my forehead is not that wrinkled from scowling. But never a good look at any age. OTOH - Gracie must be continuing to think for her self, Tim or the nanny must be doing a poor job in the morning, perhaps grapes are left in the sink. Or being stuck in their mansion the parks need monitoring.
  12. On the bright side - perhaps CCB should apply for the available seat on F&F......she would be very happy there.
  13. Yep Elisabeth - how nice to stay home with the kids now that they are all in full time school. I doubt she could take the heat from all the articles mocking her in the news - especially while on F&F.
  14. Oh man....I edited that post forever....didn't work for me.
  15. Really. I am so glad she is not on anymore even though she didn't spout off her opinions on vac and HIV and the like while there. She also never brought "the fluff". lol Really. I am so glad she is not on anymore even though she didn't spout off her opinions on vac and HIV and the like while there. She also never brought "the fluff". lol Really. I am so glad she is not on anymore even though she didn't spout off her opinions on vac and HIV and the like while there. She also never brought "the fluff". lol
  16. LOL - perhaps Paula has her b-fast before the show when she is not busy. Or perhaps Joy thinks on her show Sherri would have devoured everything presented as nibbles.
  17. CCB was always hired as a permanent host.....after Fuller House ended about this time. IICR. OTOH perhaps Raven was let go rather than Michelle.....or, imo - BOTH!
  18. If doing Nan's dressing is so delicious why does Ree need to mess with it? Especially if it is traditional? Why does she need to add caramel sauce and whipped cream to her cheese cake?....always gilding the lily..... At least she has dropped the ie at the end of her kids names.
  19. What network is Meredith on this season? .....thanks What network is Meredith on this season? .....thanks What network is Meredith on this season? .....thanks
  20. I just can't with Raven anymore....complaining about people that tweet thanks and she has to spend time reading that rather than playing Candy Crush...... Not a bad segment on Paris today. I was glad to not see Whoopi and Michelle there for that.....or just there for that matter.
  21. I think it is more an ABC/Disney decision to let her run out her contract.....
  22. I can't stand the humble Whoopi - so insincere and entitled at this point when she hasn't really done much in a long time. Well, except bully, point, defend celebrities (in some cases...ie not Viola Davis). Actually even Stacy London now that she is a somewhat regular - forget WG's outrage at SL's take on her dress at at some award thing. And her jealousy of R O'Donnell. During a horrid time in RO's life. Or belittling Perez.
  23. Perhaps Whoopi is on Fri's right now is because either she loves basking in attention, doesn't want to miss out on "gets" or because they are in sweeps. Actually....that many like Fri Whoopi-free and Joy doing a good job....better than hers moderating. Perhaps Whoopi is on Fri's right now is because either she loves basking in attention, doesn't want to miss out on "gets" or because they are in sweeps. Actually....that many like Fri Whoopi-free and Joy doing a good job....better than hers moderating.
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