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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I think billing someone for not attending is tacky as well....although one parent could have gone, I think. I wouldn't dream of calling a bride on her "big" day - what can she do. Gifts should be what a giver can afford, imo. I have RA and will RSVP but always say I may not be able to attend. In this case I would have added but would love to come to wedding and reception but can't commit to dinner so count me out. I think caterers always allow for no-shows. Or unexpected no-shows. In any event - crap happens and people can't always keep their commitments. But billing them is tacky and rude. Way for the bride and groom to ruin their wedding memories with the publicity now. Oh - and with their family.
  2. OMG -Sherri with Candace, Raven, and Michelle - and Joy? I think Paula gets Fridays off to prepare for her weekend GMA. I'm already scared to tune in.
  3. I actually felt badly for Vicki. I don't think it was intentional. My sister suffered from incontinence in her '50's and received a prescription for it - all is good. I remember once riding in an elevator with her (alone thankfully) and she involuntarily gushed. And she was wearing shorts! There is also that commercial with several women planning on going to the mall and plotting out the bathroom locations.
  4. I think they need to REALLY back off the religion chatter. It is too personal and imo it is a subject to be discussed between church (or place of worship), family, and close friends. And I believe there is a separation of "church" and state.
  5. Raven seemed to me so rediculous over Kanye running for POTUS in 2020....and his cabinet etc. I imagine she was trying to be serious but I do not doubt she would support him and KK for FLOTUS. And of course we're back to WG saying we should create an airline for just families with small kids. And later saying "Rick - thanks for coming babe." I'm not a fan of his but it was disrespectful.
  6. Whoopi slept through the first few years....woke up and got on her high horse when threatened by RO's capabilities as moderator. She has never been a team player. Now she is a bully as well. I hope she rides off in the sunset in Dec. It will be worth it to most viewers, imo, and ABC as well.
  7. Whatever, imo. I'm not a fan of the agent they chose. Like the photos, relisting right away etc. But I would be happy she is not in my neighborhood anymore even if it is a blue state.
  8. Oh good grief - my father had NHL. Had cadillac insurance and went to a well respected clinic connected to a hospital. The doctor recommended him to various departments in the hospital for tests. All doctors do not have these very, very, expensive machines to do it themselves let alone interpret them as a radiologist does. Even your doctor does not have a mammogram machine in their office - they refer you to a facility that does that.
  9. Seems to me that Tamra's $8,000 could have been used for a trade school for Ryan rather than a house. She will not even say what kind of job he has, he is not a teen or working his way through any education after HS, but can fold towels.
  10. Good grief Shannon - order shrimp cocktail without the sauce, and limes or 9 lemons.....not meatballs.
  11. IMO being a retired colonel that is a hawk and wants to kill the bastards is not right, where is the diplomacy going to come in? Or are we just beyond that? I'm not.
  12. I truly believe she had a meltdown (even though she is grown up). As far as someone trying to do her job - well YES! She isn't and won't work a minute longer than her contracted hours. So she misses a meeting and is po'd. And she has broken into the "slave dialect" on the show live. Then she ends it all with a bad period "joke." Can't stand her.
  13. Raven is an idiot - "Tweet us! Here is a tweet! Don't tweet me." Does she not understand the show doesn't want any panelist saying that. And even have that contest where only tweeters can enter.
  14. Ugh, not the bringing Shepherd back part, for me. That would absolutely make me stop watching (yet again).
  15. Oh good grief - Terry is not comfortable with live camera's - except on this show and Botched. Tamra will never recover the $8,000 - they don't have jobs. One goes to a Dr and referred to other places that have the tech machines like Mammograms, MRI's, and on and on. STFU Meghan. Tamra is a total bitch - and not loyal to her husband or Vicki - good luck to her in her pasture or being pasteurized - what ever she is doing with waterproof makeup on from a make up artist.
  16. What a chilly house, I know one is supposed to remove a lot for selling a house - photos, clutter, etc. But this house is not cozy. Where are the flowers (inside and out) kids play area, kitchen, at least one of 9 bathrooms, BBQ etc? LOL - didn't even see a Bitsy emmy or office - but Tim's den adorned with accolades. Oh, I guess there is a very small kitchen for a house this size.....
  17. Not that I am interested in the things they shill but the show is certainly unfair. Twitter only, and east coasters are given 5 hours but the west coasters just 3 hours.
  18. PLEASE don't think that, it is a good thing to do but when one has faith in their doctors.....I can't imagine the pain you feel and on the date 9/11, I hope you can find some way to find peace and comfort on that date to ease pain just a little. I know it will never end in your life.
  19. Possible divorce and actual divorce is devastating to most children and actually grow children. And to involve them is reprehensible except of cases of violence or child abuse or things like that which is immediate separation. I find it very distasteful that the parents are involving their children so much in this. And I know - my own father had affairs. But I am 68 and understand why she stayed - she loved him and to get us all through college. She could not have been able to do that way back then. But money is not a Beador issue for either of them.
  20. Oh good grief. No flag in sight....no running - she is absolutely rediculous. This from one that said she ran a marathon but turned out she only really "encouraged" them on.
  21. I think the Beadors are awful people for bringing their children onto a tv show and involving them into the details of possible divorce. Shannon is very wealthy in her own right. As her husband is wealthy. Money has nothing to do with. All Shannon wants to do is belittle him. Justified, I guess, but OTOH get on without him. Moaning and complaining and being a victim is not not a strong woman. Or not even trying to mend the marriage. Her constant complaining is more than annoying. I get exciting going to dinner or lunch and often look at the restaurant's menu before going. So fretting about an appetizer (First Looks) don't order one or ask for plain shrimp with lemon - or 9 limes. Most of all - don't torture the kids, and your husband. Try....or divorce.
  22. As far as my opinion - very distasteful to make Brooks the subject of this season. As well as the Beador marriage and their dragging their kids into it. Or Heather and her husbands Taj Mahal. Or Vicki replaying her learning of the loss of her mother. I want to see some fun. As far as Brooks - the truth will emerge I guess. Perhaps he has won this battle with NHL. But not many can run around visiting tons of doctors and have it covered by their insurance or able to afford that luxury. Especially people not qualified to be covered by insurance.
  23. The View site said she would be on...about 6 hours ago. But gotta agree - Ugh.
  24. And this is what I dislike about Whoopi - is she real on this show - or on other shows. My guess is on this show.
  25. I'm more concerned about the organization that hired her. I always thought teachers valued children, and education. Yet they choose Sherri to MC?
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