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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. How about....almost a 3-fer infomercial - controversial pink ribbons, Rite-Aid and Metamucil plus Sherri.
  2. She uses Sally so all of her adoring fans won't bother her at hotels since she is not registered as Shepherd. Lol - the idiot just gave that away on twitter so now everyone knows.
  3. Halloween is on a Sat....surely she could find a neighbor, family friend, etc to take him. Someone is going to be looking after him. Typical Sherry - bragging on her movie while playing the Jeffrey card for sympathy - a twofer. Couldn't agree more with she is out of the house having fun when she cold be home with Jeffrey and complains when she is. Then throws money away while crying how poor she is.
  4. I tuned in for about 2 minutes and decided I could see how today's show was going to go and went back to the Benghazi interrogation. Could be an interesting topic in HT's (lol) tomorrow but I doubt it. Doubt CCB, Michelle and Raven have anything to say.
  5. I saw Ree on The View today....evidently to promote her new book. She presented how to make meatballs (basic recipe) and a stupid marinara sauce. But the point was to freeze the meatballs and then pull them out later and serve them with different flavors of sauces - marinara, Asian and who knows what since the show never allows enough time. Think there may have been a Polynesian sauce as well from the 2 second attention on the table and examples. Not sure if the shows fault or her not presenting the premise of the book or even if that is the subject of the book. Not a bad idea - hey, she could market packets or bottles of different sauces for this!
  6. Good grief - Raven is uneducated and talks in 140 characters or less and admittedly gets her words mixed up. Thinks she is 19 rather than 29. Whoopi lectures us and can't read a teleprompter or pronounce names, admittedly. CCB is a Christian and most comments made by her are about that. What a combination of hosts. At least Paula has backed away as a born-again. And Joy is fine with me although I don't agree with both of them sometimes - the point of the show, imo. And Michelle is useless and serves absolutely no purpose on the show. It is so perplexing how they hire some of these women. One thing I have noticed here is there are no mentions of Rosie P - good or bad. ( mean here, on this site - not the show.) I miss Meredith, Lisa, Star (except the bride stuff) and even Walters back then. And the first time Rosie O was on - I thought the show was so thought-provoking then even when I disagreed with her. ETA to add Rosie P not mentioned here on this site -
  7. Could not agree more. I'll throw in how Rosie was blindsided by Getty and Elisabeth as well - split screen had never been done before on the show or since. I also see how this producer is still out of work.... People erupt all the time both personally and professional. Not cool, but reality. Even many that don't have seen those that do in real life. Just as Whoopi did when she went on her own back stage recently. Twice now, both times Rosie has been on, she has been blindsided and shut down. Whoopi was vile to her.
  8. I know Former Nun - it is not funny or cute and has been done to death for years! It serves no purpose and takes time away from the guest and segment time. Pretty basic recipe for meatballs so why spend time on making them that was very time consuming for the length of the segment when her point was freeze these and look at all the different ways you can serve them....marinara, Asian and who know what else since there was no time. One dish looked Polynesian for example. Not that I would ever buy anything from Drummond but certainly not a cookbook for a recipe for her meatballs and marinara sauce.
  9. Lots of parents do funding for these desks.....
  10. I must really march to a different drummer - Ryan's demands if elected SOH seem rediculous to me.....it must be a unanimous vote? And the part where he wants time to be with his family? I know people do, as they should - but did he make this demand to Romney when running for VPOTUS? RS just bugs me- she talks (and thinks) in soundbites, 140 characters or less. All churches have jets? Hope Paula reads the guest author's book with her daughter but I so agree that Paula should have talked to the author privately. Imagine if Sherri were there today - she would have shredded the teacher, school, other children and their parents. Uggg! I wish they had researched the standing desks - I think it is a great idea from the articles and segments on tv I have seen. The kids like it, it helps in the areas of childhood obesity, diabetes, energy level, concentration and raises their grades. There are stools for those students that get tired, etc. that are also in the classroom. There is a swinging bar at the bottom of the desk. This subject is so easy to google yet the producers and hosts don't bother. They are being used in companies as well.
  11. Hmmm - what about a bare chested Paul Ryan. I truly hate when they treat a man as a sex object. Plus way too soon for O'Malley to show he is just a regular guy with a guitar - he is barely known and needs to show what he stands for. But the co-hosts today (or most days) can't get to the serious conversation.
  12. I can't even imagine Candace trying to explain all she does to her teens. Unless they ask, or she sees something odd in their reasoning when a conversation comes up.
  13. If Vicki, and especially Brianna, are on the show next year I am out. Now B is saying Brooks hit on her and wanted to show his privates? Why is she doing this now.....especially since V and B's have broken up. I hate being jerked around. Fortunately it doesn't happen if not self-inflicted like watching this show.
  14. I'd be dragging my parent to a doctor to see if they were beginning dementia if I were Vicki or her brother....or a "lesser" sibling. It is not a funny story, imo. OTOH...a friend of mine had a fun-loving old aunt that was traveling with friends somewhere on a plane and a man in one of the seats in front of them was bothered and gave them a bad time for their fun. Finally he settled down and had his hand on the back of his seat resting and the aunt painted one of his fingernails! Now THAT is funny! And fortunately prior to fight-rage back in the '80's or '90's.
  15. Thanks for linking that Tunia. Yep, same old Elisabeth, although she is no longer crying "where are the jobs!!?" She had the audacity to ask that of PBO and I tweeted her (my only tweet ever) telling her in China....like her clothing line on QVC.
  16. As she walks into the Oval Office with a baby in dirty diapers......
  17. Not much Matchalove....Trump called into F&F this morning. Elisabeth added nothing to the conversation - however, she is the weakest link so..... They started off talking about W "keeping us safe" and then she said something about....."well, post 9/11......" If you google F&F there is a link to the 11 minute segment.
  18. It was just a rumor, as I said, and Joy is indeed not there all the time as well as rarely with CCB. Just my take on it.
  19. IMO Joy is there to mod on Fri's and fill in when needed...CCB was back today and she is a full-time host whereas Joy is a guest co-host. I also read that WG said she will get Fri's off and 1 additional day a week. Perhaps she is well aware she will be let go in Dec and is burning up her time off, sick leave etc - or just doing whatever she wants. Dec can't come soon enough and I sure hope the rumors are true.
  20. Exactly, there is a huge distinction between the 2. I think Paula did a very good job as mod today. Seems to me the "faulty intel" about an imminent attack was only faulty because Condi Rice and W did not read it. Raven when one is assassinated they are dead....otherwise it is an attempted assassination. And what does "some people in the industry blame Katrina on W?" Your industry? How about most people of all walks of life, blame W for not reacting sooner and for his fly-over of NOLOA.
  21. I am so tired of Ladd asking the kids "are you hungry?" And Todd say "this is the best....." And her speaking and sitting there with her smile never moving - it seems plastered on and never moves whether in laughter, relaxing etc. The snake prank, and guessing games at the table, crappy products that she used and sells, let alone her recipes, ingredients....I just can't anymore..... Plus her limp steaks or chicken, not even searing the meat even if BBQing outside -let alone allowing it to rest. A little carmelizing of meat/poutry is good and it can still be rare on the inside. THIS - on a cattle ranch. And her eyeliner can be a pretty brown rather than black, imo.
  22. I've read BW's new show will feature her prior interviews about cases like OJ and the Mendez cases and a few current interviews now. I am totally not interested any longer on the cases or her very old interviews.
  23. I've never understood why older women like all the black mascara and liner. It does not do them a favor. Dial it down as we age, imo. Good grief even her daughters look natural.
  24. And perhaps partly because of his music?
  25. Oh good grief - so TPTB didn't support Brookman - boo hoo.
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