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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I think Bethanny would drag Jason into court if he violated the 2 calls a day order. I think Bethanny would drag Jason into court if he violated the 2 calls a day order.
  2. I so agree with Carole - I doubt JFK Jr was a big party boy or he and his wife were. I'm 68 and followed the Kennedys. Not doubting Sonja was at parties - HUGE parties of 100 plus with the Kennedys. But I highly doubt they mingled much. Same with Madonna, btw. Oh - and Madonna being outside is very different than M being INSIDE actually being there to watch the fashion show. Being drunk does not excuse Sonja's delusions. Although I don't particularly like Carole I do respect her keeping her experiences with John and Carolyn pretty much very private.
  3. I think they made sure the surrogate got a boy baby. Before the wedding there was a video of Sherri and Sal on The View talking about their marriage to be and they wanted a baby - Sal made it perfectly clear that he wanted a boy. Sherri knew exactly what she was getting. And he worked with (for) her on several projects and managed her FB. IMO most celebrities would prefer not to have a spouse that works 50 weeks a year and unable to travel with them. But SS kept Sal home with the Nanny and Jeffrey while traveling for gigs and having lots of down-time to have fun with old and new friends.
  4. Evidently she is moving on, it's out of her hands....everything is good. Except for her pesky current appeal about the court's decision and working to have it over-turned.
  5. Do I have this right? Raven says she is not judgemental but her bodily language screams otherwise daily. Raven says she is not African American but screeches "these are MY people" and the first 3 people came on ...or did she just mean she loved them????
  6. Just pretaped Medicine Crow.....
  7. I don't understand it either....she endlessly apologizes on air and twitter but storms out anyway. I don't think she had anything to apologize for and let the chips fall wherever.
  8. Definitely throwing shade...clues for me was using words like "exquisite, hilarious and wisdom." Followed by "ask them." WG must have felt left out because evidently TPTB said that she (Whoopi) is making them feel uneasy. And...no cake? And no Rosie....I'm thinking she said screw the last week. I'm out of there.
  9. Poor widdle Elisabeth.....she can cry over not being able to day the N-word....but at least she never asked WG to pick cotton. Sigh Seems to me this show has really gone into damage control what with all the apologies, explanations, clarifications, defending former/current co-hosts and defending other celebrities. Plus Whoopi's outrage with Nicolle being fired....not so much Rosie. So the show appeases Whoopi with a bowl of potato chips for 2 weeks within her reach.
  10. It is not odd that AA celebrities go blond....I don't follow Beyounce but she has had blonde hair...Raven and Sherri as well. OTOH I do get a kick out of SS pushing her wig line and how comfortable they are....yet constantly whips them off in personal life.
  11. I think the biggest reason I love this site so much is because there are so many posters that really care about so many injustices and heart-wrenching issues here in the USA and the whole world. And bring them to our attention. I was reading an article a few weeks ago about an issue and a poster said something about (whatever) is more important than this issue. A wonderful poster then said...we CAN multitask about lots of issues at the same time. And be heartbroken about so many at the same time.
  12. I surfed in and out because I am upset about the Cecil the Lion story and heard they were going to discuss it today. So they have Nancy Grace come on and try to educate us? After this has been a huge issue for quite a while in the news? Have they discussed it before. And then we get jokes about another hunter that is a gynecologist oncologist? Last night I read that the Empire State Bldg had a 3 hour spectacular light show of endangered animals....including Cecil. IIRC there were 40 species shown. Not a mention from the show. Very easy to google. Has this show decided their viewers are so stupid to not be "current" with news stories and they have to get someone on to explain it to us....now that BW is no longer there to do so? And WG can't? And they choose Nancy Grace? Nor discuss the real issues of this horrendous problem and the good that can come out of it - or even that some airlines have/are no longer allowing trophies such as pelts and stuffed heads from hunters as freight. And other examples of the good that can come from this story? About 15 years ago I was soooo fortunate to visit South Africa and several adjoining countries; and go on safaris. But even in my mid 50's I was so ignorant and niave because at the Atlanta airport where we checked in for our flight to Johannesburg there were dozens of metal suitcases. I mentioned perhaps they were being used for musical instruments but that didn't seem right because they were quite similar in size. Turns out they were rifles etc, as we learned from one Great White Hunter on the flight sitting next to us. And it is true - it costs a fortune to hunt there.
  13. I think Raven must just glance at news headlines and not read the article. Yet another willfully ignorant co-host on the show.....just wait for Raven and Sherri together. Sigh
  14. I can understand wanting to adopt the puppy and Oliver having a fit over it. My Maggiemae sure would. But I know that even having had a cat and dog at the same time quite successfully. But WG make it known so those that did want to can adopt the dog! And don't play on the emotions of "fans" that you are going to adopt the 2 Burmese Mountain dogs and this sweet blind and deaf puppy. Researching this a little do people know there are seeing eye dogs for blind dogs? I didn't, and think that is fabulous! If anything Whoopi could sponsor this for a nice home for the puppy and her companion dog. Instead of pretend she cares deeply and yet doesn't do a thing except pretend.
  15. Yikers....I never imagined watching a whole show would rile me up like earlier. I'm sorry everone. Discussing the ARC at JFK without telling the whole story is inexcusable, imo. Especially since they are now under the ABC News Division. Re Whoopi- she adopted a kitty that was thrown from a bridge and was on the show 8/24/11. It is a Russian Blue...like Oliver. It's name is Verranzo although she shortened it to Vinny. This is info from an ABC News article. IIRC we have never heard another word about this cat. The jury is out whether she ever adopted the 2 Burmese Mountain Dogs his past March. Never a word. I suppose my problem is Whoopi indirectly implying a pet up for adoption may be adopted by her hence lessening the pet's chance for a new home right away. I don't know....perhaps it is because there is not a likeable old or new co-host on there that I like. I do know now I can't watch a full episode. It makes me cranky and then I spend time trying to disprove what was said. Ugh.
  16. Ugh....ugh, ugh, ugh. Tuned in today because normally I enjoy dog shows. But the screaming and darting fingers and so many people on top of the dog at the same time? Just no. BTW twit (Raven) your $300 luggage fees are not going to the ARC at JFK. Idiot. There has been an animal facility at JFK since the 1950's. More and more animals come to the USA. Some need to be quarantined...like racehorses, cattle, zoo animals, livestock etc. The company building this is paying JFK 5M a year for a 27 year lease. The facility is estimated to be $48M. Do the math, Raven. Read an article. It is not for just dogs and penguins. I can't stand her. Nor Whoopi....she grabbed the dog and tuned out of the rest of the show and gained all kinds of brownie points. But I remember a cat that she had adopted and never a mention of it since....same with a pair of dogs (or just one). Nor will I miss Rosie's endless statistics mixed in some conversation about something. I always feel whip lashed after she finishes her word puzzle.
  17. I am really confused at how some people believe what Elisabeth said was racist.... I didn't see it that way except the cop seemed to have an agenda about Bland and she could have been more polite. But it quickly escalated and he said something about lighting her up. Tasered, iow. I didn't see racism though as it was occurring. And also thought it was a stupid question by Elisabeth.....Bland was in the car, the cop standing outside...with a taser and perhaps a gun. And wasn't there a second cop back at the police car? The thing I thought most about was Elisabeth lying on twitter that she didn't suggest Bland could use the cigarette as a weapon. When will Republicans like her wise up and understand they are on VIDEO rather that double down or explain what they "didn't" say?
  18. Whoopi probably realizes she can bully all of the newbies....like Raven and Michelle, now Candace and Paula. And she had loads of fun lecturing Sherri which of course never worked but then Sherri never listened to anyone and continues to screw up her life which could be funny except children are involved. Just think of the fun WG and SS will now have with their dance-offs when taking their chairs when Sherri fills in....all 50 times.
  19. Oh good grief....so according to widdle elisabeth the cigarette could have been "chucked at him...or pushed at him." No mention he wanted to "light her up."
  20. OTOH I did not think Fri would now be live. Paula will probably leave after the show on Thur to prepare for her other job. Guess Candace's mystery movies on Hallmark M&M not going so well. Doesn't matter to me...won't be watching with this new line up anyway......
  21. ispnasy....I have...quite a few times (I'm 68). And I would NEVER not be there with them at the end no matter how sad - it is about them knowing how loved they have been.
  22. Seems to me Heather accepts apology's rather dismissively.
  23. I simply cannot imagine Jeff not taking Stewie in himself!
  24. No can do Former Nun.....but I can amend it to suck up idiots. :)
  25. I have read that 50 cent is declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying $5M in punitive damages to a woman's sex tape on the internet. Easily googled. Of course these idiots (except Roberts) don't mention THAT.
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