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photo fox

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Everything posted by photo fox

  1. Cathy! Cathy is amazing. I loved her reaction to Geordie dragging Amanda home with him like a sad puppy. lol
  2. I'm still excited, but then, I don't hate S5, S6, or S7. I don't think it's going to be cutting-edge quality, but I never really expected that. Just like any reunion, I imagine it will be sometimes cliched, sometimes hokey, and sometimes awkward, but also sometimes joyous and wonderful. There will be conversations (stories) with some people (characters) I could have gone my whole life without seeing again, and not enough time spent with others whom I truly wanted to see. Everybody will be a little older and fatter. Three people will bring potato salad. I think it will be bittersweet, because reminiscing about the good old days is never quite as good as the old days actually were. But at the end of the day, I'll be glad I came.
  3. *Shallow alert* I hope Logan is a successful businessman, if only so Matt Czuchry can wear some of his "Cary Agos" wardrobe. He really knows how to wear a bespoke suit. (Plus, I always thought Logan's clothes were so schlumpy for someone his age who had as much money as he had.)
  4. No Ragosa??!? I'm out. The rest of them are either boring or ridiculous, IMO.
  5. Amanda is The Worst. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. Geordie was right on the nose when he told her that if she cares about Sidney, she'd stay away. HoodlumSheep, there was much cackling in my house as well during that final scene. Mrs. Landed Gentry, you got married. You abdicated any right you may have had to be upset about Sidney's dating life. My dad, when the widow was stripping Sidney's shirt off to clean up his shoulder, "he's going to have a whole gaggle of them!" lol I iked the case of the week, and thought it was a nice twist that the widow did it all for her stepdaughter, not any of the men. So often it's a romantic/jealousy reason. As usual, I had to shake my head when Sidney turned his back on a killer with a gun to make a phone call, rather than getting the hell out of there. I know he was attacked by the man, who wasn't even a suspect, but still. There's a murderer in the house, Sidney. Put your back to the wall.
  6. I know the "sisters" thing bothers a lot of people, but I do really like Maggie and Amelia's friendship. I think it's interesting that they would both probably say they're closer to Meredith, but when stuff happens, they turn to each other, nor her. When Amelia found Owen drinking, she went to Maggie. (Meredith didn't even know she was there, and Amelia was going to leave without telling her.) When DeLuca started his vanishing act, it was Amelia who Maggie looked to for an explanation. I feel like their care for and about Meredith is something they have in common not the thing holding them together. I think they'd be friends anyway. They have a nice, equal, non-dependent friendship, and the show is sadly lacking in that area these days.
  7. I honestly thought Thatcher was dead. In that photo, the actor doesn't seem to be in character as far as appearance. So I'm leaning toward a random visit.
  8. I don't know, everything I'm finding online about Washington law is regarding what a doctor is REQUIRED to tell a parent, not what they are ALLOWED to tell a parent, which of course are two different things. But there's no parental notification or consent requirement for a minor to have a abortion, pregnancy tests, birth control methods, or STI tests. And there's no age limit that I can find. So while I know this case wasn't any of those particular things, I think it's related. I can imagine that if a teenager legally can make those decisions herself in the interests of privacy, a hospital would extend that to other medical decisions regarding pregnancy.
  9. As much as I hate these storylines, I have to defend a couple of points. Regarding the restraining order, not all of them are the classic "you must stay 500 feet away" variety. There can be provisions written in to allow for Jackson and April to share workspace. It could just state he's not allowed to come to the apartment, etc. (Of course, knowing this show, it will be the classic type and the stupid misunderstandings and lack of communicating will continue.) On the teen mom front, in my experience the parental notification piece works exactly that way. When my niece, so was 16, found out that she was pregnant during an emergency room visit, the doctor tried to tell her privately, but my niece wouldn't let them make her mom leave the room, so they found out together. And from that point on, my niece was completely emancipated medically. Her parents were still her next of kin, but assuming she was conscious and sane, they had no more say over her medical choices than if she was thirty.
  10. If she's having a career crisis, maybe she's substituting while she considers becoming a teacher. Rory was a great student who loved school; in my experience, a lot of A students at least flirt with the idea of teaching at some point.
  11. I couldn't help but notice - thanks in part to this thread - that unlike most soap brides, Steffy actually looked like she'd engaged in an all-night tumble. Chickenhead's legend lives on! lol
  12. Was she the oh-so-angelic sick girl? Ugh, if so. I hated that story so much, it's hard for me to even remember her acting. I could never decide which was worse, that character or the doctor who helped with the local cocaine harvest, because a cute guy asked her to, and his mom was nice. Double ugh. Not even for Zach Gilford and Mamie Gummer could I keep watching that show. But ITA that I can see Shonda casting her when Owen's sister makes her inevitable entrance. If we're only casting redheads, I'd go with Aubrey Dollar, although she may have too similar a "look" to Sarah Drew.
  13. I thought the same! It would be a funny twist if Liam "wakes up" and is back in love with Ivy again. Lol
  14. Oh, I don't disagree with any of this! I just vastly prefer it when they're on the same side, or at least getting along, because like DB and SC's bro-chemistry. But then, I think DB and SC - though neither are Meryl Streep - each have nice chemistry with basically everyone, so it's no surprise I like them together. I just figured the show would go immediately to "Liam, Bill, and all of BellA assume Wyatt was in league with Quinn", especially after teh surveillance video nonsense. And Wyatt may be guilty of a lot of things, including being gullible, thirsty, and a moron about his mother, but he's not guilty of helping her kidnap Liam. So I'm glad it looks like they won't be going there.
  15. Guys, let's all remember to disagree without being disagreeable. This show brings up a lot of topics that people have strong opinions about. That's fine; argue the opinions as much as you like. But don't make things personal, please.
  16. I actually really liked her dress, especially for a beach wedding, but that hair! I haven't seen crimping like that since the 80s.
  17. This is at least giving me hope that Wyatt isn't going to be completely thrown under the bus with this story. By being the one to find Liam and work with him, Liam won't assume he was in league with Quinn. I've always liked their relationship as brothers, regardless of everything else.
  18. Honestly, though, there's no discussion to be had no matter how far along she is. It's her decision and only hers. And it's not like she's on the fence with her feelings. So as much as I may sympathize with Jackson (or at least, I did until he started getting physical), there's not much point in them arguing about it. I guess he might feel better for being heard, but if she then ignores his opinion, is he any happier or better off? What I don't get is... I thought when Samuel died that they were told a second baby would have no more chance of having OI than any other baby? (On show, not in real life.) Why are Jackson, Arizona, and even April (to me, her vehemence reads as fear) so sure that something is wrong with this one? I'm sure that, having lived through that once, it's always in their minds, but they just seem so OTT. "April, you must be tested so we can save this baby!" Um, this baby that you have no reason to think has anything wrong with it? All the freak outs and dire predictions just seem so extreme.
  19. photo fox

    Season 2

    I don't remember the episode well enough to take a side in the current discussion. So I'll stipulate to the fact that Jess was completely innocent - he found it/didn't steal it, didn't know it was from Dean, and didn't know Rory would miss it. Even so, I think that hoarding a personal/intimate item like jewelry - without the owner's knowledge - as some kind of remembrance is more than a little creepy. I'm sure it's supposed to come off as romantic, and maybe it did. But if I spent the day with a guy and found him coveting my bracelet later to remember our "special time" instead of saying, "hey, you dropped something," I would run far and fast in the opposite direction. JMHO
  20. #teamPeter Don't get me wrong: Peter doesn't have a leg to stand on regarding who Alicia sleeps with. But I just can't with Smirky the Show Eater and their Season of Lust. Maybe Peter will make him disappear and free us from watching the mutual mouth breathers.
  21. I love Logan, so I'll admit to viewing his actions through rose-colored glasses, but I think he was 100% in the right here. (And I'd think that if it were Jess or Luke, too.) Marty was flat-out wrong to lie to his girlfriend in the first place. Then Rory was wrong to perpetuate the lie. I didn't blame her at first, because she was so caught off-guard, but then she continued to go with the lie, basically because she lacked the guts to do anything about it. Rory AND Girlfriend were both better off for having Logan yank off that band-aid. Girlfriend deserved to know that Marty was lying to her (and hitting on Rory). Rory was completely uncomfortable with the situation but didn't know how to get out of it. I know Girlfriend was pissed at Rory and it momentarily derailed their (unbelievable) friendship, but Rory deserved it, IMO. Besides, it's not like Logan set out to tell her. Girlfriend asked him a point-blank question, "how did you two meet?" Was he supposed to fabricate a meet-cute story? So then she could have three people lying to her and maneuvering behind her back? I don't think she deserved that (as much as I pretty much hated her).
  22. Gawd, what was the point of Olivia and Whatsherface? I guess it was an attempt to give Rory a social life at Yale since Logan and his friends had graduated, and she wasn't at the YDN anymore? I could never, ever believe that anyone who was friends with Paris Gellar could be friends with those two. They were just so incredibly vapid.
  23. What in the sweet fuck did I just watch??!? I'll have some actual thoughts once my blinding rage fades and I stop vomiting from watching JDM and JM mouth-breathe each other's air. Not. Sexy. Ew...
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