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photo fox

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Everything posted by photo fox

  1. I'm reopening this topic. In order to keep it open, remember these basic guidelines: No demanding other people explain/justify their opinions. No passive-aggressive comments (e.g. "you need to watch it again") No dead horse beating. State your case a couple of times and move on. Remember, this is a party. It's supposed to be fun. Nobody wants to hang out with rude and argumentative people.
  2. Maybe Logan was afraid all of the potting sheds with kindly owners were taken. Not trying to be flippant, but Lorelai got very, very lucky, in addition to working hard. Most teenage moms/runaways don't have nearly such a nice ending to their stories.
  3. I'm locking this thread until I have time to clean a bunch of things up. These are fictional characters, y'all.
  4. I have a lot of complaints about the show, mainly around the marginalization of my favorite characters and the chasm between Alicia and all the other characters, but I absolutely agree with this. TGW has gone from "great" to simply "good" in my book, but it's still one of the few shows I genuinely look forward to seeing each week.
  5. When I posted this? I may have used a smilie face, but I WASN'T JOKING. I've received multiple comments from posters that the Downton forum has become virtually unreadable because of the many snippy comments and dead horse beating around the Mary and Edith issue. From ALL sides. So I'm calling an end. If you want to discuss Mary and Edith until you turn blue and the cows come home, there's a thread for that. Frankly, that's where many of the posts belong anyway, because this is an episode topic, so Pamuk, the letter, Strallen, none of that belongs here. From this point on, any posts in here that are substantively about Mary/Edith will be deleted without notice. And please don't try to circumvent this note by saying, "this isn't about Mary/Edith, it's just about how awful Edith/Mary is!!!!" That's really, really transparent. Also, I think this is a good opportunity to remind everyone about the ignore feature. If there's another poster (or seven) who just raises your blood pressure, put them on "ignore". On the top right of the page, click the little person, and then click "Manage Ignore Prefs". Type their username, check the "Posts" box, and hit "Save". Their posts will no longer be visible to you (unless someone quotes them). http://i.imgur.com/oZWYDRs.png http://i.imgur.com/9IKlLUc.png One final note: remember, you're at a party. That means the mods want to see everyone dial back the passive-aggressive comments directed at each other. We don't want to have to start handing out warnings. Also, I'd be remiss to not post a HUGE thank you to those who did heed the earlier note.
  6. Bringing this over from next week's episode thread, so it doesn't get clogged up with preview talk before it airs... God forbid Alicia's family "meddle" in her adulterous weekend. It's like they want me to hate her.
  7. I know Edith/Mary inspires a lot of passion, but things are getting pretty circular and heated, and nobody's convincing anybody at this point. Let's give that poor dead horse a break for a bit and talk about something else. :-)
  8. I think Edith's hesitance to tell Bertie went deeper than not wanting to lose a potential position as a wife and mistress of her own home, and even deeper than not wanting to lose him as a person. I think she couldn't bear the idea that this kind, gentle man she loves would not only reject her, but reject her because of the daughter she also loves. All the awards to Laura Carmichael tonight. You could practically see an invisible line physically pulling her toward Bertie in their scenes. Between that, her scenes with Mary, and "bananas", she was spot on tonight, through such a huge range of emotion. Speaking of emotion, it was nice seeing Michelle Dockery finally get to show some. I get so tired of the bored sarcastic quips. I know her story isn't popular, but at least she got to show some range. Her scene at Matthew's grave made me tear up for her, and I would have said up to that point that I hated her and wanted her to be miserable. Molesley made my eyes sting, too, when he was taking to the kids about the importance of education. What a decent man. It's hard to believe he used to be such a pathetic figure. And I officially didn't care about any of the other stories. Eta: I want Carson to eat shit and die.
  9. Who do I have to kill to get a decent story for Matt Czuchry? I guess I'll just wait for Gilmore Girls. Other thank the crap about Cary being an insecure misogynist - which he's kept secret for six years - I didn't hate it. I just recently rewatched the earlier episode with Hicks and thought it was too bad we never saw him again, so I was pleased when he appeared. And I'm in the minority, but I love the NSA guys. I enjoy Elsbeth in these small doses, but I have zero desire to see a potential spinoff centered on her. I thought Alicia's hair looked better tonight; a side part is much more flattering on her. But in that last scene with Jason, it was distracting, it looked so bad. Alicia, honey, if you're setting out to seduce a man, run a brush through your hair first. Eli and Marissa will always be pure comedy gold. Non-sequitur question, but who is the State's Attorney these days?
  10. It's cool that you guys are discussing this. I actually live in that county and have been following the case from the beginning, so I watched to see how the national media would handle it. My friend lives two doors down, which hadn't occurred to me until I saw her house in the video. I used to work in local media, so I've met or know of several of the players. Weird to see them on television! Also weird to see Maureen in all her leather glory outside our courthouse. Hee! I thought they did a good job of hitting the highlights with the time they had, but there was a LOT that didn't make it into the story. I thought they spent too much time on Wife #3, considering she wasn't even in the picture at the time, but I realize that's probably because they couldn't interview Curt, but wanted to show his "side". Anyway, I could write a book about this case, but I don't want to make my post too long! Anyone have any particular questions? Or I can just ramble on...
  11. Maybe Lorelai is dealing with Sookie leaving on her world tour and being sole owner of the Dragonfly. They're going to have to explain her absence somehow, since Jackson will apparently still be around.
  12. It's coming back April 7th. http://www.columbian.com/news/2016/jan/29/castle-odd-couple-nashville-all-returning/
  13. Okay, the real police are here - see my shield? - asking everyone to let the grammar/spelling thing go. Thanks.
  14. Everybody take a breath and cool down. I don't want to have to start handing out warnings. If you can't disagree without being disagreeable, you need to step back.
  15. Guys, keep the discussion to this episode. Spoiler tagging certain bits still lets a lot of context show. Tag all of it, or better yet, take it to the last episode you want to discuss.
  16. Because it's a revival, I think the diversity issue is a hard one to address. JMO, but I want the bulk of air time to be spent on the characters I already know and love. Bringing on a bunch of POC characters would be great for diversity, and it's regrettable that it didn't happen during the original run, but at this point I don't want precious, limited screen time used on new people. That's why I can't get excited about Sutton Foster joining, either. We have 12,748 returning characters to service, why bring in another name actress?
  17. Agreed. The LADB stuff was silly and wasteful, perhaps, but they never injured anyone but themselves with their stunts. They weren't hazing anyone, or getting people drunk and taking advantage, or vandalizing things, etc. I thought the big jump was awesome, and the human skeet shooting was hilarious. The "no Es" guys were obnoxious, but they weren't hurting anyone. Colin was an ass to Marty, no doubt, but Logan and Finn both told him to cut it out. And Colin was frequently an ass - to everyone. He was an equal opportunity jerk.
  18. Right there with ya, brightside! And I know a few people upthread (including me) were happy about seeing the LADB, so no need to hide. :-) I always liked Logan, but I've really become a true fan of MC on The Good Wife. So a big part of my excitement at him being on the GG revival is watching him as a matured actor taking on a familiar role. I just hope ASP lets Logan mature as well (although I hope he's still cheerful, because I always thought he was a nice change from all of the other angst-ridden male characters). I'd like to see Rory and Logan give it another shot, but I'm willing to let ASP try to convince me of her vision, whatever that may be. As long as it's not Dean; nothing against him, but I can't imagine him fitting into the life Rory had planned. One thing about it, if MV isn't in "Fall", at least we can be assured of no last-minute "who will she pick?" stories. Cold comfort for Jess fans, I know, but I don't think anybody wants to see a triangle...
  19. Certainly many people share your opinion, Roseanna, but I see it differently. If we all agreed, this site would be no fun. ;-) Yes, Mary is somewhat casual with Tom, and I like their friendship. But in my opinion, she never lets go of being "Lady Mary Crawley, estate agent of Downton Abbey". I feel like Henry distracts her from that a bit. She seems more like a "regular person" with him. *shrug*
  20. Let's get a table; I like them as well. They just click together for me. This. I think he brings something out in her that no one else does. She seems to relax some of the "lady of the manor" routine with him.
  21. This sounds unfortunately probable. Or maybe Paris is returning to talk about her amazing career, and Rory is just tagging along to visit and be supportive? *grasps at straws*
  22. How old would April be? Could she be attending/graduating? Thanks, readster and stopthestatic. I'm horrible at guessing kids' ages, and I've tried to forget everything I ever knew about April.
  23. As of yesterday, they were still shooting on location. No idea which actors were involved, though.
  24. I like Christopher, but I can't agree with any article that sees Sookie physically forcing her husband to have a vasectomy as "retaining ownership over her own fertility". No, that would be owning Jackson's fertility. She could own her own fertility by having a procedure on her own body. I get that a vasectomy is generally less invasive, quicker to heal, easier to reverse, etc., but that doesn't give her the right to force it on him. (That said, lying to her about it when he knew she didn't want to get pregnant again was super shitty.)
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