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photo fox

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Everything posted by photo fox

  1. Is that a spoiler? I couldn't even bring myself to hit play. Please, PLEASE, make it stop. I can't stand pathetic Quinn.
  2. So much this. It's completely distracting to me. Houdini got married at 19? 20? and was married until he died. His wife traveled everywhere with him, as she was his on-stage assistant. I can usually just squint and move on, but when he (and then his mother) were going on and on about how they "only have each other"... the hell? It's one thing to just kind of gloss over history, but it's another thing to have direct and specific dialog that is provably untrue. If they just HAD to have UST on this show, make Houdini a cheater, or make Doyle unwillingly drawn to the Constable while his wife is "away". Both of those would be untrue (and character assassinations), but at least a quick glance at Wikipedia wouldn't expose the lie. It's just so bizarre to me that they've completely rewritten that part of Houdini's history. The man was married to the same woman his entire adult life. The show generally is in a category I call Watchable But Not Good, but every time Houdini's "single" status is mentioned, I grow slightly less interested in the remaining episodes.
  3. Wow, I'm not sure I can continue with this show. Watching a rapist's lawyer threatening her victim - in front of his lawyer! - with a messy public trial was just gut-turning. Normally I have no fucks to give about Waffles one way or the other, but that was just disturbing. My love for Chickenhead is hanging on by the thinnest thread in the world right now. He thinks Quinn needs help? The best way to make sure that happens is making it part of a plea/sentencing agreement. Letting her loose just means she's going to stalk Liam like a creeper. I can't believe I'm saying this about Rena Sofer, but I want her OFF my teevee.
  4. Wow, that was dreary even by Wallander standards. Such an incredibly heartbreaking performance by KB. I haven't been that gripped by something on television in a long time. I did have to chuckle at the typical American baddie/spy. We Americans are often such a nefarious lot on British telly. Lol A fitting end to a great series. I'll miss Kurt, and Linda, and the beautiful scenery. But most of all I think I'll miss the design porn. The Swedish-ness of the architecture and furnishings made the show visually so different from everything else on television.
  5. FWIW, my closed captioning said, "laughter".
  6. I didn't think Amelia was saying that the guy from PP was her "one true love". I thought her freak out was because Owen had had his (Cristina), so couldn't really love her (Amelia). Which was of course compounded by overhearing Mer basically telling him to call Cristina and make sure it was okay for him to get married. WTH, Mer? I was so glad when Owen shut her down about all of that "she gave you to me to take care of" nonsense. Owen in general was just kind of awesome this episode. UO but I still like him, and I like Amelia, and I hope they make it work. And CS was just stunning tonight. JW and that baby were just so sweet together. I did think it was odd that when the ambulance showed up, Jackson took off with April without a backward glance at the baby. I realize it was for maximum dramatic tension and gave Ben a "moment", and probably they already knew the baby was fine and April wasn't, but seeing Jackson be a little conflicted would have been nice. But I'm so happy about a healthy Japril baby that I shan't complain too loudly. JW and SD got some nice acting moments as well. The Jo stuff feels like such a retcon, and I hate the "person walks in on an innocent scene that doesn't look innocent and assumes the worst" trope. But I'm so relieved that Alex is getting a story that doesn't revolve around Meredith that I shan't complain about that, either. The less said the better about Arizona's big decision. So last week, it was imperative for Sofia's well-being that she stay in Seattle, but this week that's thrown out because Callie has the sads? I think when you have kids, you put your big girl panties on, and a smile on your face, and you fake it 'til you make it. I'm kind of over this idea that parents need to be happy for their kids to be happy. And I'm definitely over Calzona acting like Sofia is like a stuffed animal that they can pass back and forth to whomever is feeling emotionally needy. After the way Callie treated Penny when she was on her way out, she's making a pretty huge assumption that Penny will even want to see her, let alone have her move in and co-parent a child.
  7. Bolding mine. Good catch - I had missed that somehow. I guess I'll switch my opinion to, "it was an odd question to ask, considering." lol But you're right, he was just answering the question.
  8. I'd file it under "awkward, but not malicious". I find it a little odd that he brought it up so casually, considering that AB and her husband had been keeping it quiet, even after her pregnancy was being speculated about. But the casualness of it makes it clear (IMO) that he didn't think it was any big deal, and since he knows them personally, he may know they wouldn't care. It's even possible, given how private they are, that they prefer that the news "broke" via a third party. SP strikes me at times as a bit naive about modern/social media and how quickly things go viral. It used to be that giving an interview for a magazine meant that only that magazine's readers would be likely to see it. Now, if there is "big" news, it's instantly disseminated around the globe.
  9. ^^ This. Watching someone who was so recently and profoundly affected by a pregnancy lie perpetrate one of her own is beyond in poor taste. It would turn her instantly from sympathetic victim to complete hypocrite, and negate everything she's been through. And for Zzzzende? He's not worth ruining a promising character. It would be nice to have at least ONE person on this show I could root for. They already ruined Aly and Ivy, and now they're destroying my love for Wyatt and Katie. *sigh*
  10. I thought it was particularly shitty of Meredith to say that to Amelia about living in her house and taking care of her kids. She invited Amelia to move back in, and she's certainly never complained about the many hours of free daycare. God forbid Amelia have a man and a friend. The Ben and Bailey stuff was so juvenile, but I did chuckle at his "you know, you have April" line to Jackson. They're so obviously still emotionally a couple. Didn't Jo just give Alex the "I need to know where this is going" speech when she found out about Izzy's eggs? If she wasn't free to get married, what was all that about? I'm not sure there are enough seats in the hospital for Stephanie to take. Were Meredith and Riggs climbing in the backseat to have sex in the parking lot? It looked like he was trying to get the back door open when they cut the scene.
  11. My speculation is that Ridge, assuming that Thomas is the father, will somehow switch the samples. But then, because Ridge actually was the father, the results will come back that Thomas is the baby daddy. Therefore leaving Ridge with the sinking revelation that he was Douglas's father all along, but the only way he can acknowledge him is by admitting that he made the switch. Katie was so in the wrong to involve herself in their business, but so in the right about everything she was saying. If Caroline were 100% wanting to never tell Thomas, I could kind of get behind it, but IMO it has always been clear that she wanted to tell the truth. Watching Ridge browbeat her about "my kid" is just stomach-turning. I want her at some point to look him in the eye, and remind him that the ONLY rights he has to "the kid" (since they're assuming Thomas is the bio-dad) are those that she deems to give him. STFU, TKRidge, and go take a seat next to Katie.
  12. Speaking only for myself, it's pure wishful thinking. I thought it was a lackluster pairing, and unworthy of Alicia/JM. Since the show didn't specifically tell us otherwise... Jason took off for parts unknown, Kurt didn't cheat, Alicia won't go into politics, and at the end of the semester, Cary is heading to the beach to join Kalinda.
  13. I think there's so much more press about Rory and Jess/Logan because MV and the LADB guys are doing a lot of talking on social media. So Milo gets the Jess stuff stirred up, while the LADB teases about Logan. (MC doesn't do social media, but Tanc especially is a freaking master.) The press runs with it because they know we're hungry for news and nothing else substantive is coming out. Plus, they know that love triangles and "will they/won't they" stories are pure click bait. And since there's approximately a 0.5% chance that Luke/Lorelai "won't" or "aren't" already when the show starts, there's just not as much room for speculation there. I mean, we've talked a lot about if they'll be married/living together/dating when the revival starts, and whether "the wedding" will be theirs, but I don't think anyone actually doubts that Luke/Lorelai are end game?
  14. I thought that was such a cop-out, when they had her leave, even though the other witnesses stuck around. There's no way Meredith wouldn't be insulted by that, so she conveniently didn't hear it, so she can still be Team Callie. (And knowing Mere, she'll treat Arizona like crap for the next year, just because Callie says so. Maybe Arizona and Riggs can start a club.)
  15. This is where I am as well. I have no problem with Diane wanting to run a women-led firm - even if I think it's very OOC for Diane, who has always worked best with men, IMO - but I do have a problem with her joining an established firm and then pushing out the male partners. She and Alicia are supposedly two of the biggest names in Chicagoland law... why not just start something new? As for the desirability of a female-led firm, I get it. As a woman who doesn't "lawyer" often, if I found myself needing legal representation, I would lean toward a female attorney. At a stressful time, the last thing I want to worry about is getting talked down to like "the little woman". NOT saying that all male lawyers would do so - obviously - but the worry would be there. I've just experienced that enough in my life, from car salesmen to roofers to bankers, to think it's not likely to happen again. I don't think it's malicious, or probably even conscious on their parts, but it definitely happens. Often. That said, if I knew a male lawyer or met with a male lawyer, and I was comfortable with them, I wouldn't trade them in for a woman. It's about my comfort level during a vulnerable situation, not empowering other women or some such thing (though I respect people who would have that reason).
  16. I thought the same thing. I kept waiting for some kind of reveal, based on remembering that someone who saw the UK run saying that by the end of the season, it would be implied that Guy was physically abusing her. Instead, I saw him more as a bit of a clueless jerk, but not an abuser. So much this! No newbie knitter attempts a project with sleeves! Or at least, if they do, they're not successful! lol I didn't think she was angry, so much as knowing they need to talk about it, but not wanting to do it then and there. She's not willing to just say "bygones", but it was a party, and she just wanted to have fun and be happy with her husband, whom she still loves. I don't blame her for not wanting to be reminded of his "infidelity" at that moment. Exactly. For all that Sidney seems to be pretty progressive, being a vicar or married to one comes with a loooooonnnnng list of demands and unwritten duties. Unless a woman is willing to share in that, she should swipe left and move on to someone else.
  17. Peter is a sexy beast, and Chris Noth is a powerhouse. It makes me (unfairly) resent a bit that he was never a regular, so we didn't get to see him every week. It's so fitting to have Judge Cuesta, the first judge to appear on TGW, back for the final trial. I love the actor and the character. As usual since halfway through S6, they didn't give Cary nearly enough to do, but MC did a lot with the little he had to work with. I just hope in the final episode he gets some good scenes and an honest-to-God ending. I love Kurt, but I'm growing weary of his "delicate artiste" routine. So they cast shade onto his findings and called into question his integrity. Wouldn't that happen every time he takes the stand? Did it really require that he take to his bed? Remember when Lucca was smart and funny and interesting? And had other things to do besides sitting around asking Jason, "but, do you LIKE like her?" What a waste! And the two of them texting Alicia, who they know is at her governor-husband's corruption trial, and being upset/surprised that she didn't respond immediately? Are they teenagers? Everything with the offices and David Lee was wasted time. Once Cary was out, they should have just implied that everything was quietly going ahead and brought that story to a close. There's more than enough story with Peter's trial, the potential divorce, Cary's future, Diane and Kurt, etc. I've grown to loathe Jason and the focus that his character is pulling away from everyone else I've loved for seven years. I like JDM, but he has eaten the show (and it's promotion) this season. If Alicia's story ends in any way with her walking into the sunset with him, it will be a giant fail. I simply can't believe that any woman who has loved and been loved by Peter Florrick and Will Gardner would think of Smirky as anything more than a temporary diversion.
  18. This episode was pretty much perfect until the last five minutes. I had been spoiled, but even so I nearly threw something at the teevee.
  19. Honestly, I haven't seen any on-screen indication that Nicole is having any emotional* maternal attachment toward the baby. She acts like it's just an impediment to her "twu luv" with Zende. I know soap rules say she won't be able to "give up" the baby, but that's not what they're showing so far. So while Maya annoys me, I hate Rick, and I think they pressured Nicole into this situation, I can't (as yet) call them insensitive to Nicole's feelings* on the matter. *Of course, RE is basically a blank slate who never displays any feelings or emotions, so who knows what she's supposed to be showing us.
  20. MC has been pretty busy doing finale press for The Good Wife. They had their wrap party in NYC last night, and the main cast was on Colbert. He's taken a few GG questions, but the bulk has been about TGW. I imagine once the finale airs in a couple of weeks (and he moves back to LA), we'll hear about him doing more GG stuff.
  21. Jeez. That was like an hour-long contest between Callie, Steph, and April to be The Worst. I'll give April a brief pass because of Samuel, so that leaves Callie and Steph in a dead tie.
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