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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. OK - this is going to be a VERY unpopular opinion I fear, but here goes: on today’s episode the Stallion’s eyes seemed pulled a little bit too tight. I was picking up a Kenny Rogers vibe... he needs to be careful and not mess up that fine face! Also, was it my TV or did he have some pink in his hair (on the sides)?? THAT looked cool, even if it was my imagination and the fact that I was watching it at midnight!
  2. What we saw on that beach? NOT a panic attack.
  3. Did Brad Bell actually say somewhere publicly that he thinks JMW is the future of this show? Because if that’s a known quote it will save me a lot of time, I’ll just stop watching now. That’s as laughable as the clowns at GH who seem to think a Steve Burton is an actor.
  4. Oh man those freakin eyebrows on Zoey! i can’t look at her without thinking of Helga from Hey Arnold!
  5. In my ideal world tomorrow’s episode with Liam busting a gut laughing: BWAHAHAHAHA! What you smokin girl?
  6. Lol, this caught my eye as well! I thought it was a nice touch. Shauna is comedy gold. I don’t mind her antics, they lighten things up a bit. She and Flo aren’t too bright though, really: “Katie needs a new kidney” “Really? That’s sad. I’m off to the pool.” Wonder how long it will take before the lightbulb goes off?
  7. Oh my goodness Nikita is STUNNING! And that baby girl is perfect. I hope she brings Luis some peace and stability. i have a question about Steve’s deal tonight. Did we ever actually get confirmation that the coop board approved an elevator? Because I call BS. That’s a MAJOR construction project. I was waiting for that promise to bite him in the a$$
  8. Dayumm!! i always liked that Thomas, but this is a whole new level. If they want to go with a roid-rage story he is obviously the guy to bring back
  9. Good call! at the rate she’s getting transplants Katie will end up being quite the quilt of body parts before she’s through!
  10. I’m over here in a corner by myself I think. I don’t feel a whole lot of heat between Wyatt and Sally. I think Wyatt has better chemistry with Flo, and even, for some strange reason, Katie!
  11. I May be in the minority, but Luis is my favorite realtor in this show. I was so excited to have him back this season, so come on show!!! Put him on more! At the other end of my popularity scale -Steve. Does that guy get deals with anybody other than his friends? Not good.
  12. Interesting! While watching last night I was thinking it was nice to see how happy Zoe has become, versus how suspicious she was toward them when they got her! I think Zoe is MUCH smarter than Will, and more aware of and interested in her background. Will is a people person who likes to please. Zoe seems more independent. She doesn’t need everybody’s approval but I think she shows love for her family.
  13. Does it bug anybody else how different the two Beths look? I find myself feeling sad when my preferred baby isn’t on. It’s distracting! LOL first world problems to the nth degree
  14. This show is one of my favorites but I confess my main attraction is LUIS. So I am feeling pretty used by Bravo for suckering me in with promises of Luis only to have him appear in the last minute of the episode! Gotta admit though, when he flashed that smile at the end...swoon! I do hope he is back for the right reasons though, and not just because he just doesn’t know what else to do with himself. He has really seemed to be struggling and my sincere wish for him is that he find peace and joy, even if it’s not on my TV screen.
  15. Honest to god, in Los Angeles of all places that wig is the best they can do?? I can’t even hear the dialogue when Steffy is on screen I am so mesmerized by the awful visual. I can’t help either laughing or yelling “take it off!” at the tv
  16. Oh.My. God. Does anybody think that dress was even mildly attractive??? Wowwwwww 🤮
  17. His poor children! I have a soft spot for his older son, who seems like a sensitive young man who tried his best to be respectful even though he was uncomfortable with the whole “second wife” bit. Those kids have had a few difficult years. I hope they stick together and help each other through this hard time.
  18. Should we start a pool on how long it takes before everybody on the show EXCEPT Liam and Hope knows who Phoebe really is? 🙄
  19. AGO 5 HOURS AGO, LGPRIMES SAID: Ugh did my usual doze off right before the reveal. Young couple moving from NC to Warsaw- which place did they choose? I think it was the first one? I can't remember the order of the places. It had the big room and they wondered where he would set up an office, but they had it fixed up really nice. Looked great, I thought. They seemed like a nice couple. Said they see his siblings almost every day. Nice family. Thanks so much Pickles! That was the first one.As usual I guessed wrong. They kept saying they were adventurous so I thought they would pick the houseboat. But she did say that first place was right near his brother so I should have picked up on that.
  20. Ugh did my usual doze off right before the reveal. Young couple moving from NC to Warsaw- which place did they choose?
  21. I really can’t even focus on Thomas and Flo’s conversation with that fugly outfit burning my eyes. Who did she piss off in the wardrobe dept?
  22. Hallelujah! According to The Ashley,Maryssa has managed to make David so angry that he’s “Done” with her and isntt going to try to get custody back! Smart girl!! She also reports they may not try for Jace either! Those kids must have really spoken up. Good for them!!
  23. Wow did I disagree with the judges last night! I watched that runway show and said “ well this week it’s obvious who’s going home -bye bye Jamal”. So my jaw dropped when they said he was in the top! That thing was a big shapeless hard to move in mess! and like many of you I would have given the win to Bishme, who I felt was more original. Garo’s was gorgeous but was very imitative of a costume that I remember Elton wearing back in the day
  24. Can’t believe that we are three pages in and nobody else has commented on how WEAK Dorinda’s phone sex game is! I don’t even think that phone call qualified... And Tinsley, if your millionaire boyfriend lives several states away and you aren’t even having phone sex? He’s getting the real thing from somebody closer at hand.
  25. Thanks for the response LittleIggy! I had a feeling it would go that way. And I recall the realtor saying there was a large expat community in that area, so it will likely be much easier for her to create a social life there, as opposed to a neighborhood full of natives. Hopefully it will work out for her.
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