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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. I usually don’t care much for Sally. And DEFINITELY don’t think she’s a good choice for Jack, but oh! that scene with Gloria! Those two working together on some nefarious scheme could be a ton of fun. Maybe we could have those two plotting against Phyllis and Summer for some business reason? Or messing up the Spencer deal to get back at Bill Spencer? Sally has reason to want to hurt him, and Gloria was recently working in LA so maybe there could be some back story written there.. Bold and Beautiful really has not been using Don Diamont recently, so let’s bring him over to Y&R for awhile!
  2. Am I the only one who thinks it’s one thing to ask a pal to help you out for nine months, but VERY different to have a friend be the biological parent of your child?? What an awful idea! No way would I want my friend watching how I’m raising “their” kid. Because no matter what they say, official adoption blah blah, you know they are going to have some sense of investment in that kid. Thanks but no thanks Devon. I’m sticking to that binder full of strangers.
  3. Robyn is in denial- Kody could still pick up a younger model and have more kids
  4. I look for MO's hubby to come back as Chance. I agree. This makes the most sense with COVID. Then the honeymooner scenes can actually include physical contact. Of course it will allow Danny Boaz to cry nepotism, but nobody wants to be kissing on somebody they can’t trust to take public health directives seriously.
  5. WHAT DID I JUST WATCH??! This is the most idiotic idea ever. Hey honey, I’m not gonna be around till who knows when, but you go ahead and have your best friend carry some other dude’s DNA Okay? Yeah maybe I’ll be back in time to help with the diapers.. or college tuition. But this will be “our dream child”, right? Uhhuh yeah see ya... whenever.., good luck
  6. As a medical professional I feel confident in saying that everybody in Steffy Forrester’s GYN office can’t stand her. Her repeated irresponsibility with birth control doesn’t entitle her to drive them crazy day in and day out with her ridiculous demands. And Finn, as a doctor, needs to tell her to calm the F down.
  7. This episode made me sad the series didn’t end a couple of years ago..
  8. I also predict they will recast in a few months, but were trying to break the news to him gently at the moment. Maybe it was clear to TPTB that we fans didn’t miss him while he was out.
  9. Dude sucks as an actor and I wouldn’t want to spend time with him, so why would I wish that on the other actors. Sorry, not sorry.
  10. I’m in a lonely place guys... I actually kinda LIKE Elaina. I mean, I agree there’s nothing particularly exciting about her. But she’s so NORMAL on this show full of basket cases, that I find myself rooting for her. And I think she truly loves Devon so I root for that couple. Hard to blame her for feeling doomed as soon as her guy’s late wife’s brilliant outgoing identical twin showed up. Nate took full advantage of her insecurity.
  11. Yeah it’s bogus when she meets with celebrities. Her Barbara Eden reading was full of info every fan already knew.
  12. Hair and make up (especially lipstick) on Gloria today = no bueno. I wonder if they are short staffed due to COVID?
  13. It bugs me that apparently Abby is going to make this request of Mariah. Presumptuous much?? Mariah hasn’t even had the experience of having a child of her own. I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered.. Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!
  14. Ahh okay thanks! I fell asleep in the middle of that one so can’t criticize the decision completely- I know I didn’t like that one’s curb appeal
  15. Ugh! Once again I fell asleep right before the reveal. Can somebody help me out? Two-female married couple looking for a place in Long Beach Ny. I’m rooting for the second house, which overlooked the bay. Thanks in advance!
  16. OMG VICTORIA! please go to Hawaii and eat something! It pains me to keep seeing her on my tv
  17. Not sure what’s going on with the actress who plays Sally, but it’s not good. The way she walked into that scene with Jack and Lauren and barked out her lines.. Does anybody else who knows her from B&B feel that her acting ability seems to have taken a nose dive? Also I am pained at the thought of Jack being with he romantically. He talks to her like he does to Summer, which is appropriately grandfatherly. Let’s not cross the line. Some gorgeous glamorous sophisticated 50+ woman should swoop into GC and knock him for a loop.
  18. It is so strange for those of us who watched the show in the 70’s, because Lesley was one of the most wholesome characters in the show! In the original story Lesley didn’t know Gordon was married when she slept with him. And she was never friends with Florence. In fact she met Florence years later. Florence was her patient and had an ulcer. Florence told her she was stressed over her bad marriage. When Lesley realized who the husband was she quickly got somebody else (Peter?) to be Florence’s doctor. In other words they are playing a bit with the original story here, making Lesley appear more guilty than she originally was.
  19. I know this comment is from awhile ago and maybe somebody has already responded, but this is precisely what happened with Laura. Lesley was told that her child was stillborn, but in actuality she has given birth to a daughter. Another woman, Barbara Vining had a stillbirth. The nurse in the maternity ward was paid to switch babies(I had remembered it as Lesley’s father paying her off but the current take is that Gordon Gray did it). When Laura was about 12 the nurse showed up at GH to make a deathbed confession, and Lesley tracked down Laura. There was some drama of course but eventually they SORASED Laura to be 15 and Genie Francis and she came to live permanently with Lesley.
  20. Just watched the episode last night. I agree that Shannon guilting her kids was over the top, although they do deserve some of it. But I was also screaming at Emily! She KNOWS she has COVID and is hanging around her little children without wearing a mask?? Irresponsible! They may be less likely to get seriously ill but it’s still a risk. So unless they were known to be positive to, and she just didn’t mean hon it, which seems unlikely, she was endangering them.
  21. Shoot me now with this stupid Gift of the Magi story between Dummer and Kyle
  22. Ugh I think the return to Liam and Steffy and their endless talks is enough to drive me away from this stupid show for awhile. Good job writers. I’ll check in here to see if anything worth watching happens.
  23. They weren’t my team (in our family we have to pick teams the beginning of episode one, with very little insight- I had the beards), but I can’t really hate on a super fan winning. I’ve watched since season one and applied a few times too. It feels really good to see a fellow super fan win!
  24. I know I don’t have a fever, because I’m tested at work twice a day, but today I found myself being on the side of Theo, Adam, and (hell must be freezing over) Phyllis! What in the world has 2020 done to me?!
  25. Looks like I am in the minority, but I feel badly for Shane. He’s clearly in over his head, but he seems to want very badly to do well. Some people are book smart but just not meant to work with their hands. And it freaks those people out to not be good at something because all their lives in school, where mental aptitude is valued more than anything else (ask the vo-tech kids), they are used to being praised as being “the best”. Yes the phone dying oversleeping move was boneheaded and all on him, but he was exhausted from trying to over-achieve to make up for his prior errors. Everybody can’t be good at everything. Shane needs to go home and find a cerebral job he can excel at. He will hopefully have gained an appreciation for people who do hard physical jobs and do them well.
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