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Irate Panda

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Everything posted by Irate Panda

  1. Since they invited the public to the funeral, it has me wondering if they filmed the funeral for the show (tacky), have any of them posted whether they were filming? I wonder if the “Frenchman” not showing up for the funeral will be the reason for their “breakup”?
  2. Tori acting like she and Zach are fretting over Amy’s feelings is so preposterous because they certainly gave zero fucks when they were getting free babysitting from Caryn and thought they were getting the farm. I actually felt kinda bad for Amy because I think she knows they will snatch the grandkids from her too if they don’t like her ‘decisions”. I don’t know why Tori wanted a third child when she already had one with Zach. These two are miserable and the kids aren’t enough to compensate for Tori’s complaining and Zach’s cluelessness each episode. And why all the complaints about the end result of Amy’s parenting, Tori? I thought Zach was
  3. Meri: After all the SACRIFICES I’ve made to love Kody! This is like a STAB in the WETBAR! Meri: This is why I’ve been coating his curlers with Nair for the last 8 years
  4. Who did Robyn give her stale “cookie” to after her first husband so she could be “officially divorced” before she “married” Kody? Surely His Royal Highness Kody would NEVER sleep with a “married” woman. I would ask about Janelle but hopefully she just picked up some dude at an Eminem house show 😊
  5. Tori says she does the work inside the house and Zach does the work outside the house. Is being toppled over turning on a grill, “building” rickety fixtures that have to be fixed by Chris, throwing some lights on a broken down riding mower and not maintaining his lawn/landscaping actually work? Honestly, Zach probably wouldn’t even “build” his raggedy fixtures if TLC didn’t need something to film. I would feel bad for Tori but she picked this bum and it’s not exactly like Zach ever hid his laziness or his cluelessness. Then she decides to move away from her total support system to a place where they said they knew nobody just so they could play Little House on the Junkyard. Also, Tori stop trying to act like you give a damn about Amy’s feelings and are “worried” about her. You just want to bash Matt and the farm more and know she’s a willing participant. In some ways I wish Amy had kept her part of the farm because Tori and Zach would have been doing double bitching as Amy and MYMAN hosted pool parties and motorcycle luaus. Lisa and Deb could come over for soup night again and tell Amy how right she is and Lisa could get a couple of digs in about Matt. Hell, Amy could even have a couple of stripper poles put up and give Matt a run for his money during pumpkin season. Hey ya! Hi ya! Amy Roloff…Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen…Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen presents… Amy Roloff’s Little Membership Cheesecake“Beefcake” Edition and maybe she could have persuaded Chris to get up on that pole. He’s already got the leather motorcycle chaps! 😂. *Dont worry folks that last part was as disturbing for me to write as it was for you to read although somehow it was less disturbing than watching Zach attack that meal. 🤢
  6. Oh Brothers! If my friend got me an Amy Roloff’s little (cupcake, pancake, or cheesecake) membership as a gift, instead of an actual cupcake, pancake, or cheesecake that person would no longer be my friend. Of course before I severed my friendship I would make them some Amy Roloff inspired Garlic Fudge and force them to eat as well as write me an INTENTIONAL apology in one of AuJerm’s gibberish journals which would be my holiday gift to them🤭
  7. I’m wondering if Jackson could even get up and down the ladder by himself. Maybe he could, but I’d be surprised if they’d make Jackson share his room although it would make sense. You’d think they would have thought about all this before buying yet another house that doesn’t fit their needs. Surprised they didn’t build a custom home but guess that would have taken too long, they had to get out of Oregon ASAP 😂 Honestly, I think the bedroom situation is pretty easy to figure out. They should just have Tori take the master room and put a twin bed in there for Jackson because even if he wakes her up it doesn’t matter because it’s Jackson. Josiah gets the room closest room to Jackson because even though Jackson is only 5, he’s still infinitely more helpful than Zach. Plus, Tori could wallpaper Josiah’s room with pictures of Jackson because Tori has already let us know Josiah is in awe of him, so he’d probably just stare quietly at the pics until he fell back to sleep. Lilah’s goes in the room closest to Murphy since he seems to be the only one to pay attention to her. Not to mention, they could probably clip some bags of Veggie Straws to his collar, so he and Lilah both can have a midnight snack. The fourth bedroom is made into a shrine to Jackson because well it’s Jackson, duh. Lastly, Zach sleeps in the junky trailer next door because he’s completely useless anyway. *The kids are great unfortunately their parents are idiots. #FREEMURPHY
  8. They/Zach are probably too cheap too hire someone and they probably got used to Caryn watching the kids multiple days of the week for free. Plus I doubt Amy or Tori’s mom/grandma charged either, so they probably are irritated they’d have to pay someone to do it now. Zach is super cheap. They clearly cut Caryn off and Amy I’m sure does some helping, but she does have a new life with MYMAN, plus Chris commented on the long drive with traffic. Tori’s parents and grandmother moved from Washington to I believe wherever Zit used to live in Oregon, but then Zit had to run off to Battleground to live at Chateau Weeds, so now her family that could babysit are probably also over an hour away, thus not as readily available. Since neither one of them work outside the home I don’t know why they can’t take turns napping during the day, it’s not ideal but they’d get some sleep. Zach’s an idiot, but Tori could probably trust him to drive the 2 kids around to town for a couple of hours while Jackson is in school. They could stop at the Sonic or better yet the Benihana’s since Jackson OWNS it and according to him Lilah just likes to sit in her little chair and eat snacks although who can blame her, she probably needs to munch on her little Veggie Straws since Zach offers her a sandwich then tells her she can’t have it 🙄. Of course, this would require Zach to move so I guess it’s out of the question.
  9. Gee, I wonder where Tori’s babysitting roster went 🤔
  10. Babs’ obituary https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/newsobserver/name/barbara-thore-obituary?id=38359817
  11. I don’t have any exact plans at the moment but when I get better I’d like to take a trip by train in the Grand Canyon and Sedona areas. I would also like to try the California Zephyr which goes Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake City, Emeryville (San Francisco).
  12. Has anyone ever taken any overnight/ multi-day train trips? If so did you enjoy them?
  13. Sorry for their loss. Hopefully she did not suffer. I think a 1 hr clip show of Babs moments with small commentary about Babs from all the show participants would be a fitting end to the show. I hope they don’t show her death or planning of the funeral and hope they scrap the show after the clip show and don’t try to prolong it with the alleged love child.
  14. I don’t understand these two the obviously have the money to get Lilah help and both are basically stay at home parents and since the show revolves around their lives they can even schedule in doctor’s appointments as part of the show so it’s not like they’d be missing work. Tori seems completely in denial with medical issues and Zach who would know seems too lazy or content to letting Tori run the show. What a couple of goobers…I get we just see part of their lives but they seem incompetent in all the parts they show.
  15. Gee Zach and Tori will worry about Lilah’s talking later. What a surprise! 🙄 What a couple of fools.
  16. He’s a few lights short alright 🤭 I’m surprised Audrey doesn’t tell him to stop doing this dumb shit and go write in his journal about why all his projects look like a third grader did them or make him sit in a corner and bubble wrap the magical oils for her scam business.
  17. Aww I thought Chris and Amy were cute this episode. I’m glad he had a nice birthday party and that his sister was there. Very nice.
  18. Did she find out on a weekend? Was she ready? I wonder if she needed to call Ryan to blame him for yet another man allegedly impregnating some woman without her permission despite neither she or Ryan being born at the time🤭
  19. My explanation is that Logan can’t have a major life milestone without Robyn being late to it and Kody wasn’t allowed to wear a too short kilt or officiate this wedding, so he had to settle for being late so he could make a dramatic entrance and get the most attention possible, so those were the closest seats available when they arrived. Back to the episode, I feel like that trifling trick-or-treat nonsense was done just for filming because Kody’s “Precious Moments” family is fairly boring unless he’s flipping out about something, so it was filler. Robyn, Aurora, and Briana can only “no tears” cry so many times. Day’un is MIA, Solomon is probably trying to get some sleep before little Aerosol Can throws a rave later that night keeping whole house up. The Covid protuculls only matter when Kody doesn’t has to see the rest of the family. He was probably ok with them going to strangers’ houses. Plus there’s no way he wanted to waste that sleeveless King Tut costume on just Robyn. He might be on the prowl for a new wife that has a positive checking account balance and a credit score greater than 5.
  20. Meanwhile the sporadic $200/hr probably comes from him hiding in an overly stuffed closet filming Cameos while his kid is screaming and his wife is spending $300/hr online ordering crystals and She-Ra dolls. Christine should get an order for child support and it has to be in the form of actual money not unpurchased goods from MSWC.
  21. I need to wake up, I read that as Prince Sol and Princess Annihilation 😂. I really hope little Aerosol Can is hell on wheels for parents. She reminds me of a little Kody except she’s not trash. She’s a ball of energy, family commander of holidays, plus the family social lubricant! That’s a lot of jobs for a 5 year old. That’s already more than Robyn has ever had in her lifetime. I hope AC never keeps sweet, Robyn has programmed the rest of her children into robots, I hope the youngest makes Kody lose his last 2 strands of hair. It’s what he deserves 🤭. Also, where was Robyn and Kody’s “modesty” with those costumes? Robyn needed a bigger size and they both needed sleeves. Not to mention, Kody and Robyn could have thrown Meri a bone and let her camp out in the trees or driveway so she could have rolled out of her pup tent and given Prince Sol and Princess Annihilation stale Rice Krispie treats for that pathetic trick-or-treat storyline.
  22. Are we just ignoring Robyn’s “Cleopatra” costume? Also, I’ll bet my imaginary Coyote Pass lot than Robyn and Kody think Cleopatra and King Tut were married.
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