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Irate Panda

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Everything posted by Irate Panda

  1. I always thought Janelle really threw her trailer on the dirt patch because she had advance notice of Christine leaving and wasn’t sure how the “fambly money” would play out since Robyn’s mansion payments would come second after Kody’s hair products first. So she threw the fifth will wheel on there so she’d at least get the $250,000 homestead exemption if they started up with filing for bankruptcy again especially since Robyn and Kody had started using their house as an ATM machine and this was before I think she became a Plexus shiller. Then again, I think I just don’t want to believe everybody in this family is dumb enough to give all their money to Robyn for more Christmas ornaments and VS jeans. Man, maybe Robyn’s onto something, I better open a Pinterest account and start posting money attraction memes
  2. Kody: I don’t want to talk to Meri, but I mean to get CP paid off I guess I’d talk to Meri.
  3. So basically everybody gave Robyn money to buy her house and Robyn loudly proclaims, “WE helped Christine buy her house!” Bitch, we know you spent all your show money on Precious Moments figurines and Wet-n-Wild eyebrow pencil. SHUT THE HELL UP!!
  4. I personally think Molly was just tired of doing the show and wanted a “real life” but I agree to a certain extent that the longer a show stays on the air the more opportunity for the audience to find the people on it annoying, either because they are annoying or because the show has been on for so long the show puts them in preposterous situations to liven things up. I saw most of Molly’s episodes as a child/teen, so my memory might be somewhat faulty, but Molly would probably always be favored by me because unlike the twins she didn’t seem like a dolt and was generally the most reliable narrator (i.e. would mention both Matt and Amy being in the wrong, but did so in a respectful way). If she were on the show now, at worst, I’d probably default her to someone like Chris. By that I mean even if she did something off, comparatively speaking, she’s probably still the least annoying Roloff. I’d probably even give some leeway to Jacob because to me he was the original Lilah in that he seemed an afterthought to both parents, who were busy promoting the original OWNERS Jackson, the twins.
  5. I screamed when I read this because every time I see Lisa I think of Rose in Golden Girls saying Rose’s hair is like cotton candy in humidity and Blanche telling her, “You gotta stop buying your hair colorin' out of the 99-cent-or-less bin at the Pic 'n Save”. I’m not sure what Lisa’s actual hair colour is but both the style and shade are AWFUL. I feel like Lisa gets her digs in on Matt so Amy doesn’t look like the “bad guy” doing it and Chris is too busy bromancing Matt to convincingly add the “Matt is an evildoer” commentary. Did they ever say on the show if Zach was the only person Tori dated? The way she fawns over him seems so fake or overly exaggerated. It’s like she’s in middle school. I mean when Audrey did/does it with Germball, it feels more like a shill for their gibberish journals, but when Tori does it, it sounds more like she trying to convince herself more than us. I immediately fast forward scenes like her fawning over Zach at the gym or the LPA conference. She just seems very phony. It’s like when she goes on and on about Jackson doing AMAZING things like breathing, eating, existing, I’m like lady …CALM DOWN! Amy and Matt for all their faults at least have some kind of a pizzazz or energy, to me Zach has the appeal of room-temperature plain oatmeal or a rumpled dollar-store dish towel. The mumbling, the blank stares, the dirty socks, I don’t get any of it, but I guess Tori gets to be in charge so maybe that’s the attraction.
  6. Yeah, I didn’t understand why Jackson thought the other kids were babies if they were the all the same size as him. I zone out on a lot of Z&T so I missed some of the stuff leading up to to Zach’s proclamation. Does Jackson normally play soccer with tall kids and was confused why nobody there was tall? I think he also thought Zach was playing with “kids”. I’m surprised they haven’t explain being a dwarf to him before, I thought they would have sort of explained in some way when he got his surgery.
  7. I thought Zach’s and Tori’s response to Lilah falling over in the chair was so weird too. Zach seemed disgusted (well low-energy disgusted) with his “unbelievable” statement and Tori’s laughing was strange. I get you don’t necessarily all upset because you don’t want to get the child more upset, but Zach acted put out because he had pick her chair back up. Tori just seems immature all the way around. It always seems like they’re playing house instead of actual adults. I do think they love all their kids, but they show an obvious preference with Jackson. Obviously, I just see parts of their life, but Lilah always seems ignored and off to the side. If they insist on pumping up Jackson’s ego to counteract people picking on him in the future why don’t they do that for Lilah.
  8. I suspect Janelle and Christine at 50-whatever have finally figured out they need money and will try and save some of their mlm scam money, but since their children care about them, it wouldn’t surprise me if they end up with one of the kids later on. I suspect Robyn will eventually tell the older daughters to “get their scent out there” to get some husbands who can help pay for Chauteau She-Ra. Also, her Cherished Teddies figurines aren’t going to buy themselves. She’ll have the tender-aged children spend all day posting money attraction quotes to her Pinterest and when all else fails she’ll take the knife out of Kody’s kidney so he cut himself off a piece of humble pie and pretend to give Meri hope that they’ll swap harmones, but first she needs to funnel some LULUNONO cash into Griftin’ Unlimited, LLC DABSARK Entertainment,LLC.
  9. Tori forgetting the beans and them actually taking the time to replay the footage of Zach asking for them…SO EXCITING 🙄 I’m mad there was so little of the motorcycle trip last time. I mean DID AMY RUN OUT OF PERFUME OR NOT? Where’s the footage of that, Mr. Producer?
  10. I totally thought that was soap too! 😂
  11. YAY! Can’t wait to spend $20.00 on a 2x2 Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen magnet! What a great deal!
  12. Can some translate what Tori is trying to say?
  13. Considering the nonsense that poor dog probably witnesses she’s likely he just ate a bagel and didn’t drink a glass of wine and pop a Valium 😒
  14. Oh Amy, NEVER CHANGE 😂Is this pumpkin soup?
  15. Jeremy needs the equipment so he can pretend he does work and beg for his Carhartt sponsorship since I guess he forgot he was “mad” at them (allegedly). Audrey approves Jeremy’s purchase so she can write about her farmer husband in her gibberish journal and Zach probably needed another tractor so he’d have 2 to hang Christmas lights off 🤭
  16. Out there still begging to Carhartt….I thought they were mad at them 😏 All is forgiven in the name of a good shill attempt.
  17. So Kody basically recycled his “Robyn got scraps” speech he gave to Meri and gave it to Christine. It’s your turn next Janelle! Janelle, do you remember when you gave Robyn only 50% of your house profits? She should have got 100%. You were never a good sister wife!
  18. Is my English off more than normal or is this just another Kodyism but can somebody explain to me what the bird that ate the mouse means? Did he mean the cat that ate the canary or is there an actual bird mouse saying?
  19. Did Aerosol say a kindergartner was engaged, but her man left her? Also, she looks like Solomon in a brown wig.
  20. Every week I’m like Kody can’t get any worse and every week I’m wrong 🙄
  21. Didn’t we all think Christine and Kody were super happy in Vegas? I mean I know when I celebrate my anniversary I bring a couple of therapists with me. Plus, it’s not like a child almost dying would have put any strain on a relationship 🙄
  22. Robyn, your mask slipped all the way off. Better start jabbing that tissue in your eyeball to try and produce that non-existent tear. Yes, Janelle they were gaslighting Christine.
  23. Meri: Does that mean we’re not married? Me: Yeah, Meri that’s exactly what is what it means.
  24. Since we are adding all these new people (Kody’s friend, Meri’s friend, Christine’s real estate agent) as filler I hope next week’s special guest stars will be Robyn’s friends
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