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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. I wish the entire season was in the pods as well. The first season, I found the episodes in the pods really interesting and the second they left, it just became another drama filled reality show. From what I've read in interviews, the pod experience was really intense for a lot of people since they spent hours talking to each other and getting into really deep conversations. I'd rather just watch that and the participants reflecting on how they're feeling and what they're looking for in a partner than a bunch of drama over planning a slapped together wedding.
  2. Dave Franco, not James. Though apparently James Franco was supposed to star as Tommy Lee (and direct, I think) when this project was first pitched but he left and was replaced by Sebastian Stan after all the allegations against him.
  3. I'm guessing that they weren't planning on suspending her until the new story that broke tonight about the black man who was a former UCLA lecturer who sent out an 800 page manifesto calling for the killing of white people and Jewish people (and apparently he had stuff about Asians and women in there as well) and threatening violence overall. That's a story that's going to dominate the headlines tomorrow and ABC isn't going to want any comparisons made between what that guy did and what Whoopi said, so they probably figured it would be best to suspend her. Because I agree that it makes no sense to have her apologize and have an expert on just to suspend her.
  4. I watch the show via youtube clips so I might have missed it but did they mention that today is Lunar New Year? And I agree with Tara. Pregnancy announcements (along with gender reveals, proposals, engagement announcements, first day of school pics, etc) have all gotten out of control (and don't even get me started on "prom-posals"). Keep it simple, people.
  5. So I finished the entire thing and yeah, this one's a no go for me. The mystery was super easy to figure out (I had it figured out by episode 3) and they kept on throwing in more and more ridiculous stuff (since it's supposed to be a parody and all) but none of it was funny and by the last two episodes, I was just skipping a lot of scenes to get to the predictable end.
  6. So I think this show is supposed to be a parody of all the "Woman in the.../Girl who..." mysteries that has been so popular lately but the tone is all wrong for that. There are a some over the top things (the circumstances of the daughter's death, the constant drinking, etc) but they don't go far enough with it to be funny and the rest of the scenes are so serious that it comes off way more as straight muder thriller. Some of the things they do, I'm not even sure if they're supposed to be a parody or not. For instance, the epitaph on the daughter's gravestone changes between episode 1 & 2. Is that supposed to be parody humor or clue that Anna is having hallucinations? I'm halfway though so I'll finish it out but I doubt it'll be something I recommend to others.
  7. I could not figure out what she was trying to say. Did she mean that only half of your child's personality is determined by genetics and the other half is just unique to your child? Like a nature vs nurture thing? I wish they had stopped to get some clarity on her comment because what she was saying didn't make sense.
  8. There's still 14 episodes left in this season, so fingers crossed!
  9. I find my problem with this show is that the charactes aren't good enough people to be likeable but also aren't bad enough people to be entertaining. The commericial plot would have been way funnier on a show such as Curb Your Enthusiasm or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because those characters are ususally portrayed as terrible people who do/say outrageous things, which makes it hilarious. This show would be so much better if it stopped trying to make any of its characters good people and just leaned into them being shady, greedy business people who keep getting themselves into ridiculous situations.
  10. Jeannie just announced it on the show. Baby Monaco is a girl! I hope they call her Coco as a nickname!
  11. I feel they could have solved the whole "where's Nicky?" issue by simply adding in a line where Cousin Debbie says, "I called Nicky but he can't make it. Claims he can't get off work, but I doubt that's the reason. You know how he's been ever since Vietnam." or something along those lines. Jack lied to Rebecca and the kids about Nicky being dead because he didn't want him involved in his life but everyone else in the family (Jack's parents, extended family) knew that Nicky was still alive, he's just very different since coming back from war and doesn't interact much with people anymore. My problem with the whole "Saint Jack" thing is that while we the audience are shown and very aware of his flaws, everyone in present day (Rebecca, the Big Three, Miguel, Nicky) doesn't seem to be. They always speak of Jack like he was this perfect being and it's become annoying. In season one, Jack was presented as this amazing father/husband and everyone was all, "Cool. What an outstanding guy." Then in season two, they started to show his flaws and mistakes and I thought, "Man, what a neat idea for a show. To have a character that at first is shown as the perfect husband and father and then to slowly show over several seasons how he was actually a deeply flawed individual but because of his premature death, his family has held him on that pedestal for so long and now you have them gradually come to the realization that while they loved him deeply, he wasn't the saint they've been making him out to be all these years." But...no. We basically had only the one scene where Kevin tries to bring up that Jack wasn't perfect in rehab therapy and Rebecca, Randall and Kate all shout him down about how Jack was amazing and how dare anyone say otherwise. No real mention by the characters about Jack having any real flaws after that. So yeah, I would like Jack's character a lot more if the other characters weren't still glossing over all his flaws.
  12. This show is cracking me up acting as if a 4 hour drive is the same as driving coast to coast. Growing up, my dad's side of the family (four siblings and their families, plus my grandparents) were literally spread over the entire country (one sibing on the East Coast, one on the West Coast, one in the South, one in the Midwest and my grandparents in the Southwest) and we still got together every other year for a reunion, which everyone took turns hosting (and I'm about to be 40 and we still all get together every other year, save for two years ago because of the VID). So there is no reason why Jack and Rebecca couldn't have spent one holiday each year with Jack's mom. It wouldn't even have to be one of the major ones. They could have penciled that poor woman in for Presidents' Day, for pity's sake! And I think the whole "can't be around each other because of memories of past abuse" thing would have made a lot more sense if Jack's mother was still living in the house Jack grew up in, because then there would have been constant reminders and triggers of that abuse. I could have understood Jack not wanting to go there to visit her but her cousin's house, which he has absolutely no connection to? I can see how Jack and his mom wouldn't have had a super close relationship and that there could be this big abusive elephant in the room when they did get together, but I feel that he could have made it through one weekend a year. I don't know, this entire episode felt like it was written just to give Milo something to submit for the Emmys.
  13. Ohh, I like the evil Superman idea. No idea why he'd be buried underground but I'll go with, eh, wormholes?
  14. I don't know what's more ridiculous. Tucker Carlson talking about the m&ms or The View talking about Tucker Carlson talking about the m&ms.
  15. Since the show is trying so hard to hint that the mysterious baddy causing the earthquakes is Doomsday, I'm taking that as a sign that it is most definitely not Doomsday and this is another "Captain Luthor" misdect. My guess is that it's Brainiac, based on nothing but the fact that the bad guy has lights on him (and Clark keeps seeing lights whenever those headaches happen).
  16. In regards to Lily, I find it ironic that the writers of this show have jumped through hoops to wedge minority characters into this show but, save for this episode, have all but ignored the only minority character from the original series. They could have explored how Lily feels about being a transracial adoptee and her experience as an Asian-American during Covid times but instead the show decided to basically shove her to the side all season and concentrate on Charlotte's white daughter. Which is how you can tell the difference between showrunners/writers who actually have something to say on a topic or a point of view to express and those who are just trying to check off boxes for points. Also, Miranda's the worst and deserves to die alone.
  17. So apparently at Bo's hospital, there are only white and black doctors. No Hispanic doctors and, even more ridiculously, no Asian doctors (in California, no less). Okay then.
  18. Loved the janitor! Hope we see a lot more of him. Is it some requirement of these mockumentary shows that a competant female lead is in a relationship with a complete waste of space? (Ann/Andy on Parks and Rec, Pam/Roy in The Office) I don't get why they keep doing that it. It doesn't make the women sympathetic , it just makes them look dumb.
  19. I hate what they've done with Daniel's wife these past two seasons. I really enjoyed her character during the first two seasons because she was the normal person reacting to the ridiculousness of her husband being caught up in a karate battle with his high school rival. She made jokes about the situation, pointed out how nuts the entire thing was and was basically the voice of reason. Now she's in the karate drama as much as anybody and it's brought her character down so much. And I do not care at all about Daniel's son and the new kid he's bullying. This show already has enough characters, they don't need to be adding more, especially not middle schoolers. All that arc is is doing is highlighting how crappy of parents Daniel and Amanda are since both of their kids have pretty much turned out to be garbage.
  20. Hmm, maybe she'll end up being a stalker and her arc will end with her holding Tim hostage in his own house, only to have Lucy save him? Also, am I the only one who was hoping that it was going to turn out to be Bailey who was the crazy one and that she had framed her ex and now that he was out, was framing him again so that Nolan would take care of him for her?
  21. Since Jeannie is due soon, does anyone want to take any guesses on what the baby will be named? I know at one point she said she was looking for a unique "J" name, so I'm going with Journey for a girl and Justice for a boy (neither of which is that unheard of but I could see Jeannie thinking they were since she probably doesn't interact that much with kids). For the middle, I'm guessing something Vietnamese or Chinese to honor Jeannie's heritage.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. The fact that they did a close up shot both times Tim typed in the security code makes me think that the new girlfriend is going to break into his house and the dog can sense that she's up to no good. Either that or it was just really bad product placement for the security company. Also, did something get messed up with the airing schedule? Because there were a ton of Christmas decorations up this episode.
  23. I will never understand why shows do Thanksgiving appetizers/Halloween costumes/Christmas presents/etc either the day before or the day of the holiday. Like, what good does that do me now? If you want to provide a recipe that I can actually use for Thanksgiving, do it the first or second week of November, not less than 24 hours before the big day.
  24. I feel that this show is running through plotlines way too fast. We're only on episode 5 and so far we've had (big breath): a cheating husband who turns out to be a sick husband who dies whose mistress is pregnant and now missing, a closeted lesbian who used to be a drug addict who's had two on-screen affairs and has let fame get to her head and is now being threatened by the husband she's trying to divorce, an absentee mother who's trying to make herself over as an indie singer while the child she neglected for years applies to college and reconnects with her newely discovered father, and a disgraced tv show host who used to date a producer who cheated on her with her fellow bandmate and has recently been reunited with the mother who abandoned her. Oh yeah, and a girl group from the 90s is trying to stage a comback while a Nicki Minaj ripoff OD's then goes to rehab and drills a hole in her head. I know that soap operas are known for their crazy plotlines but usually each character gets one a season, not a different one each episode.
  25. On the Travis Scott thing, I don't know why they even bother discussing anything that even remotely has to do with the Kardashians because Adrienne is so desperate to keep that connection that she will not criticize them (or anyone associated with them), no matter what they do.
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