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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. Cole is so freakin' racist. Comparing Zanab to Kim K (who she looks nothing like), saying that he was willing to date someone named Zanab when all he dated before were women named things such as Lily (as if her ethnicity was some kind of flaw that he was willing to over look) and going on about how Colleen is more physically his type when the only real physical difference between Zanab and Colleen is skin color and Zanab having more of an "ethnic" nose. His going on about how attractive Colleen is is bad enough but there's definitely a racial aspect to it that's just ugly. And if you're that particular about the race/ethnicity of people you date, then don't go on a dating show where you pick someone sight unseen. . And yes, Matt is all the red flags and Bartise is an asshat. I like SK but don't understand why you would be looking to get married right before starting college in another state. Out of all the guys this season, Brennan is the only one who seems to be serious about getting married. And out of the women, I too find myself surprisingly liking Raven the most, probably because she and Alexa are the only women this season who have any self-esteem (which is sad because Nancy, Colleen and Zanab are way too old to be putting up with the nonsense that they are). On a lighter note, how is it that Cole had never heard the name Colleen before? The way he was completely mystified by it and then couldn't spell or pronounce it correctly had me cracking up
  2. So I'm under no illusions that a good chunk of what goes on on this show isn't scripted but I'm only halfway through this episode and Kim acting as if she can't possibly do a photoshoot with the supermodels (for her own brand, no less) is making me eyeroll hard. She does photoshoots all the time, so if they wanted anyone to buy this demure, "Oh no, I couldn't possibly!" act, they should have chosen something that she actually has no experience in. Also, who is the Candace woman? I know all the other models but have no idea who she is.
  3. I know, right? It's as if that hair part meant nothing!
  4. I agree that Yolanda's mom is the worst but it always annoys me when teenagers act like their parents can't look through their phones. Like, give me a break. I don't think parents should be demanding to check the phone daily but scrolling through it every now and then on the DL or looking through it if your kid starts acting suspicious is probably a good idea. When they showed Todd at the beginning of this episode, I actually thought he was going to turn out the be the video stalker but nope. So yay, the mystery continues. Are there any more members of the Injustice Society that it could be? Possibly a zombie-fied Dragon King? Maybe an unaccounted for JSA member?
  5. I mean, didn't we just have an episode about Janine not respecting boundaries? They need to have a few episodes where she's not the cause of the problem or her character is going to get old fast.
  6. Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me The Rookie: Feds basically stole the premise of The Grinder? That's just ridiculous... ...but what if it did?
  7. While watching the opening credits, I had to pause to make sure that that was indeed Caroline in the City/Back to the Future Lea Thompson who directed this episode. It was! Good for her! I find Cameron's character to be pretty boring so all of the romantic stuff with him and Courtney isn't really my jam but since it allows more screen time for his much more interesting grandparents, I can tolerate it. They really need to do something with Yolanda and Rick's characters though, because they're becoming very one note and unlikeable. Yolanda especially needs something going on in her life that isn't a complete misery. And I am totally Team Cindy on that fight. She tried to reason with Yolanda and didn't even pull out her weapons until both Rick and Yolanda ganged up on her and tried to smush her with a truck. I'm also still not convinced that Sylvester is on the up and up. Something just seems off about him. He could be the original Sylvester who's traumatized by everything that's happened to him, he could be a clone that doesn't realize he's not the real Sylvester, he could be someone else pretending to be Sylvester for some nefarious purpose, etc. Just one more mystery in this fairly mysterious season.
  8. Yeah, I found that hard to believe too. I can't see Tariq taking the time to do the grocery shopping, much less having the patience or skill to actually cook something. And if he did cook something, I would imagine he'd get "creative" with the recipe and it would turn out a mess. It would have been more believable to say that Janine and Tariq just lived off of take out and tv dinners but now that Janine is trying to save money, she's having to cook instead.
  9. Just finished S3 and while I enjoyed it, I agree with others that it wasn't as good as seasons 1 and 2. I didn't care for them randomly killing Clare's dad on the same night that she has her (first?) kiss. That just seemed unnecessarily cruel and didn't move the plot forward in any way. If they needed her to move towns, they could have just said one of her parents got a new job. I also didn't care for the Chelsea Clinton cameo. The ending with them leaving the polling place was very strong and worked so well with the theme of the episode (the girls growing up and moving on to the next stage in their life paired with Ireland as a whole moving forward) that the Clinton thing just felt tacked on and out of place. And I was confused by the Sister Michael ending. Did she convince the Bishop to let her stay? Because she and the priest were smiling after she said "he didn't say much" and I couldn't figure out if that meant that the only thing he ended up saying was "yes, you can stay" or that he said no anyway but she really gave it her all. I will say that what I Ioved about this show was how it really captured what it's like to be a teenager. I was also in high school at this time (albeit in the US) and so many of the situations felt like exaggerated versions of things my friends and I would do, unlike other "teen" shows that feature ridiculously absentee parents, way too serious romances, and endless drama. Also, the Liam Neeson bits in both the opener and finale were great! I cracked up at his delivery of "sweet suffering Christ" in response to Uncle Colm's rambling and the way that he was able to convey so much emotion in the voting scene without saying a word was amazing.
  10. In regards to the butter board...ewww. I don't see how this is better than just pre-buttering the bread and putting whatever toppings on individually. Or at the very least, give everyone their own little bowl of butter and toppings, so butter's just not being spread around everywhere.
  11. So Nyla was about to crouch down at nine months pregnant and completely conceal herself in the birthing pool which is about a foot and a half deep. Then, while underwater, she's able to see/hear that the bad guy has opened the closet and has his back to her. Then, at a stage of pregnancy where most women need help getting up from the couch, she's able to rise straight up out of the water with both hands holding her gun and after shooting the bad guy, she gives birth, cuts the cord and cleans and wraps her baby up, all while having her gun trained on the bad guy. Never change, Rookie. Never change.
  12. While I appreciate the sentiment and artistry behind it, that gigantic doll/puppet was pretty creepy. Why did they design it so that you could see the guy in the chest? My husband walked in while I was watching that segment and went, "What in the Wicker Man is going on there?"
  13. I actually don't mind the idea of Chenford since I feel the actors have really good chemistry together. It's just that the show is going about it in the most awkward way possible. I mean, the episode of Who's The Boss where Tony and Angela had to share pajamas in a hotel room had more heat than whatever was going on with Chenford in this premiere.
  14. I have a theory about that. I read Sunny's book earlier this year and in it, she writes about how Ana told her one time when they were out for drinks that she didn't really consider Sunny to be Hispanic until she found out that Sunny's full name was Asuncion and that she could speak Spanish and knew how to make certain foods. Sunny was pretty taken back by it and I'm guessing has been holding a grudge about it all these years (cuz that's, you know, kinda Sunny's thing), which is why she keeps on asking Ana how "as a Latina" she can be a Republican. It's like, Ana was rude and questioned Sunny's Latin-ness, so Sunny's going to question Ana's, just in a much more public form.
  15. For some reason, I thought Nyla gave birth to her baby at the end of last season, so I was surprised to see that she was still pregnant. I'm assuming that Chen's boyfriend (Chris?) will survive and the guilt over him getting attacked (plus the fact that she was making eyes at Bradford while he was bleeding out on the couch) will keep Chen dating him for awhile, putting off Chenford until the end of the season (or possibly the mid-season finale). Honestly, I enjoy the cast of this show but during episodes like this one, I do wonder how they made it to season 5.
  16. I had forgotten that Joy goes by a nickname. Her real name is Josephine though, not Josefina (which is the Spanish form of Josephine. Giuseppina is the Italian form).
  17. I laughed so hard at this part just because she looked so proud and happy to have gotten the plate down by herself. Glad this show is back and that it's starting out strong. On a side note, does anyone else want Keith David to play Barbara's brother at some point? Every time I hear Sheryl Lee Ralph speak, I just think that she sounds like a female Keith David.
  18. Okay, just watched the segment where they talk about Nikki Haley and all I can say is that I hope that this is Sunny's last season and that they fire her over the summer, because she is just awful. That condescending tone she was using with Alyssa. I don't even agree with Alyssa on most things and think it's ridiculous that they hired someone from the Trump administration but the fact is that ABC did and Sunny needs to get over it and do her job, not some stupid mean girl act any time Alyssa speaks. You don't agree with someone? Great, that's the point of the show but you can discuss things in a civil manner and have an actual discussion with someone, not just be snide and rude the entire time. It's shades of Meghan all over again, just with more meanness as opposed to crazy. Second, what she said about Nikki Haley (who again, not a personal fan of), is disgusting. Sunny's mixed race. She knows what it's like to have people claim that you're not "x enough" and claiming that Nikki Haley is denying her Indian heritage because she goes by her middle name (her Indian middle name) is just next level offensive. And I'd just like to add that all of this info about Nikki Haley that I just typed out, you know how I found it? By using Wikipedia for five seconds, then searching for "Nikki Indian name". So if I, a viewer, can do less than five minutes of intenet research on someone, why oh why can no one on The View do the same?
  19. So I haven't watched today's show yet but in the Nikki Haley name discussion, is it ever brought up that Nikki is her middle name? Or are they just pretending that she pulled it out of thin air? Also, it's a Punjabi name, so Sunny can suck it.
  20. I'm with Paula. I also have no idea what the Rotary Club does. I think it's connected to the Catholic Church somehow? Or maybe it's just that everyone I knew growing up who had parents in the Rotary Club just happened to be Catholic?
  21. But then Sunny was also saying the 1.3% thing and implied that that was the percentage of women who get abortions in the third trimester when there's no medical reason. Then when Whoppi said that a doctor wouldn't perform an abortion at six months if the mother and fetus were healthy, Sunny replied, "I don't think that's true". Like I said in my earlier post, the entire exchange was weird and it felt like Sunny was trying to trap Sarah in something. Like saying that because Sarah doesn't think that women should be allowed to get an abortion "just because" once they're in the third trimester makes her a secret supporter of Graham's bill or something. I feel like that's the way she was headed anyway because Sunny was using that tone of voice that she always reserves for when she doesn't want to have a discussion with someone but wants to lecture them on how they're wrong and she's morally superior, which was odd since Sunny herself hasn't been pro-choice for very long so to go from, "I don't believe in abortion" to "abort at any point during the pregnancy" is a very big swing. I'm sure this topic will come up again (probably this week) so if they continue with the conversation maybe we can get some clarity on what Sunny was trying to say.
  22. Honestly, I'm not sure what point Sunny was trying to make with that final bit with Sarah during the abortion discussion. I couldn't tell if Sunny thought that you should be able to get an abortion at any point during a pregnancy (which would really go against what she's always stated is her belief on abortion) or if she was saying that people get late term abortions when there's no medical need (which would also be a weird thing to say and something that, as far as I know, isn't backed up by facts). The entire exchange was just odd.
  23. Okay, I just...Sunny is nuts. I used to really like her but the more she talks, the more it's apparent that she's absolutely nuts. Going on about Camilla. WTF? That's just bizarre. I mean, the way she was talking, she was fine with Charles having an affair as long as he stayed with Diana? The hell? I don't even know from what era that thinking would be from. 1950s? 1920s? 1880s? And then she's going on and on about the evils of Great Britain but earlier this week she talked about how she took out massive student loans (that took her 20+ years to pay off) just so she could study there? Again, WTF? If I believed a country and its monarchy/government were rotten to the core, there's no way I'd vacation there, let alone take out loans to study there. Also, I watch this show via its youtube channel and that particular segment was labelled, "Reflecting on Queen Elizabeth's 70 Year Reign", which is laughable because Joy said about two sentences about Queen Elizabeth before Sunny hijacked the entire thing. I just feel like when Meghan was there, Sunny held a lot in but now that Meghan's gone? Sunny's letting it all out and it's not pretty.
  24. So much mystery and intrigue! I agree that the Crocks hired the Gambler's old team so that Artemis could stop them and that's what they're worried about (either that or Paula did just end up giving the rotary club a store bought cake and now they're waiting for the other shoe to drop!). I doubt Cindy killed the Gambler but I'm wondering what she wanted his laptop for. I would assume it's more than just general nosey-ness. I wonder if there's a villian we haven't met yet who can reanimate and control the dead? Because something seems really off about Starman and the Gambler's murder did seem very Grundy-esque, so maybe there's someone else pulling the strings there?
  25. I found this good, ridiculous fun up until this last episode, which dragged on forever. And that green screen at the river was terrible! What happened there? And why did Gina miscarry and end up in the hospital? Was it supposed to be from the stress of Dylan's death? That was just random and unexplained. I too thought Claudia was their younger sister so they really did a bad job casting there. Also, what was with the lion statues? Was the charm they found in the church a lion? That was the most random, throwaway line. And I like how Charlie was all, "Well, there's a good chance the twin I'm hanging out with is a murderer. Oh wells." at the end there.
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