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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. Micah is so full of it. No way was she going to say "yes" to Paul. She just wanted him to go first so that if he said "no", she could play the victim. If he had said "yes", she'd have given some reason for not wanting to marrying him, probably low-key blaming him in some way. Glad that Paul could tell there were issues with her. I'm sure after he views how manipulative and mean girl she was to others during this series, it'll just reinforce that he made the right decision. Don't think that Kwame and Chelsea made the right decision but who knows, maybe it'll work out in the long run. Obviously Tiffany and Brett were going to get married. No need to drag their segment out for so long. For a moment there, I totally thought that Bliss was going to say "no" and that the only reason she went along with the engagement was so that she could dump Zach publicly as payback for choosing Irina in the pods. LOL. Again, like Kwame and Chelsea, not sure if getting married at this point in their relationship is the right decision but I wish them the best. Bliss looked to me like she was still having second thoughts but maybe it was just nerves. Can't wait for the reunion!
  2. I just feel like there's a lot going on in that costume. Also not a fan of the short sleeves. I'm actually surprised that this show is coming back at all. After such a long break and the cancellation announcement, I just kind of figured that they weren't even going to bother airing the last few episodes.
  3. I was wondering the same thing but it's probably because 99% of the couples would be told that they shouldn't get married. They could at least give them a questionnaire or something. At the bare minimum, a Cosmo compatibility quiz...
  4. At this point, the only couple whom I feel should be getting married are Tiffany and Brett. Zach and Bliss might eventually make it to marriage but getting married this soon after he chose Irina over her is a bad idea. With Paul and Micah, I don't see the attraction there for either of them. They come across as co-workers, not as people dating or even friends. And the Kwame/Chelsea relationship has so many issues. She's his second choice, they don't live in the same city, they don't seem to want the same things out of the future, he doesn't want her to take his last name until he talks to his mother (I can't with this one. Giant red flag). I'm hoping Kwame says "no" in the final episode and spares them both a lot of misery.
  5. I feel that Chelsea's behavior is probably due to the Micah situation. She came off a lot more chill before that happened and now I feel like she wants Kwame to prove that he wants to be with her and is a lot less compassionate towards any difficulties he might be having. Honestly, with her being his second choice (and the fact that neither of them wants to move for, you know, a four week relationship), I don't think they should be getting married anytime soon, if at all.
  6. I wonder if those are actual diamonds in the rings or if Netflix goes with a cheaper stone to cut down on costs? Cuz that's what I'd do if I were them, since that's the most expensive part. If this were a regular relationship, then I'd say Jackie would be in the wrong for keeping the ring (my rule for engagement rings is that whoever breaks the engagement forfeits the ring. Unless the person breaks the engagement due to some betrayal that the other person committed, then they get the ring) but since Marshall didn't pay for the ring, whatever, take it to the pawn shop, since that's probably what you came on this show to do anyway, Jackie. After the wedding dress shopping, my new theory for Micah is that her mom was sick during her formative years, and thus wasn't able to advise Micah about her mean girl antics. Did her mom being sick come up before this? I don't remember her mentioning it but I might have not been paying attention. When my husband saw Zach's sister, the first words out of his mouth were, "She looks just like Irina!" LOL. Of course, now that he pointed that out, I can't unsee it. Zach's niece was pretty little though, so I'm hoping the resemblance isn't as strong when his sister isn't postpartum.
  7. I made a similar comment in an earlier episode thread. The fact that all the women seem to dislike him, while the men are cool with him, makes me think he was saying some not great things in he pods. And whatever it was he said, it had to be pretty bad because they all vehemently dislike him.
  8. The goblets always crack me up. Netflix should sell those as merch. The Love Is Blind collection. People would totally buy them to use at viewing parties.
  9. I'm watching the part right now with Micah and Irina talking about Paul and all I can think of is Regina George and Gretchen from Mean Girls. They come off as such teenagers, with Micah being the queen bee and Irina her underling.
  10. Isn't that kinda how she ended up with Paul in the first place? In the pods, I felt it was more about beating Amber than being interested in Paul. And in Mexico, her flirting with Kwame was about pissing off Chelsea. She's just the worst.
  11. Offended might be a better word. Jackelina also didn't like Zach, so that's what, all the women save for Tiffany? And Tiffany seems to be the type to not talk badly about anyone, so who knows if she actually likes him or not. And Jackie obviously likes to stir up stuff but when she was going off on Zach, she also mentioned that she didn't like Irina either, so it's not like her dislike of him is being fueled by loyalty to Irina or anything. I'll be curious to see what is said about him at the reunion. I'm guessing that if he did do/say something off putting, we'll hear about it there.
  12. I honestly don't think that's a bad reason to break up with someone. In reality, you're not just marrying a person. You're marrying their family. So if what you're wanting is in-laws who you can be close to, depend on and feel good leaving your kids with on the weekends, yeah, someone whose parents you don't respect might not be the best choice. And I think it's better to realize that when you're dating and break up with the person then marry them and constantly be stressed out by their parents. I feel like Zach must have said some weird stuff in the pods to the other women that they haven't shown because basically all the women are creeped out by him while the men all seem cool with him. I think he was lying a lot as "jokes" or "tests" since we did hear him say the fake "I'm a stripper" thing to more than one woman and at one point he was reminiscing with Irina about how he told her some bs story about how he lived under a bridge or something and how she didn't judge him, even though it wasn't true. So I'm guessing he must have been making up all sorts of things to see if the women would like him anyway and once they realized this, they were all pretty much turned off by it.
  13. Definitely a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" situation because I find Micah very unattractive. Like, I straight up gasped when I saw that she was only 25 because I thought she was about ten years older. Overall, I've found the participants this season to be very underwhelming in the looks department compared to other seasons. When I told my husband this, he came in to see what I was talking about and thought I was being a little harsh until Micah came on screen and then went "Ooh, yeah, that's rough". LOL. I wish Netflix had kept it, I don't know, more high brow with this show because the pods are by far the most interesting part and if they just concentrated on that and people connecting with one another (instead of the stupid, typical reality show it becomes the second they leave the pods), it would be such a fascinating character study. Case in point, Zach, who's got so many issues from his bad childhood and stripper mom that he tests every women he interacts with by telling them he's a stripper to gage their reactions and then, even though he's clawed out a better life for himself, he's still drawn to terrible people like Irina, probably because there's a comforting familiarity about her awfulness (also, has Irina mentioned what business it is she owns? Because I kinda feel it's probably an onlyfans account...).
  14. Thank you, Janine's friend whose name I can't remember! There was no reason to tell Maurice about the kiss. Just break up with him and schedule a date with Gregory like, a month later. And I know we're supposed to be on Abbott's side with this whole charter school thing, but I've got kids in elementary school and public schools have been such a train wreck post-pandemic, that I just can't.
  15. Yeah, there's been this weird trend lately to have pregnant women engaging in combat (Avatar 2 is the most recent example I can think of). I find it super annoying. I've been pregnant three times and there's no way I'd have purposely put my unborn babies in danger like that (and don't get me started on Angela roundhousing Elijah while pregnant. I just can't). I probably shouldn't be annoyed since this show left reality a long time ago but unrealistic portrayals of pregnancy (not to mention labor) just bug me. And I usually just have this show on in the background while I'm doing other stuff these days but I actually sat down and paid attention to this episode and I still have no idea what happened at the end there. So the red-headed lawyer purposely set Elijah up? Or was that an accident? And why does she hate the LAPD? Was that covered in a previous episode or was that just introduced here?
  16. My favorite part of this episode was the hotel staff. Loved the check-in guy with his "damn" over Gregory's break-up and the photographer who was so bored and over it. I'm not that invested in the Janine/Gregory relationship but I'm going to be annoyed if they drag things out because of Maurice. Maurice shouldn't even be an issue. They've only been dating for what, two months at most? Are they even exclusive at this point? Just dump him and move on. It's not that big a deal.
  17. Just started this episode but...Noah is Henry from Blood Ties! I loved that show so much! Poor Blood Ties. If it had come out a few years later, when vampires were all the rage, then it would have been hit and had more than one season.
  18. Huh. So turns out Whoopi was kinda right. I looked it up last night and while there were no reparations given, apparently some Black families were given land in Florida and Georgia through homesteading after the Civil War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty_acres_and_a_mule So not sure about the "sat on the steps" part, but her family probably did receive land in Florida this way. As for the whole "40 acres and a mule" thing. When I was in school (I graduated high school in 2000, for context), we were taught that the US government had told Black people they were getting 40 acres and a mule but then never followed through. Apparently that's not true. The entire concept was based on a special field order that Sherman issued to house the thousand of freed people that were following his army during the Civil War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Field_Orders_No._15 There were a lot of abolitionists and politicians at the time that wanted the recently freed to be given the land they worked as slaves as a form of compensation, but that was never passed into law. Instead, the government focused on a wage labor system that from what I can tell was supposed to get fair wages for Black people, but instead ended up putting them into more of a servitude situation.
  19. So I'm going to need the full story behind Whoopi's statement of "my family sat on some steps and didn't move until they got their 40 acres and a mule". I'm not saying that didn't happen, I just need all the details. And shows like today's with the full TNG cast are why they keep Whoopi around. She may be a rambling mess at times, but she has connections and a long history in Hollywood. This show doesn't get that many A-list guests anymore but I believe the few that they do get are probably due to Whoopi. Loved the audience's reaction to Sunny's Kim K comment. Glad they were having none of that insane suggestion. I would argue that the reason you don't have sex symbols on the level of Raquel Welch these days is because actresses in general don't let themselves be as objectified and have more control over their roles and what they wear. Also, the amount of skin Welch showed in her day was a big deal but now it's pretty much par for the course.
  20. I can't figure out why Alexa and Brennan are so involved in the Cole/Zanab drama. I know they're saying it's because Alexa and Zanab are close but I feel that there has to be more to it than that. The amount of hostility that Brennan shows Cole, it's like he did something to him personally. It's weird. Alexa's dress was...a choice. I hate dresses like that. I feel they always look tacky. And something seems really off about Alexa's entire family situation. All the comments her dad is making to Brennan. The fact that Alexa wore a see-through dress around her dad. Alexa and her step-mom being the same age. Just kinda everything about them makes me uncomfortable. Colleen and Matt are such a trainwreck. They just seem to be passive aggressively trading insults all the time and it's obvious that they don't enjoy being together. Just annul the marriage and move on with your lives. Also, Matt straight up seems like a functioning alcoholic to me.
  21. So here are my thoughts after watching this episode: 1. What backyard breeder did Matt get his dog from because reputable breeders make you sign a contract that requires you to fix your puppy and shelters usually have either fixed the animals themselves or require you do so within a certain amount of time after adoption. So the fact that he hasn't neutered his dog yet (and what is his reason for this?) make me think he got him from some janky backyard breeder, which makes me side eye Matt even more than I already was. 2. I fear Alexa may have PCOS or a thyroid issue because she seems to have gained a lot of weight in the past year and if she and Brennen have been having unprotected sex for a year and aren't pregnant, that could be a sign that there's a problem. 3. Nancy is a fool. 4. Did all the women (except for Alexa) decide to lighten their hair together? Why are they all blonde or blonde highlighted all of a sudden? And honestly, save for Raven, it's not the best look on most of them. On to episode 2!
  22. I didn't say it's unbelievable that he didn't turn out like his parents. What's unbelievable to me is that he wouldn't be a little more street smart or jaded. I personally find his character a little too happy go lucky for someone whose own mother has stolen from him numerous times.
  23. I just don't find it believable at all that Nolan is so "golly gee shucks" good when both his parents were ne'er-do-wells. Like, I can believe Tim having a crappy background that he had to overcome because while he's overall a good person, he still has some edge to him. Nolan acts like he was raised in a middle class suburb with white picket fences, not as if he had an absentee father, scam artist mother and Pete Davidson brother.
  24. I never understand people getting upset about Marie Kondo. Her book/method is for people who have trouble keeping organized and own more stuff that they can handle. The "sparks joy" thing is to help you get rid of stuff that you don't need or like but that you've kept around for whatever reason (ie, it was expensive, it was a gift, you haven't owned it that long, etc). You're not supposed to get rid of stuff just to get rid of stuff (looking at you, Sunny). And if that method doesn't appeal to you, then don't do it! It's a method for tidying up, it's not that deep.
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