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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. My, we are being generous aren't we? lol Possibly? Possibly is in the rearview mirror with all things Kathryn. 😉
  2. Yeah, I've seen a few photos in the past six or so months, and a weight loss was evident, but didn't seem this extreme. Who knows with her though. Anything is possible.
  3. Yeah, it's a classic small fish in a big pond, becomes big fish in small pond. I find her schtick to be tired. She has a wry sense of humor that I sometimes appreciate, but it's not enough to offset the Queen Bee nonsense.
  4. He pled guilty. reputed-mobster-pleads-guilty-to-attack-on-dina-manzos-husband Perna and an associate followed Cantin to a strip mall in Passaic County and attacked him in the parking lot with a slap jack, the indictment says. In exchange, Perna received a steep discount for his wedding reception at Tommy Manzo’s catering hall, The Brownstone, in Paterson a month after the assault. Many of the 330 guests were members of the Lucchese crime family, according to prosecutors. Manzo was also indicted on racketeering and conspiracy charges for the attack. His case is still pending.
  5. If like me you had no idea who ^that is, here's an older pic with Sawnya -
  6. I have really never been a musical theater buff. I remember her from a Cosby episode, and other television roles.
  7. Totally agree, and I feel this in concert with my previous^ post. You can parent and guide without being like you say, a drill sargeant. My b-i-l was a nervous paranoiac any time his kids behaved like well, kids. They weren't even being disruptive, and he would check them. Used to tick me off.
  8. As my dear departed friend used to say, kids are the screwin' you get for the screwin' you got. Yes, and better yet, realize that they likely won't get to that place by themselves. You have to parent them there.
  9. Icky thought, but maybe your mom has a critter or two scritching in the walls.
  10. I tripped across this site, and if you're interested in not-so-bargain mansions, enjoy the real estate porn. priceypads
  11. That's not lucky, you are The Chosen One!
  12. My 14+ yr old kitties are yakking up hairballs on demand lately. They are too special for hairball formula food, rejecting every.single.one. I've tried, they run from the bowl if I try to sneak the hairball drops into their food. I've had them on fiber powder for over a year now, for other reasons, and that has seemingly has no affect either. I made the mistake of buying a UV flashlight thingy a while back, that detects "organic matter" on things, and my carpeted floors look like they've been carpet bombed. I don't think there's a 6" square where there isn't evidence of "organic matter". I've given up, and just plan on putting down the hard floor I've wanted for 10 years anyway. Best excuse I have to spend the money. I have a tiled kitchen and mudroom (where their bowls are), but nooooo, must.yak.on.carpet.
  13. I've got a spare sawbuck that says we see a Cat 3 or higher vapid entertainer or useless athlete celebutante Instagramming/Tik Tokking their CV19 vaccination, well before the general population is anywhere close to getting one.
  14. I realize that FAS is caused by maternal alcohol consumption, but can we at least admit that TR's DNA can't possibly be the purest, and that maybe he should be held responsible for unfettered breeding with inappropriate women? He will always blame others for his own shortcomings. I'm not excusing Kathryn, but when you poke your stick in any fire, you might just get a raging inferno.
  15. I'm also in the camp of folks who weren't enamored with high school. I enjoyed school before that, and my negative experiences were tied more to the social and anthropological challenges. Was glad to be done with it. My parents wouldn't have dreamed of having a party, so perhaps that rubbed off on me.
  16. This has been happening more with my two girls as well. They're both 14+ yrs old, and I've been attributing it to age, and maybe just being less hungry on some days.
  17. I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with the tent and caterer comment, but I've seen people with far less in the asset column spend and do more than I think necessary for a child graduating high school.
  18. <walks out on a thin, dry limb> I'm here to say that I think high school graduation parties have gone rogue. Why are we so obsessed with lauding little Johnny and Jane, in the 21st century mind you, for managing to get through 13 years of school? I would be low-key shocked to find out that anyone graduating in the last quarter century (I'm being a bit generous) is a first generation graduate in their respective families, prompting the need for a tent, a caterer, and a valet to park the cars. <backs quietly off limb and out of room>
  19. Yeah, as expected, they settled. windy-city-rehab-lawsuit-wicker-park
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