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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. How on earth does HGTV or Scripps or whomever owns this show and is accountable for it, make the decision to continue it? I guess it must be a moneymaker, which is the biggest mystery of all. AV is pretty much unwatchable for me. As much watch time as I give to these rehab shows, I am tiring of them, rapidly. SSDD
  2. Um, but I don't have an engineering degree. ~sigh~ I'll look into online classes.
  3. Not the biggest, but the most recent pet peeve: Not being able to cleanly remove the (poorly) perforated opening of an elongated tissue box, ala Puffs. Drives me to distraction to have it partially tear, no matter how slowly and carefully I remove it. Yes, I might have OCD, lol.
  4. Really sorry for those of you dealing with the storm aftermath. We had an ice storm here in the Great Lakes region the first of January which resultedin a massive power outage for several days for many. We were fortunate that ours was only out for 7 or so hours, so no food loss. Others weren't so fortunate. I'm not going to fault anyone who isn't "prepared" for such an occurrence. We are 21st century slaves to the grid. Not everyone has $200+ Yeti coolers that can hold food at acceptable temps for days on end. Ice is a premium or flat unavailable. When outages are widespread, everyone is in the same boat, making it a challenge to find folks who can help out with fridge/freezer space, or the ability to hold cooked food for any length of time. Hang in there~
  5. I grew up with the Vietnam War on my television every evening for years on end. I'm okay with the image of an inoculation. Seems we've becomed fixated on denying masking reality.
  6. Same. Unless the produce in question is really small or especially wet (I too hate the misters, which imo are merely a way to add weight to the item, particularly the leafy items), I simply put them in the cart sans plastic bag. They're going in a plastic bag at checkout, so plastic bagging the plastic bag just seems too much. They'll be washed anyway, so...
  7. I won't be angry that the show rebooted onto Fox because dozens of jobs were provided as a result, but I won't be angry when it ends either. Hopefully, all involved will become re-employed without too much trouble.
  8. I've read that BAC can actually climb before it begins to drop again. If it was measured relatively soon after consumption, it could have measured inaccurately low.
  9. Thanks so much. The last time O's bloodwork was done (not quite a yr ago), her values were holding pretty well, and the Vet didn't feel that SubQ was needed quite yet, but I know what I'm seeing, and she is def getting more frail. She is eating and drinking without much trouble so far. Starting to become more vocal, which concerns me. I've tried a couple of Wellness varieties with no success. My kitties are nothing if not prototypically fussy. They will eat a new food with vigor right up until I buy multiple cans of it, then "nope". I appreciate your info and the links. I've started trying to disseminate the link you provided ^upthread. See you in a month, lol.
  10. I have been witness to some real atrocities. As has been mentioned ^upthread, the dress is often selected to fit the smallest attendant with the least ample bosom, thereby rendering it a fashion fail for anyone outside of those parameters. Sometimes, a dress that's lovely in a size 6, is not so much in a size 18.
  11. I have always thought that the tradition of selecting (usually horrible) dresses for one's attendants, then making them pay for them, was the height of indulgence, bordering on the absurd. Actually, most traditions associated with weddings are absurd. I salute the couples who pave their own way, shedding some of these ridicuous customs along the way, despite receiving likely much grief and consternation from family and friends. I'm not a proponent of the wholesale cancel culture, but I'll make an exception with weddings, and all the hoopla that is the run-up to them.
  12. I feel that my Onyx is in real danger now. I'm a bad mom I guess, but I haven't really changed her food other than to eliminate all dry supplementation, and NO TREATS (this was done when she was first diagnosed, 3+ years ago). Her vets have never suggested any dietary changes/additions, so they haven't really helped. In the past with another cat, I purchased the KD prescription from them, but they have never suggested it with Onyx. She only gets canned food, but I won't pretend that it's the highest quality available, as unfortunately, budget is an issue. I would be very interested if you're willing to disclose what commercial food you used. Feel free to pm me, if you don't want to share it here.
  13. This sort of photo journaling of one's (mundane) life is truly a phenomenon to me. I can't decide if it's arrogance, or some sort of weird response to a lack of self-esteem. Either way, it's going to cause me eye problems, due to the severe eye rolling it induces.
  14. Had it been Bill Cosby, I would think Ms. Barkin would feel free to disclose that, considering events of the past few years.
  15. That's blasphemous. I will never believe that he would be anything other than wonderful. If I have to bury my head in the sand, I will.
  16. Don't. Had I not been a QVC viewer from time to time, I would have never heard of her either. There's plenty of people decades older than Jojo I haven't heard of yet, lol.
  17. And if not in the bathroom, in the car. It's a mad mad world.
  18. I have second-hand embarrassment just watching. I could shoot the idiot box (my dad's favorite term for the television) whenever the Vanessa Baxter character darkens the scene. For a once highly entertaining show to have devolved so badly is really a mystery to me. I have to assume it's a writing thing, but I'm no teevee insider, so I couldn't say for sure. Awful. Just awful.
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