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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Perhaps you could contact the Lionel team (try sm?) and they might be interested in any rare/unusual ones, or perhaps there's a Lionel or RR museum that may be interested in the entire collection. I wouldn't be shy to dip your toe into the ebay pool...
  2. Healthy 'outdoor' cats are like unicorns.
  3. Well if we're going to discuss milk shopping... Yes, there are a sh*t ton of choices, but wouldn't one be inclined to choose the same thing every time? I know I do. I select one or two 1/2 gallons, 2%, and occasionally I'll pick up a pint of half n half or heavy cream for cooking. That's it. Doesn't require long moments of chin rubbing while contemplating the choices. 🤷‍♀️
  4. Happy Easter everyone, or if not an observer, have happy, sunny, Sunday! I boop you!
  5. Walmart.com is much like Amazon in that it is populated with third party sellers.
  6. Sketchy source perhaps, but yeah, she would sue. sharon-osbourne-sue-cbs-defending-piers-morgan
  7. My guess? Liquidated and used to soften the blow of bad real estate transactions.
  8. Ostentatious is her m.o. when it comes to being enfianced. The Shields "engagement" ring vs the Bernon ring. The thing about emerald cuts (Bernon), is that when they are the size of Range Rover headlights, it serves to showcase their flawless (presumably) quality, thereby cementing the fact that much cheddar was shredded for its purchase. Were I forced while facing the barrel end of an Uzi, to choose one or the other, it would be the Shields oval shape and faceted cut. Because sparkly.
  9. Absolutely. I wasn't posting it as justification for being treated badly, more of a background. Despite her privileged (I've come to hate this word) upbringing, she has actually accomplished...stuff.
  10. Yes, some people will complain about anything, and drivers of freight trucks are no different. I know they often have to wade through snow piles, and risk life and limb on icy sidewalks...but not at my house. I take care of those things, especially when I know a delivery is coming, and I'm "doing that for free".
  11. Revisit a Tinsley primer - townandcountrymag.com/society/a5858/tinsley-mortimer
  12. The package delivery thing is an uber pet peeve of mine as well. No one rings or knocks to announce deliveries anymore. At one time, one of them did, can't remember which service, but that seems to have gone by the wayside. We have little mini railings on either side of our front door, which while not a privacy fence, would serve to help conceal packages from the street, which is approx 50-60 ft from the house. Does anyone actually take the time to place the boxes/pkgs begind them? Noooo. Let's plop the boxes smack in the center of the porch slab, sometimes right in front of the door, so as to block the door from opening from the inside. I don't really give a <bleep> about a driver's schedule, as it would take about 2 seconds longer to show care when delivering, vs. how they do it.
  13. I could have probably written that same review, having never listened to B's podcast (haven't, won't), lol.
  14. Me too! I have heard/read that these bags "gum up" the recycling equipment to the point that the recyclers no longer want them. I haven't independently researched the subject, so this could be bad/old information.
  15. Judge Judy (my bestie in my head) would tell you that an engagement ring is a "gift in contemplation of marriage", and as such, gets returned to the giver, regardless of the reason for the break, or who the breaker was. According to the many cases I've seen her arbitrate about engagement rings, they are not treated as standard gifts. Whether or not Scott Kluth asks for it back, would probably depend on whatever level of animosity exists now or will exist in the foreseeable future. She may have returned it, or will on her own, but I can't see that happening for some reason.
  16. Okay, here comes the devil's advocate. I really like Tinsley, and enjoyed her on the show, but she is a 45-yr old woman who bears responsibility for her life. If Scott has 'strung her along', and if Scott has treated her badly, then yes, that's on him, but she owes it to herself to not be an enabler/doormat. It could be possible that Scott actually does love her, and wanted a life with her, but found her lack of maturity a recurring obstacle. That's just one possibility. He's a small town guy who bootstrapped (with a small investment from his mom) a business vs Tinsley who is an heiress and 'socialite' (not that there's anything wrong with that). That's not to say that those two upbringings cannot mesh, but I can imagine it being a continual challenge. This isn't 1960, and she isn't required to be the dutiful girlfriend who 'goes along to get along'. He might be a real asshat, but she made the choice. Several times.
  17. Our local grocer used to have a plastic bag collection program, but it was suspended due to CV19. Haven't seen signs of its return as yet. If municipal recyclers don't want them because, as I've read they gum up the equipment, I can't figure what the grocers or their vendors are doing differently. These folks ought to all be able to get on the same page hadn't they? Thanks for that suggestion, I wouldn't have thought of it. For now, I'm hoarding them for my upcoming, epic garage sale.
  18. Yeah, and larger than tiny. I billow them out and hold them up to the light in the ceiling, lol. Still miss some.
  19. She won't. I'll wager my almost paid in full home. Also - "That same week, Holly Robinson Peete, who exited the daytime talk show in 2011 following its first season, claimed that Osbourne had complained she was "too 'ghetto,'" and alleged that it played a role in her departure." Yeah, because nothing says "ghetto", like Holly Robinson Peete, lol. <extreme eye roll>
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