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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. He's a disgusting human being. The brief appearance by his father several seasons back showed that he has a classic tree/apple symbiosis with the old man.
  2. Let's be honest, with or without the black spandex, it is painfully clear that Kathryn does not allow mirrors in her home. My husband has often remarked about her that when professionally styled, she is a gorgeous woman, but when left to her own devices, she's a real woof. This from a man who rarely comments in such a manner, and who isn't married to a trophy by any stretch.
  3. We know he's not particularly discerning about with whom he shares his DNA, so there could actually be several little potential trust fund brats out there. Their mamas would have to a) remember his face, and b) get permission from their pimp to go after him.
  4. I realize you're talking about streaming, but didn't the FCC or some governmental agency mandate something about the volume changes between commercials and programming (on broadcast/cable television)? This was years ago, maybe 90's? If I'm correct, then it didn't stick, because it is still a problem. Also annoying is the volume disparity between dialog and music/sound effects in a given show.
  5. De Niro To me, 'throuple' denotes the players, and 'threesome' denotes an act.
  6. My newly retired husband now has little to do but peruse his phone, alternating with television viewing, and my days have become training sessions on what and what not to do/click/push/scroll. So far, we've only received one package that "was ordered by accident". I check the bank account daily, I'm trying to be patient, as I know this was never his "thing", but his health didn't allow him to continue working, and we're left with this. He's retired, I'm just tired, lol.
  7. Mike and Pat should know, she being the well-traveled connoisseur and he being...a place holder on this show, that many if not most well known vodkas are actually distilled from grain and not potatoes. I actually prefer the taste of grain vodka over potato vodka. the-real-difference-between-grain-vodka-and-potato-vodka
  8. If I remember, Do was looking to get licensed in Mass, so they'll be in different states, though it could still breed competition.
  9. Sounds like a couple of challenging kitties you have there. Above my pay grade, lol.
  10. These are two of the prettiest cats I've ever seen. Nacho (red) and Stella Flay, Bobby Flay's Maine Coon kids. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdY2BFFpvS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link note-I don't know what changed, but I can no longer get IG links to automatically embed. I use the IG 'copy link' feature, but this is all I get.
  11. If she would just friggin say "olive oil", she would actually save a syllable from that damnable 'EVOO' nonsense. I'll make up my own mind whether or not I choose to use extra virgin, virgin, or dried up hag olive oil, K Rachael?
  12. Has your cat been to the vet? Have you discussed the problem with him/her? Could be behavioral, could be some sort of eating disorder perhaps?
  13. Dorinda vs Ramona / Real Estate showown? rhony-star-ramona-singer-is-getting-a-new-job Seems some of the ladies are seeking alternate/additional sources of income. Did their Bravo paychecks shrink? Has Ramona been put on notice perhaps? Inquiring minds...
  14. You're quite welcome! Yes, my Pearl (white/calico) does like to chew, but not so much destructively, moreso on plastic bags, mislaid cellophane and things like that. You know, things that end up in a pile of steaming cat yak, lol. Onyx (black) shows indications of having seasonal affective disorder during the fall and winter months. She tends to seek out lamps under which to hang out. We live in a part of the country that is under a permacloud for about 4-5 months yearly, and the ambient light seems to help her cope with the lack of natural sunshine, which she loves to lay in. I don't know if this could be your kitty's issue, but something to think about.
  15. My girls Onyx & Pearl, helping wth the laundry - My favorite Thanksgiving dog/cat meme - (been around for years - you may have seen it before) Here's a whole page of turkey pets IceMiser69 - pets+dressed+up+as+turkeys
  16. I find both of these hosts to be nice enough people. The humor is not always so funny, but being an American, that is often the case with Brit humor. I mean no offense, just a different sensibility. I'm sure the same is true the other way 'round. I don't see why two hosts are needed in the first place, but it's not my show to decide, lol.
  17. He made me giggle, often. I'm known to call my husband 'Norm', not after George Wendt's character on Cheers, but because DH's malapropisms are legendary, and would compete with Mr. Crosby's. Rest in humor Norm.
  18. Another option - shrinkpictures.com Scroll down to this dialog box Choose the photo, click on the 50% or 25% option, hit then red 'Resize', scroll back up near the top of page to where it says "Download this picture now". Click on that, then search your download file for the resized image. This may not be the same procedure for Apple products. Never used them so I'm not sure.
  19. So do we think she's selling her residence because she's been run out of Chicago on a rail, or because she's broke, or both? I'm thinking humiliation could be a factor. I wasn't overly fond of her when she did the Kitchen Crashers show, but having watched WCR a couple of times now, I understand that she is full-on annoying. Quite impressed with herself and her design prowess, despite all evidence to the contrary.
  20. My pet peeve is that there isn't enough humor in the world right now.
  21. We actually had to reboot our dishwasher once too. Made me wonder if the first time I replaced the control panel I was sold a bill of goods to the tune of $175. I looked it up online when it happened again, on some appliance repair discussion board. Rather than pull the it out from under the counter, we threw the breaker to reboot.
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