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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Well, I was mostly observing that I can't imagine her having normal human emotions over the breakup with a man, lol. The photo was secondary.
  2. Two things. First, I'm having a difficult time imagining BF so affected by a break-up that she would starve herself more than she does on a normal basis, and secondly, I'm not sure when that ^photo was staged taken, but it hasn't been sleeveless dress with strappy shoes weather in the east for a while now, so it may not be a post-Paul pic. Or maybe it is.
  3. My issues with poor grammar are based in curiosity (see also; judgement). It's the simple errors that affect me the most, like saying "we was" and "I seen". I'm unable to understand how anyone can graduate from elementary high school not knowing how these things should be communicated. How is it that those grammatical errors grate on me like the proverbial fingernails on a chalkboard, but don't trigger a small seizure in the offender? I'm not nearly as accomplished as many of you on this subject. There are probably several errors in this post, lol.
  4. I'm probably not remembering when others did it, but I especially noticed how David was encouraging and complimentary when another contestant did well. I wanted to mention that. He seemed genuine when he did it.
  5. Knowing her penchant for the "any press is good press" PR mindset, I have a bit of trouble swallowing this^. I don't follow the Kardashian/Kardashian adjacent entourage, but it seems to me that he has primarily had 2 lengthy (by left coast standards) relationships in the past what, 10 years? That's not awful. Cocaine/substance abuse issues are serious issues true enough, but I would think that a parent "concerned about his baggage", would also have first been concerned about a daughter with an eating disorder entering (being encouraged into) the modeling industry. That's just me.
  6. Same. Was also not a big fan of Sandy, alone or together with Noel. I just don't feel like the concept of having hosts, particularly comics, is necessary or even appropriate. Maybe, maybe someone to quietly roam among the bakers when they're at it, narrating or something, but so far, they've all been a bit awkward. ...bake! indeed.
  7. Yes. This and other extremely difficult/nutty challenges seemed as thought they were intended to show how spectacularly contestents could fail, rather than how well they could perform them.
  8. Clearly that moratorium has been lifted? I'll say again how absolutely delighted I am that Bryn bears no resemblence to her mother, and is an uncanny doppelganger of her father.
  9. Hey, c'mon now. Don't undersell us. Not all of us believe that one has to have Chicklets for teeth, all lined up like little neon white soldiers. p.s.: have you seen Pru's teeth?
  10. Overall, though I was/am happy that the season was made, I'm left feeling it was sub par. If the logistics due to Covid are the the cause of that, then so be it, but for me, I'm feeling like the challenges are mostly to blame, and the hosts contribute the balance. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but all of these architectural (read: piled high for no reason) bakes just don't do it for me. I would have no more eaten that gelatin goo than I would kiss a bathroom floor in Walmart. It felt like some of these challenges were just inane. Add to that the nonsensical ramblings of Matt & Noel, and I just didn't enjoy it as much as previous years. Even with all of that, I will be happy when the next season pops up on my Netflix!
  11. Oh my. Rinna's gotta love this. Almost like being a Kardashian. amelia-hamlin-is-thankful-for-scott
  12. That is horrifying. I'd have to text her back, informing her that she's been hacked by encryption coders.
  13. Jillian Michaels came for Andy Cohen and Teddi Jo. jillian-michaels-reignites-feuds
  14. Resume' virtually exploding with quality bullet points. instagram
  15. Try trolling second-hand shops for a replacement, perhaps you could find an inexpensive coat on ebay or Etsy, just for the belt. You could appear totally stylish and choose a belt of another style & color. For example, choose a 2" or 3" black leather belt, then find a fabulous lapel pin in black (I'm assuming the coat is the classic khaki/tan color).
  16. I've only watched this episode, and only half watched, so I'm not clear on the Craig renting thing. I thought he owned a home or two in the area, why would he be renting anything?
  17. This is not a phenomenon limited to the south. 4-way stops are the bane of drivers everywhere, topped only by roundabouts, which are relatively new in my area, and have yet to be mastered by at least 75% of the population. I wish I were kidding.
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