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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I'm biased because I have always been anti cruise, but considering cruise news for the last several years, I'd be better off just licking the floor in a Walmart bathroom.
  2. . . . are why he keeps getting invited back. *cough*ratings*cough* People love to hate Josh. <with good reason>
  3. Predator? 'Cuz I'm totally getting a Red Headed Woodpecker vibe, lol!
  4. The girls - Onyx and Pearl on their favorite perch, the clothes dryer when it's running.
  5. Ramona is a horrid person and Mario won't be canonized any time soon. Avery is doomed. Maybe NYC society is doomed.
  6. Vicky looks like road kill in that photo. She had better increase that cosmetic dermatology budget. Again.
  7. I understand that viewpoint. I've explained to my husband that if he should become homicidally angry with me, the evidence is in the cloud, and he will be convicted by a jury of his peers. I consider that a bonanza of value for a mere $40 bux. Plus the grocery list thing.
  8. Yeah, I've noticed that BG seems to be the biggest celebrity client that PK manages. I wouldn't think that percentage would keep Dorit in green juice smoothies, let alone finance that lifestyle. Maybe BG is the only client that cares to be filmed. The others may actually have careers.
  9. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I use it in very narrow circumstances. I do love dictating my grocery list to Alexa, an item at a time, as I run out or realize I have very little left of something, from across the room. I also will use it for timers/alarms, which also comes in handy. She's not very good at trivia just yet, and I'm hoping that will get better with time. By that I mean, asking a random question into the air and getting an answer. Sometimes, "she" knows the answer, and sometimes not. I did purchase an Echo-compatible outlet plug, and have a lamp plugged into it that I have her turn on when we leave the house. I'm not a luddite, but not exactly 'wired' either. Trying.
  10. Duh! Crunchy edges on every.single.brownie...for the win!
  11. Yeah, I did forget about Sonja. Freudian. I'm not a complete buyer of her financial story I must say. Lives pretty damn well for someone who has no visible means of support.
  12. Unless I'm mistaken, no one at that table needs the Bravo paycheck to sustain life. It's the Bravo camera they require. Braids and pink little girl dresses, no doubt.
  13. Especially Bethenny. She's such a cunning linguist after all.
  14. Pretty certain the lawyerin' income won't be a serious threat to the tax bracket, lol.
  15. Since this Dr. Jason Jenny is integral to this Minnehaha House drama, thought I'd post this here. Married with 5 kids. Ouch, right Nic? http://tcoralsurgery.com/jason-e-jenny-dds/
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