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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. You'll have to trust me when I say that I'm no prude, but the gratuitous sex and actor (mostly actress) exposing on this show is really inexplicable to me.
  2. Though strange and quirky were clearly characteristics that Shameless was born with, and are what drew me to it, I do find myself tiring of them and it. Through William H. Macy's undeniable talent, I have run the gamut of feelings for his Frank, but I now find that his verbose dialog makes me stabby and in search of the mute button. I don't think I'm alone in my unending curiosity about what the hell men in general find so compelling about Fiona, outside of the obvious willingness to hump anything that moves twice. My interest in her has continued to wane since about season and relationship three or four. If I had a dollar for every cigarette Lip smoked (only with thumb and forefinger thank you), I could provide for the Gallagher clan and their offspring in perpetuity. I don't really even know how I feel about the development of Ian's character, but I do sort of find myself a little meh about him. At this point, I think I'm most interested in the futures of Deb, Karl, and Ian. Guess I'm not alone there. I see maybe one more season, tops. What I mostly don't know, is whether the writers and producers would be happy or unhappy about what I just wrote.
  3. Try as I might, I can't cipher what you all mean by 'arcs'. Please to explain for the dummy.
  4. Further edit - read recently that the fires in the L.A. area were interrupting the filming of Flipping Out, so I guess there will be another season. I am a bit surprised.
  5. Aww, they should have cut that. Not nice PR.
  6. What the fresh hell... lol Must be Project Runway.
  7. The tears of a man who really, really, really thought he had it in the bag.
  8. That's the thing. These producers/judges aren't really interested in commercial viability, at least in my opinion. I've been wrong like 64 times today already, so...
  9. They showed them. You're right about M.
  10. If I were the judge: 4. Kentaro 3. Margarita 2. Brandon 1. Ayana I've surprised myself, but if you were to throw the names in a clothes dryer, tumble them around, and pull out name after name, I'd probably be okay with whatever order they came out. Pretty sure I'm firm on #4 though. Sadly. eta - Boy I nailed that.
  11. I guess it's not a random coincidence that Heidi is the only one of the four judges wearing color, while her colleagues are all in black.
  12. My only experience with Alabama (recent), was love bugs, so that State is not on my radar for any kind of longevity, lol. Hope it's going well and that you're enjoying yourselves.
  13. I'm on an island here, but I'm not mad at Mark for using his own song. It was a good song, it worked for the routine, and hell, if the producer's allow it, why not?
  14. I'm not devastated by the elimination. Boy, she handled it like a real pro didn't she? <cough>
  15. Yes, a thousand times yes! I shouldn't be, but I'm irked by the naming of clothes as modest. There have always been women who dress more provocatively than others, yet I don't see a fashion category called immodest. There have always been women who want a more covered wedding gown than others for example, whether for religious reasons or simply personal preference. It's a reflection on current societal trends to label every.damn.thing.
  16. I guess I didn't know there was a name for not dressing like a Kardashian or a Real Housewife. I've been schooled.
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