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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Wait a minute...so you're officially a full-timer!? I'm so jealous. That's terrific. I would love to see those bears! (from a respectable distance) Are you intentionally going off the grid (teevee wise), or just in an area that doesn't get reception? I have so many questions! lol
  2. I can just see her refusing to use the more clinical/effective options in the interest of fayshun.
  3. What is, things I say 50 times per day Alex. We're becoming a nation of global illiterates.
  4. Maybe she thought the boots could serve the role of compression socks? Who knows.
  5. Don't forget the Harvard Razzy-worthy performance when Ryan announced his engagement/impending fatherhood.
  6. Just talking to myself out loud here, but perhaps she was so crazed about defending him because she didn't want any sticking points in any agreements/decrees. May have been afraid of how a judge would see it? Wow! She looks fantastic.
  7. I haven't seen any rhetoric that would indicate this is temporary. They're dunzo, should be dunzo, and will be better for the dunzo. Really sorry for the girls.
  8. A music video for a violin soloist. How happy am I!?! (hint: I am)
  9. Aah. Thanks for the info. Yeah, I see no asset to the show with this family. At all.
  10. I never heard the backstory on this, but I know that there are parents who name their kid based on critical logistics of conception. I'm waiting for some vapid celeb to name their kid Two Fifteen October Seven Cristal.
  11. @ElectricBoogaloo - Thanks for explaining the Día de los Muertos custom. I feel I understand it better, and I can see why some would prefer it not be used as a costume.
  12. Yeah, she pretty much redefined kooky and inappropriate.
  13. Yeah, not buying that excuse at all. It could be anything really, but the fact that she came back to finish the show and didn't go see a doctor right away almost makes it seem like she knew why it happened. Hope she's not just blowing it off. It looked pretty serious to me, especially the way she said a nonsense word, then just zoned out before falling backward. TIAs can be like this. A moment of bizarre, then back to normal, but they're a huge warning sign of something more serious.
  14. It seems to me that many characters from many cultures are used by peoples of other cultures for various purposes. Santa Claus comes to mind as an easy example. While I don't think it should be offensive if not done in a disrespectful manner, I am not surprised if it is, given the social climate.
  15. @Fishy - did you see this?! Looks really concerning imo. wendy-williams-faints-on-live-tv-during-halloween-show Not sure if this link shows it, but it's all over the web.
  16. It's interesting to read everyone here, as it seems many of you have knowledge/experience in dance. I am strictly a two-left-footed viewer and big fan of this show. As such, I am always surprised and slightly annoyed when 'stars' who clearly have dance experience/acumen are selected, even though I know they are not always the winner. I don't know what Jordan's previous experience is, but he obviously has it and a bunch of it. Doesn't make me dislike him, in fact I love to watch him dance. In my head, the show concept is to take novice celebrities and turn them into reasonable ballroom dancers. If that is the case, then it is hard to argue against TO, Drew, or Frankie. My favorite is Frankie, because I appreciate his enthusiasm and work ethic. That may be unfair to someone like Drew, who may have those same traits but just isn't as expressive about it. TO has definitely made improvements, but for me, the loveable (or not so) NFL'r-turned awesome dancer thing has been done. To death. Vanessa and Nikki seemed of equal talent/improvement to me, but I couldn't seem to get invested in either of them, dunno why. I am extremely skeptical of Victoria, at risk of seeming heartless. It's amazing to know what she has conquered and is accomplishing, just not into her for some reason. I really like Lindsey and wouldn't be upset if she won it all. I am not a fan of the team dances, ever, so I really didn't pay enough attention to either of them to be able to critique, but just on a visual scale, I preferred the Phantom dance. I appreciate all of you, who help me to understand a bit of the technical part of the show, and to see it a little differently than I would otherwise.
  17. My side eye has become in the back of my head eye over this.
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