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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. If you're wondering what my bad ass quotient is, (you know you are), I parallel parked a Chevy Suburban in downtown Chicago like a boss! First time, no do-overs. We were all cheering and high-fiving, right up to the point that the Officer casually walked up to the passenger window to tell me what a great job I did, and to "move this bus", you can't park here." Sunday morning - church only parking. Ah no, I wasn't attending church, as hard as that is to believe.
  2. I didn't think that final product looked any more pink than many cat food products I've used in the past. I know, it's just a prop. You owe me a new laptop. #coffeecontamination
  3. Wow really? Color me surprised. Unfortunately, Leanne is the Tamra, Ramona, Nene, of Dallas; the antagonist cementing her role with every episode. Hopefully, she'll become the Brandi Glanville and vaporize. I was amazed when this franchise was renewed and I still am, but I definitely can see the other cast members working to make sure that contracts and the show are bumped into a 3rd season. They're all spreading their mean girl wings.
  4. Kelly Dodd is on my top 25 list of vile human beings. And moving up.
  5. So, this Kameron alien...has she said on what planet she originated?
  6. Agree. I'm not expecting a sea change. I'll give the new store a once over, but I'm not expecting to add it to my regular rotation.
  7. That was my first thought too.
  8. A Hollywood theme with a casting 'starlets' vignette? lol wow I'm guessing HW's casting couch won't be represented. Timing.
  9. Your experience is very similar to mine, although I'm sure ours had meat in some form...I remember hams 'n such. Anyway, everyone over there>> makes it sound worth trying again. I'll give 'em one more chance, lol.
  10. Regarding Aldi's Apparently, I need to drag my hubs and go back there. I've been maybe twice over the course of 10 or 15 years, and I just didn't get it. Starting with paying to use a shopping cart, and browsing through products I didn't recognize nor really have any interest in, IIRC. I'm going to clear my preconceived notions and give it another go. Our local store is being rebuilt as we speak, and should be finished by the end of the year I think. I'll try it again.
  11. Oops. RBR disorder. (Responded before reading) I sort of agree. Sacrificed authenticity for tolerance a bit maybe? Same here. She's not up there yet...
  12. I don't recall the scene you're referring to, but on another telecast this week, I confused the word fiance' with Beyonce. Thinking that word could have been used here too? Yeah, she's not gone yet...
  13. Going to be a rainy, somewhat cool day here today. Should pollute my lawn with more leaves, after having spent a couple of hours on Sunday cleaning them up. The downside of Autumn. Anyway, here's a couple of snuggle pics to keep us warm~
  14. I actually think that she and her parts look pretty much tortured in everything she wears. Girl definitely has no body image issues!
  15. On camera. We only see a very small pct. of what is filmed.
  16. ...earning scale. Isn't it customary to use the same surrogate when possible? I'm not sure, just asking. It would be interesting to see if she considers a 2nd for them.
  17. I was less put off by that than I was her traveling to Zikaville Florida. That seemed nothing short of irresponsible and shallow, and at the potential expense of her unborn child. All for teevee $$? No comprende
  18. Just me, but I would bet that the surrogate, Alex, watched every episode of FO in an effort to learn about these two, Jeff primarily, before the contract was drawn. If she did, then she knows perfectly well what kind of character she was dealing with. Could be a big reason why Gage was the primary contact. I have a unique sense of humor also, and I don't think I would have said it, nor would I have loved having it said about me, but I didn't sign the contract. js ymmv
  19. I can't like this enough. I'm not educated enough about human development or psychology to be able to opine about whether or not the lack of a relationship with the biologically related egg donor will negatively affect anyone's life, but I believe it is a fallacy to adhere to the principal that having one will be an emotional/spiritual asset absolutely. I think there's a whole lotta grey in between these two notions, based on personal experience, which is what I have to go on. ymmv
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