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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Yeah, if I were going to judge him strictly from what we've been shown, I'd say his only redeeming characteristic is his earning power. There are more fish in that sea however.
  2. Many folks (read men) won't go get a colonoscopy, but they might just put a smear on a card and throw it in the mailbox. It's a case of sumthin's better than nuthin'. One of the most treatable cancers when caught early. <climbs down from soapbox>
  3. I'm on an island. That commercial get me to sniffin'. Art imitating life?
  4. Cauliflower is a twice-a-week event in our house. I have a hubs who will only eat veggies starting with the letter 'C'. Not really, but cauliflower, corn, cabbage (note the lack of green) are the least objectionable for him. Holy flashback! I remember these ads very well.
  5. Sounds very much like the Charmin ass-wiping bears campaign. Oops! PBR disease. (posted before reading). GMTA
  6. Except, I'm currently still giggling at this one - woefully inadequate at parenting
  7. It's an all-encompassing website with DIY tips, decorating tips and they sell home products. I'm probably leaving stuff out, but basically, that's it. Ack!!
  8. But before you do - Are we siblings? Why wasn't I told? I grew up thinking that vegetables grew in grocery store freezers.
  9. Brand new to this forum, so forgive if I'm redundant. My stabby ad of the moment is the Allstate ad with the dad driving and complaining out loud to himself, that his family is on their devices and ignoring him. He's proud that he has saved enough money being a safe driver to get a rebate, which he hides from his wife and buys golf clubs. So, how nice that we give you some of your hard-earned cash back, so you can hide it from your wife. Out of spite. Excellent.
  10. Lots of potential reasons; one being that in today's text it or forget it mindset, 'KFC' stays in the mind and rolls of the tongue easier and more quickly.
  11. You weren't vague - I'm just not as versed as some on QVC's history I guess. I will check out that 'commercials' forum! Thanks!
  12. Well stated. I hope your health is good and that your future is bright. Yeah, for those questioning the reason for Lydia's return...I give you Nobleman.
  13. Absolutely. The magazine is a thinly veiled prop/excuse for the trip.
  14. To be honest, these shows are filmed what, like a year in advance of airing? Still a bit quick to be so far in, but for Icky, it makes sense. What with her love tank and all. Motorboating in the gigantic tatas?
  15. True. Should have been more specific; Peggy's linguistic spirit animal.
  16. Wow, that's something about the daughter. I have a couple of Quacker things - couple of tops with (gasp!) grommets, and a pair of capris with the same. No bedazzling or embroidery or anything like that for me. I didn't watch Jeanne enough to be bothered by her I guess, I just remember being bugged by the ever-present forehead band (same thing Mama Gendel used to do). Never could figure that one out.
  17. It's a sign that your husband, the one with a 3rd wife by the age of 44, isn't really invested in your family. ymmv
  18. So she's Armenimerikuwaitinese. Got it. FTFY. I know what you meant. She went to school. She learned that being a nice, quiet little sweetheart wasn't conducive to receiving a Bravo contract.
  19. Peggy's spirit animal - The RHO formula for a renewed contract.
  20. I've been wondering if he was following the Kelsey Grammar playbook from the very beginning. Give her a distraction, get a chippy, hire a lawyer. Not sure why he deviated from plan with the vow renewal, but I think he's back on course. I don't wish it for her because I don't think anyone can play act that kind of crazy, but in the end it will be better for her and her family for them to be splitsville imo. Hope your health is heading in the right direction! Best to you~
  21. I have watched very little of this season, but I was under the impression that Peggy's surgery was for preventative measures, not as a result of having cancer. I'm probably wrong about that, but because I believed that to be so, I thought it was extremely unseemly of Bravo to have this storyline subsequent to the Brooks mess. Need more information. Where they at a high-end children's resale shop?
  22. Oh. I didn't realize that the daughter also died. Sad.
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