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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. It's probably just me, but this commercial gives me happy.
  2. I've been meaning to ask what this is referring to? Are you speaking of JB's death?
  3. Here too. We were binge watching last season's finale through the first two of the new season. Unfortunately, because a couple of posters on another forum spoiled the plot, I knew Linda was dead, but didn't know how/why. We started up Episode 1 of the new season, and she was already dead. I gave the hubs hell for screwing up the on-demand, lol. Very, very strange. Sort of makes me believe that the actor/show runner relationship did not end on good terms.
  4. Agree. Wonder if he's so tense because he scared to death. Scared that his role with Monroe is the only thing even close to locking down his future. Off topic somewhat, but remember when he was doing the sit down after they toured Versailles and the warehouse, and he seemed filled with doom...almost like a battered spouse...said he/Gage would "pay" for all that clutter - that Jeff would need to compensate for it somehow.
  5. I didn't really think it was much of a finale either. Enjoyed the baptism, but the Zoila stuff was already settled, and I wasn't invested in Cat so don't really care that she left.
  6. Yes. Just like when a little one falls down - often the first thing they do is look to their parents to see their reaction, in an attempt to guage whether or not they should be scared and start wailing.
  7. Maybe he stopped using his own goop, lol.
  8. I agree that he comes off much better than when I've seen him hawking his wares on QVC. When selling, he's very rapid-fire, terse, and robotic to the point of unlikeable for me.
  9. I too was taken aback that Zoila wasn't at the baptism. Her being out of the country makes sense. I wondered if it was because Laura was there, or if she was pissy because she wasn't made Godmother. Neither of these reasons would surprise me. It was a beautiful part of the episode, and I'm glad they chose to share it with us. Gage didn't appear to participate in the verbal part of the ceremony, so maybe this is yet another concession he made to Jeff. I really do feel like he's going to get his heart ripped out of his chest one of these days by Jeff. Jeff will get a couple of kiddos, and that'll be all the human interaction he will need...bye bye Gage. Hope I'm wrong. Was it just me, or did the finale of this episode have a bit of we're done with this show vibe to it? Wouldn't surprise me. I think JL is probably at the point that the income from Bravo isn't significant enough for him to be bothered with it. We'll see. That was odd to me too, but they really do sort of seem like parents of convenience. They probably didn't want to risk her screaming through their luncheon. eta - sounds harsh, I know...more than I intend, just don't know how else to say it I guess.
  10. Pretty sure I caught a glimpse of her, and she was labeled as Jeff's sister-in-law.
  11. Yeah, maybe I overreacted? lol I just really don't care for her. Like at all.
  12. Where do I begin - Because she's an entitled, sneering little wench that gives off a huge mean girl vibe? ymmv
  13. Wow. Huge surprise that Nene Leakes didn't bring in a huge audience to save the show. <tongue is pushing a hole through my cheek.>
  14. Watching the video, it almost seemed like the raccoon was meh about the kitties, but they wouldn't leave his side. So sweet.
  15. blind-raccoon-brought-kittens-to-his-human-friend
  16. I have watched this show from the first season, and I am really drawn to it. Partly because I have an affinity for home design/decor, but mostly because of the odd 'family' dynamic on display. I relate to and appreciate Jeff's sense of humor, but I am very uncomfortable with his management style. His expectation that people should get over it when he berates them because it's how he's always been, makes me stabby. I would imagine that the disclosures and clauses in the Flipping Out / Jeff Lewis Design work contract are voluminous. If we were to believe only what we're shown, none of his relationships are mutually beneficial beyond financial gain for the other party. It's hard to imagine that every single person in his life, be they family, friend, or work colleague, would tolerate his tantrums and just his general demeanor. I want to believe that the editors don't want us to see the soft side of Jeff Lewis. My sometimes waning faith in human nature demands it. Side note - The short seasons and long waits between them really frustrate me about this show. I'm assuming JL dictates this. Must be a money maker for Bravo.
  17. I'm waiting for "don't forget designers, you need to take your models to the Pennzoil hair & makeup room in one hour, and be sure to make thoughtful use of the Ducks Unlimited accessory wall." It's getting out of control. Is their sales force so weak that they can't drum up some sponsorships from relevant, trendy corporations? 'Cuz I'm available...where should I send my resume'?
  18. ...gave Heidi a woody, because we all know it's really all about her after all, and if she can't wear something that shows off her chromosomes, she's not thrilled about it. See also; loose interpretation, thinly veiled copy, completely unrecognizable from the PR garment, since it won't be remotely feasible to commercially market. But hey, Shopkins. I'm old enough to remember the first gazillion episodes of PR, when designers were consistently berated for creating a look that was "too costume-y". For me, another blurred line on this show when discussing avant garde. I kinda feel like avant garde and costume are kissing cousins, but perhaps that is why Ayana's wasn't awarded as the winner. Here too. And frankly, the best garment she's done imo.
  19. ICYMI - Cool story out of Denver butterfly-swarm
  20. Yeah, I saw that. So sorry. I'll take what I can get Stacey, lol.
  21. . . . working on my honey-do list. ? With my husband's permission of course.
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