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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Sarcasm. She's 45. If she were going to become pregnant without the assistance of modern medicine, it likely would have happened by now. Tommy's right - she should focus on her health, it's good if she's knocked off the booze, have her IVF before to much more time passes. Just because Annette Benning birthed at 50, doesn't mean it's a good idea for everyone.
  2. Walgreens just announced that they are setting up to close 600 some stores, mostly Rite-Aid stores. Makes sense if they're self-competing, but will still cause hardships for customers & employees. Too bad. Everything in retail is contracting, and will probably continue. I don't know what is going to happen to unskilled labor in this country. Scary thing.
  3. Recent photo from this week. Some charity event. No one will ever accuse Mers of having style.
  4. I think so. I don't look anything like Edith Bunker, I know that, lol.
  5. Right! I couldn't believe it. We have evolved a bit haven't we?
  6. My dad could have been the role model for Archie.
  7. They would probably be happy if she hooked up with a 3-toed sloth if it got her off the streets and off the liquor. I actually think the opposite is true. x 1000
  8. The shorter hair was much better on MJ, be it real or fake. The long hair wasn't real either, and it was awful.
  9. He's pretty much a story-less meathead. Yes! When the use of the word black is considered racist, we have lost ourselves more than I thought.
  10. Watching All In The Family reruns on LogoTV. This episode is season 9 from 1979. What floored me, is that in a conversation between Archie and Edith, she refers to him being 55 years old! Holy crap! Is that really what 55 yr. old working class men (and women for that matter) looked like in the late 70's? Geezus.
  11. Couple of thoughts - 1) Aldi should be paying us for all this free publicity 2) I really wish the Medicare enrollment period didn't end so soon. I would love to hear the dulcet tones of the guy in the Humana informercial for as long as possible. SAID NO ONE EVER! Ack!
  12. So cute! Adorable, though I could probably do without looking at that doggies 'X', lol.
  13. Aww...Fats Domino has died - http://www.tmz.com/2017/10/25/fats-domino-dead-dies/ R.I.P.
  14. Let's see...24 x 7 x 365 x ...
  15. And those are his best characteristics.
  16. In a failed attempt to make the hips/thighs appear narrower.
  17. ikr? Could...she...have.........tried..har..der...to....sound...like she knew what the hell she was talking about?
  18. I missed who she claims said it. Tamra? And she knows good and damn well it wasn't aired. Vile I tell you.
  19. Yeah, I actually back into my garage every day, so that my door opens into the gap between our vehicles, not the wall. It's a small garage, and I can snug up close to the wall and give us more room to move. My neighbors are always marveling at this, lol. Some folks are more comfortable doing it I know. My hubs won't even consider doing it.
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