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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Hoping all of you and those you love living in or near Las Vegas are safe tonight~
  2. Watched a show tonight for some reason, as it's not usually the sort of show I watch. The Murder Of Laci Peterson. Man, did they blow holes in that case. Sounds like there are several very valid reasons to appeal. I remember it very well, and I was convinced that he was guilty, which is ridiculous considering I only knew what made the press. If you get a chance to see it and have any interest in that sort of thing, give it a look. It's on Lifetime channel. Looks like they'll be repeating it several times tonight, and probably beyond that.
  3. Same here Booney! Eleven years, twice a month, and they act like this is some new torture every time, lol. How fun! I wonder if he's just that grateful to have the love. This is a local rescue org. that does wonderful work.
  4. For the cat people - They're trimming his nails. I had to share this amazing video. So sweet and so funny! Oh, and I had to share this too! w00t!
  5. Yes to both of these. I will say that the 'Crasher' shows used to have me up yelling at the TV, when these guys/gals were trying to find someone they wanted to bestow this gift upon, and the idiots would say 'no', simply because they couldn't be bothered? Yeah right. Let an HGTV camera crew rush up on me while I'm at Lowe's buying a $15 dollar plastic planter and see how fast I agree to be bothered by it all.
  6. Anyone have a good glaze/sauce for pork chops? I'm bored with the same ol' ones I've used. Note: Hubs won't do mustard, so that's out. Edit - nm. Cooked & eaten.
  7. As always @Cricket, wishing the best for you and Joe~
  8. Here's some more power company folks trying to get it done -
  9. Not putting words in anyone's mouth, but saw this on FB, and thought I would share for those affected -
  10. It's a long list, but this is definitely on it - (Yes, the meme writer had a calendar deficit) eta - actually, the 1917 clothing is pretty accurate, just the actor pictured would be wrong
  11. @imisspuddy Sending my wish for a peaceful transition for your mom. Take care~
  12. Words escape me, which is rare. Don't want to BS you with platitudes. Again, thinking of you.
  13. Best to those having troubles. @PearlClutcher, @Cricket - please know that we all wish the best of outcomes for you.
  14. We'll be in the panhandle of FL, Destin area. Looks like Harvey might cause rain and Tstorms damn near our entire way south from Indiana, and through the weekend.. We're driving, so that'd be just great, lol.
  15. I think it looks increasingly like our daughter's weather prediction is wrong. Every site I check with is showing rain or thunderstorms for pretty much the entirety of our trip. First vacation in 17 yrs, and gonna be raining. Can't complain I guess, as we aren't dealing with the Texas problems.
  16. I shall keep him in my thoughts. I just can't believe how much this situation harkens back to Katrina, including blaming the politicians. My heart breaks for these folks.
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