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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. @Cricket - One more row hoed. That'll be a helluva garden when it's all said and done. Wishing you both peace and wellness.
  2. The sleeveless dresses don't bother me, as long as they're conservative, but what gets me is when they wear them in December, January, February... We live in a cold/snowy winter region and seeing them in sleeveless dresses in the middle of winter just sort of screams 'sex sells the news too'.
  3. It seems the word has gotten out about the increase, and they're quoting a several weeks lead-time, but still...
  4. If anyone is interested, the Senior Lifetime Pass to US National Parks will be going up in price in late August. It is currently $10 (plus $10 processing), and will be going up to $80 next month. If I read this right, it is valid for the pass holder and those accompanying in a single vehicle. Not all parks charge a fee, but this would be handy to have imo. You have to upload an identifying document with the application (DL, passport, state ID). I just took a pic of hubs driver's license, and uploaded that. We may never use it, but I hope we will. Here's the link: https://store.usgs.gov/senior-pass eta - 'Senior' is 62+
  5. Then it sounds like the good doctor is contradicting himself. You could probably call up the episode on YouTube or something. I'm not saying one way or the other is correct, just weary of all the double speak in this category.
  6. So you're saying that managing Boy George isn't a full-time, bill-paying gig?
  7. I thought this was odd too. Very pregnant pause before she answered, then the vague answer. That plus she was starting to sound like 'old Katherine' again. (lashing out at Landon, etc.) Don't understand why anyone would think that 30 days of prohibition would 'fix' years of trouble. She looked stoned.
  8. I never watch Dr. Oz - too much controversy about his subject matter, and I'm too lazy to research. Anyway, happened across his show today, and he has a guest, a surgeon (of course), who is advocating for a lectin-free diet. (see link). He also proclaims that whole grains are bad, seeds and nuts are bad, and that ancient cultures threw these things away. Said we should opt for white bread and white rice. Not even kidding. https://selfhacked.com/blog/elimination-diet-safest-foods-people-sensitive-everything/ Further evidence that the medical/nutrition community either doesn't have a clue, or they'll tell us anything to sell something. Probably both. Edit - Guests name was Dr. Steven Gundry. Edit - Apologies to those of you in either of the above mentioned vocations. I'm a little cynical these days.
  9. @Cricket - Best wishes to Joe and to you for the coming week's challenges. The puppy will be welcome diversion, but a pistol too I'm sure! Stay cool~
  10. Oh yeah, forgot about that. I have prime, but haven't participated in that before. What's the story?
  11. I do this as well, but I must say that it would be nice to have it on my wrist sometimes. Often my 'working in the yard etc' pants don't have pockets, and I don't like the heaviness of the Otter case clipped on my waistband. I'm considering a fit bit, but I keep wavering on which model to choose, plus the prices seem to go up and down like the stock market.
  12. Gimme a break, I worked hard on that! lol ( ; I'm going to edit mine out, since your reply shows the photos. In the interest of ~ahem~ brevity.
  13. So this is obviously an ad for Saranghae, but the first part is interesting. $300k on goop? Yeah, probably. https://www.lovesaranghae.com/how_do_skin_creams_work.php
  14. Since I disparaged the surgeon profession upthread, I should also share when they do something right. This particular surgeon is and always was wonderful and we're lucky to have him, but still. So my hubs had his 3rd annual scan since his lung cancer was found and they removed a lobe of his left lung. Generally the scan is followed by an appt. with the surgeon's Physician Asst. a week or so later. They called hubs today to let him know that since there were no changes (yay!!), he could skip the appt. So they actually saved our insurance and us an expensive appointment, and for that (but mostly for the good news) I am grateful. My hope is that everyone experiencing these issues enjoys a similar experience, and the sooner the better.
  15. Welcome RS! Anytime you feel like jumping in, please do so. Only a few of us bite. ( ; The human and wild animal interaction/relationship is and will always be a blending of conservationists, casual observers, and full blown jackasses.
  16. Holy hell, that would require an undies change! Terrifying.
  17. I hear that. How does that saying go...'life is what happens when you are busy making other plans'. Says it all.
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