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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. It's a horribly distorted photo, but I can't seem to take my eyes off of Mr. Ken. Looks hawt!
  2. Way too 80's workout wear for me, as well as being a wardrobe malfunction just waiting to happen. Plus it's just gross, lol.
  3. It's not just housewives that commit this blaspheme. I've shopped several websites that employ the same tactic. I've wondered if it's a way to make their product line appear larger than it is.
  4. Josh has clearly learned the lesson that all one must do to further one's career, is lash out verbally against those in a position to further it. Well played Josh.
  5. How in the heck did I miss Barbara Corcoran? Though I mostly like her on Shark Tank, her disastrous appearance on DWTS gave a big ol' insight into her character. IMO, it's nothing to envy.
  6. Still hoping that another really old, wealthy, codger part deux will be in her 'audience', wherever that may be, and at whomever's expense. I continually vacillate between Sonja and Ramoner as to which one I'd pay to see scraped off of the front of a NYC bus. But I kid. No, really,
  7. Holy hell, he does look like Rahm!
  8. Yes, because 2's are often transposed for 4's by dyslexics. Said no dyslexic ever. If we were talking about 24 vs 42, then perhaps she would have a valid fib. But a single digit like this, completely leaving out the 3... Nuh uh.
  9. Then cooler heads prevailed and they decided not to lose their asses, and sell advertising instead. Sounds right.
  10. You sure she wasn't sent to GITMO? Bless her heart~
  11. Just saw the Cat Cora/Ran episode. I agree with whomever it was ^upthread that said the dresses were rather pedestrian, but they were flattering on each woman. As for the bride Rain - she was lovely, but I didn't think the dress matched the venue. Looked more formal/traditional to me. The consultant for Rain - is it Lisa? What the hell is with her self tanning? My gawd it's awful. In summary, what has become of this show? Two consultants riding an amusement park ride? Ugh. Just show me dresses. Dress porn is why we're here. If not careful, this will become the wedding game show, then will have to be moved over to The Food Network.
  12. Agree. If Ann could design a personality for herself, she would be easier to watch, and perhaps it would be easier to accept her critiques. I gave up on model sizing a looong time ago. Our society pretends to want more size diversity, but only with crossed fingers behind the back and a wink. ?
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