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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Not for nuthin' - As we all opine on this site, that's all I'm doing. If my posts seem to indicate that I wish to control the behavior of others, that is unintended. How y'all deal with deer (short of poisoning or something illegal) is your bidness. For me, I'll enjoy them and take pictures 'n stuff. As their population grows to problematic levels, our State will continue to have sponsored hunts, to take them back to acceptable numbers.
  2. Stretching for more ad revenue? I'm guessing, don't know a thing about it. I have the same complaints about food blogs with recipes. They spend 1,000 words romancing the idea of the recipe, posting photos of each ingredient, cooking implement, etc., before they actually get to the damn recipe. Scrolling is my friend.
  3. How much would like to pay for that? Will that be cash or check? Bitcoin can be negotiated.
  4. At the time of their courtship/wedding, I was a believer that they were mutually in lurve. If they were in agreement about having kids in the future, then I would imagine birth control was not being used. I think the wedding was probably sped up considering the dead rabbit, even though she practically leaked down the aisle. For me, the fatal blow to this union was his employment with her business. They both should have been smarter than that. I don't believe for a moment that he has been well behaved throughout the madness, but considering what I see from BF when she knows people are watching, I don't see how their relationship could have ended any other way. Or, ^^this^^ is all just naivete. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I need to push back on this. I'm no fangirl of Beth, but this appears to be a woman who would have zero issues with using a sperm bank to father her child. I've never bought into the "used him to have a kid" theory. Just my opinion.
  6. I'm thinking that he has a long standing reputation for not getting along with and/or treating his coworkers badly. I can remember reading about some troubles on the set of Chicago Hope. He has owned up to bad behavior from those days, but maybe not completely put it behind him. It's too bad if true, because I've always considered him a really fine actor (singer too)! I feel like he's a bit of a diva.
  7. Or Aerosmith's Toys In The Attic 8-track tape, which has a siren at the end of one of the songs (can't remember which one), that is a very unfortunate sound when one has just extinguished a certain smoking material (in 1976).
  8. That's what I thought too. Why I was thinking ears.
  9. IMO, it would have been one thing had he been able to walk in them like a boss, to use a tired phrase. But he was clearly unable to pull it off, and therefore looked like he was playing dress up. Sort of the definition of trying too hard. For me, the facial hair (which was more pronounced in the IG video) would belie any transitioning happening, wouldn't it?
  10. My motto when it comes to the local wildlife. I've learned to landscape and grow those plants that are deer resistant. There is a lovely stand of 10' tall arborvitae dividing my patio from the neighbors. The are bare from the ground up about 5 ft. Live and learn. I feel far more enriched by sharing the land with them, then by the impatiens that they love to chew. Don't get me wrong, I like impatiens, I just plant them in the front, where the deer don't roam. I'm not a vegetable grower, but if I were, I'd work out a way to keep them protected I guess.
  11. My hubs would kill (not me, lol) for a Dodge Hellcat. It's a 4-wheeled testosterone factory. Yours for $75,000 to $80,000. It's probably not his primary car, but could be.
  12. That look is abhorrent. It's truly as if she set out to look as neutral and homely as possible.
  13. I have them too, and love sharing feed with them! Your photo is so much nicer, lol. These darn cell phone photos are just too damn big, and I reduced these a lot!
  14. Obviously, I'm not privy to Kyle's finances, but I would be surprised if she made enough money as a child actor to amass much of a fortune independent of Mauricio. I know she has this "life story" project (ugh) working, that seems to have legs, but depending on when this condo was purchased for Kim (if it was), it was probably a gift ultimately from Mauricio. Doesn't matter really, at the end of the day, Kim's a user with no ability to find fault in herself. Only others.
  15. The Daily Mail link - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5480891/RHONYs-Sonja-Morgan-dances-dress-falls-body.html Sober LuAnn doesn't appear to have any problems with Sonja's behavior, right? This seems to be almost scripted behavior for the "Cabaret". Soul-selling ladies and gentlemen.
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