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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Nina was with Elle, and came to Marie Claire at about the time that PR underwent the change in networks, etc. (I think) I was thinking she was Creative Director or something like that for MC
  2. Yes, I mentioned legal consequences, but he shouldn't act like he didn't know the kind of money being spent, just in general.
  3. Thanks! I take no credit beyond a copy & paste of The Google.
  4. Is it me or does her hair near the part look really odd? Really thinning, and just weird looking.
  5. In her defense (eeks!), when the pattern has been established over a 17 year time span, any claims by him of her excesses tend to fall on deaf ears. As I stated ^upthread, I think the kind of support she is asking for is nearly obscene, but if he allowed it to go unchecked for the entirety of their marriage, it could hurt him in court, I suspect.
  6. An interesting, yet not surprising observation - Her instagram is completely populated with photos of her son. Slade's instagram has exactly one photo of Grayson, and it's a photo of the both of them. All of the photos on Slade's instagram are copyrighted with ©GraysonEntertainment. Pretty damn ballsy. Any hints we've had of Slade's participation in this young man's life appear to be exactly what they seem. Non-existant.
  7. Having an affair is loathsome, but not the only way to break a marriage. The only correction I would make to your post, is to capitalize The Affair. When it is a character's sole storyline, it should get the respect it deserves.
  8. I agree with your thoughts on rock as a genre. It's on life support. The problem with Rebecca Minkoff is that she isn't the Editor-In-Chief of Marie Claire magazine which not-so coincidentally is published by Hearst Magazines, which not-so-coincidentally also owns Lifetime Television, which broadcasts PR & PRAS, which is not-so-coincidentally produced by The Weinstein Company, formerly headed by Harv The Perv, who is not-so-coincidentally the soon-to-be ex-husband of The Lovely Georgina Chapman, who is no-so-coincidentally a judge on PRAS. And that's the problem with Rebecca Minkoff as mentor. I know you guys know this stuff, but it's kinda fun to see the giant cluster screw all written out isn't it?
  9. They will probably remove the lower portion where it attaches to the form fitting section, and make the adjustments there.
  10. Get out of my head! I would have been unhappy all the way to the penitentiary.
  11. She wants to meet her maker with a full tummy? Or, if there's going to be a rumble, she wants to be well nourished? lol
  12. @FreetheGirlses - That is absolutely beautiful! Fits you like a glove. Well done.
  13. Why do I get the idea that she (maybe they) like the idea of it being Smokey Robinson's former home? I can see her having superficial reasons for doing just about everything she does.
  14. Vivienne Westwood in all her... glory? Vivenne-Westwood
  15. The only reasonable shot at a re-do she will ever get, is if/when her son has children, and he allows her to be involved in their lives. That may not be a given. I would imagine that the guilt and remorse for abandoning him is what weighs on her psyche.
  16. I haven't been happier in my entire (considerable) life, than because hose was no longer required. Even when I was a trim younger woman, I wouldn't have called them comfortable. I never wore the type that was used with a garter, so can't speak to that, but if I were younger, I would dread the day that wearing stockings once again became the norm. p.s.: I don't think there is a rule for the severity of topics in Pet Peeves. Post at will!
  17. I agree for the most part, excepting only that I don't know what his demeanor is/was before the show started. He strikes me as a man who lets everyone else do the talking and emoting. That said, it really does take two to make and break a marriage. I would never condone looking outside of the marriage for fulfillment, but Shannon was/is pretty self-involved in that marriage, at least by what she's shown on-camera.
  18. And some people aren't happy, unless they're unhappy. I had a SIL that was pizzed at the world because her mother divorced her (abusive) father and remarried, resulting in my husband, her 1/2 brother. They were 10 years apart, but she truly did love him. However, she all but shunned his kids and grandkids, out of jealousy for the attention given them by her mother. As I type this, I can't even believe how humans treat one another sometimes. She died a bitter, not very old woman, of congestive heart failure. I've considered it congested with hate and disappointment that she refused to shed.
  19. Exactly. It's the 21st century, and this poor, defenseless, can't fend for yourself BS is tired.
  20. You've just explained why it's a good one. Built-in obsolescence will pretty much rule out anything newer than that. That's how I do most of the upholstered surfaces, lol.
  21. I would agree if I thought Shannon could conduct herself as if they weren't in a War Of The Roses remake. I don't trust that she wouldn't drop a snide comment or six, while filming.
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